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Global Ascension Ceremony ~ Monthly Invitation


October 17, 2024

Always the 3rd Thursday of the month 

Hello All!

This is a reminder for the Ascension Ceremony for Thursday, October 17, 2024.  Sue and I are looking forward to all of you being a part of this Ascension Ceremony. 

If you have never attended an Ascension Ceremony, we suggest you read the information regarding the Ascension ceremony in the ‘Seven Sacred Flames’ book (chapter 4, Ascension Flame) or Volume 3 of the Telos book (chapter 15).  You may also find the Ascension Ceremony information in ‘The Ascension Flame of Purification and Immortality’ book.

Marie and Sue are looking forward to all of you being a part of this Ascension Ceremony. 

 Ascension Ceremony 

The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-775-8972;   Code:  445613 

Or you can use 1-302-202-1116;  Code:  445613 

October 17, 2024

The times are:  7:00 a.m. (HST-Hawaii standard time);  10:00 a.m. (PST);  11:00 a.m. (MST/Arizona);  11 a.m. (MST);12:00p.m. (CST); 1:00 p.m. (EST);  6:00 p.m. (Wales, U.K. and Ireland time/GMT); 8:00 p.m. (Russian/Ukraine time/MST);  7:00 p.m. (Spain time/CET);  8 p.m. (Israel time); 7 p.m. (Germany time/CET); 7:00 p.m. (France time);

10:30pm (India time/IST);2:00 p.m. (Brazil Standard Time); 1:00 a.m. (Perth, Australia); 3:00 a.m.(Friday) (Australia/AEST);  2:30 a.m.(Friday) (Adelaide, Australia);  1:00 a.m.(Friday) (Taiwan time); 7:00 p.m. (Cape Town, South Africa); 7:00 p.m.(Italy);7:00 p.m.(Netherlands); 7:00 p.m. (Belgium time); 1:00 p.m. (Venezuela Standard Time) ); 

7:00 p.m. (Gauteng, South Africa);  2:00 a.m.(Friday) (Japan/JST); 1:00 p.m. (Chile/CLT);  7:00 p.m. (Denmark); 7:00 p.m. (Sweden); 11:00 a.m. (Guatemala City, Central America); 1:00 p.m. (Quebec, Canada);  9:00 p.m. (Baku, Azerbaijan); 3pm (Argentina, South America); 2:00 p.m. (Buenos Aires, Argentina);  11:00 a.m. (Alberta, Canada); 7:00 p.m. (Poland); 8:00 p.m. (Finland);6:00 p.m. (Portugal).)


Ascension Ceremony

Sound Gong 3 times to open the energy.

  1. Invocation opening prayer
  2. Grounding, tuning and protection prayer.
  3. Opening invocation:Page 34 in Ascension book
  4. Ascension Seat: 

All will sit on Ascension seat while holding a crystal and state their prayer of intention at the same time.

We will allow approximately 5 minutes.

  1. All will Aum 3 times. Following that I will ring Tibetan bells 3 times.
  2. Invocation:

Pass out juice or water and have everyone hold their right hand up while invocation is given.

invocation is on page 37 in Ascension book. You will be informed when to drink your juice or water.

  1. Special Prayer
  2. Final prayer and thank you prayer.

10   Ring Tibetan bells 3 times to close energy.

Many blessings,

Marie Phillips and Sue Parry
Marie Phillips (mariep@comcast.net
Sue Parry (suemparry@uwclub.net)

*****Click here for the Ascension Ceremony  agenda and guidelines.

Offered by Marie Phillips (MI) and Sue Parry (UK). See Contact Information above. This is a personal and planetary ceremony with participants from several countries around the world. A beautiful connection!

Books may be purchased at mslpublishing.com

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Telos Groups ~ Check the Calendar

If you would like your Study Group or Ascension Ceremonies listed on the front page of our website, please contact us.

Painting by Dr. Alan Walden DC

Saturday Telos Teleconference Call

NOTE: If this site has not been updated please check  telosuk.co.uk


Hello Everyone!   Much Joy, Peace and Love to All!   

Marie and Sue have recorded the Saturday Telos call of October 5, 2024.  It is now available to listen to using the following phone number and code: Phone number: 1-302-202-1115   Code: 20371466 


 This Saturday, October 12, 2024, we will join together as one heart on our Teleconference Call.  We look forward to sharing the energy of Divine Love from our heart to your heart.

 The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-775-8972;   Code:  445613 

Or you can use 1-302-202-1116;  Code:  445613

 The times are:  6:00 a.m. (HST-Hawaii standard time);  9:00 a.m. (PDT);  9:00 a.m. (MST/Arizona);  10:00 a.m. (MDT); 11:00a.m. (CDT);  12:00 p.m. (EST);  5:00 p.m. (Wales, U.K. and Ireland time/GMT);  7:00 p.m. (Russian time/MST);   6:00 p.m. (Spain time/CET);  6:00 p.m. (Germany time/CET);   

6:00 p.m. (France time); 9:30 p.m. (India time/IST); 1:00 p.m. (Brazil Standard Time); 2:00 a.m. (Friday) (Australia/AEST);  12:00 a.m. (Friday)  (Perth, Australia);  2:30 a.m.(Friday) (Adelaide, Australia); 12:00 a.m. (Taiwan time);  6:00 p.m. (Italy); 6:00 p.m. (Netherlands); 6:00 p.m. (Belgium time); 

12:00 p.m. (Venezuela Standard Time) ); 6:00 p.m. (Gauteng, South Africa);  1:00 a.m. (Japan/JST);  1:00 p.m. (Chile/CLT);  6:00 p.m. (Denmark);

6:00 p.m. (Sweden);  10:00 a.m. (Guatemala City, Central America);  12 noon (Quebec, Canada);  8:00 p.m. (Baku, Azerbaijan);  1:00 p.m. (Argentina, South America);  10:00 a.m.(Alberta, Canada);  6:00 p.m. (Poland);  7:00 p.m. (Finland)).

 Each week Adama, Aurelia, Ahnahmar, the Elders of Telos, the Chohans of the seven rays, Angelic realm, Emissaries of Light, and Ancient ones of the Mu ship offer their guidance through the offering of tools, allowing the heart to bring forth the vibration of Love to all.

 This week we are doing a Telos prayer call. It takes place the second Saturday of each month. The theme for this prayer call is ‘Freedom.’ Please have your ‘Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames’ book with you if possible. If you do not have ‘The Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames’ book or other Telos books by Aurelia Louise Jones, you can find them on https://mslpublishing.com/.

Marie Phillips and Sue Parry look forward to sharing the guidance, energy, and vibration with all who join us on the call.  We ask that each person as guided on the call have a grounding stone, or crystal with them.  We are all surrounded with such high vibrations on the call that it is beneficial to stay grounded so we can be present to receive all the Blessings and Pearls of Wisdom being given to us.  

We look forward to being in our hearts together on this call.

If you are interested in receiving the weekly emails concerning the Saturday call, please send your email to either Marie Phillips or Sue Parry as listed below.

With Love and Blessings from Our Heart to Your Heart, 

Marie Phillips (mariep@comcast.net) and

Sue Parry (suemparry64@gmail.com)

The Telos Books and The Seven Sacred Flames books may be purchased at MSLPublishing.com


Also check our Contacts Page. Click on Study Group/Ascension Ceremonies for locations.

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Telos-USA Summer Newsletter 2024

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Telos-USA Solstice Newsletter


Greetings Everyone,
As Harvest time draws to a close and the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky, the world slows to a quieter pace, awaiting the dawn of Spring.  It is a time of rest and a time of quiet solitude, reflection.  It is a time for us to celebrate life and the hope of returning light to Mother Earth.  

We’ve been told to expect this time of chaos as we move up from third dimension to fourth dimension, but why is it so hard?  Mother Earth and humanity all around the globe are struggling right now.  It is difficult to stay positive when it seems everything is falling apart.  Don’t give up, for there is Hope.

Darkness will always be defeated by the light, whether it is revolving around night and day or going from the negative to the positive.  Thoughts are things, so your investment in viewing our future world with tranquility is a wonderful way of passing the time.  It honors your energy and the energies of others.  Participating actively in making the world a better place to live also charges the air, the energy around us, sending infinite love to areas in distress.

Remember that chaos draws from us the desire to seek better solutions.  As we improve ourselves, we help improve those around us.  Raising our consciousness can create better answers, bringing new inventions that may produce fulfillment and prosperity for a planet in need.

We already have the keys to our own Ascension.  The more we use them, the better we will become at keeping them in our hearts and using them. In TELOS 3; Protocols of the Fifth Dimension (chapter 14) by Aurelia Louise Jones, Adama speaks about love: “Love is not a word.  It is an essence, a power, a vibration.  It is Life!  …the supreme element in all existence.  …Enough intensity of love can heal and transform anything.”

We are ready for that transformation.  Our beautiful world needs us to bring forth that amazing Golden Age.  It is time to step forth in practice, changing one person at a time, as we reach for this magnificent goal.  You are champions of the Light-never forget that!  Together we can completely revolutionize the dynamics of humanity. Study, use your tools, including all the TELOS BOOKS, and step into the new circle of Peace, Power, and Love that will benefit everyone. 

Blessings and gratitude to all of you! KEEP SHINING YOUR LIGHT!

Jennifer H. Lutz
Telos-USA Board Member


“It is now time to completely heal the past and embrace a brand new
Paradigm of Love, Limitlessness and unprecedented Grace
for your life and for the planet.”
The Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia Louise Jones


Telos Weekly Conference Call:  Facilitators:  Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly. The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-775-8972;   Code:  445613  For more information: www.lemurianconnection.com.

Global Ascension Ceremony    Every 3rd Thursday of the month. Next ceremony December 21st. Please contact Marie Philips mariep@comcast.net or Sue Parry suemparry@uwclub.net for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!  

Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies Check Telos-USA for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony, please contact Telos-USA 

Happy Solstice! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
The Telos USA Team
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Telos-USA Fall Newsletter 2023



While we have no idea what the Lemurians of Telos may think about the latest
outbreak of man’s inhumanity to man, it’s sobering to reflect upon horrors they
experienced in the destruction of their continent. For those of us familiar with
the teachings of Telos there are some hints as to what could be our best
response to what is happening in Ukraine, Gaza, Israel and other conflicts
around the world.

Surprisingly, an interesting clue can actually be found in the process by which
the Telosians construct their homes. The technique they use is explained in
Volume 1 of the Telos books, Part 2. At one time they built their
homes like we do with blueprints, plans, and various building materials but
now in their 5th Dimensional reality they use their thoughts, intentions and
sustained focus to create the physical reality they desire.

As fifth dimensional beings, they create anything they want. First they decide
specifically what kind of house they desire. Then using their mind and heart
they visualize crystalline-like stones layered up to fulfill their design. The actual
manifestation follows when they shift their focus to generating a feeling of gratitude
while imagining their desire already completed. It is this heart energy that brings
about the ultimate manifestation that occurs with the densifying of the light from
which the stones are created until the desired opacity is achieved.

From this illustration we can see a creative way to approach the atrocities
unfolding in Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, and the other trouble spots in our world. To do this, the
challenge for us is to turn our attention away from media coverage of the
suffering. Instead, we’d do well to turn within and consciously use our creative
imagination to envision a peaceful outcome and the end of the violence. The
final step is using our heart energy to generate gratitude for the perfect
manifestation our mental picture already completed.

A useful tool as an analogy is the old Polaroid cameras where we’d see the
image just seconds after we took the picture. The key here is that it took just
seconds for the image to register on the film. Applying the analogy to the world
situation, we can envision a simple image that represents solutions, peace, end
of hostilities etc. and then hold that image in mind for just a few seconds and
then release it to do its perfect work. Holding your image for 33 seconds is
ideal as 33 is a sacred number. (Christ was on the earth for 33 years,
33 passages of Resurrection etc).

This technique is powerful and requires that we abstain from media images of
suffering which can defeat our efforts and actually serve to add fuel to the fire.
This plays out in our personal lives as we become aware that where our
attention goes, energy goes. If we find ourselves engaging in human habits like
criticism, judgment, blame, condemnation and gossip, then we become part of
the problem. Like the gospel song says, “Let peace begin with me.”

Our Lemurian brothers who experienced the worst of humanity no doubt are
rooting for us in the midst of our current challenges.

William Johnson
Telos-USA Board Member

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2023 Summer Solstice Newsletter


Summer Solstice; a time for celebration after the exciting activities of Spring
planting. The Earth’s tilt towards the sun is at its maximum. At noontime in the
Northern hemisphere the sun is at its highest elevation. The farther North you
go, the more daylight hours you will experience.

The Solstice reminds us, at this time of year, to reflect inward, touching your
heart for growth and evolvement. As we wait for Spring energies to fully bloom
inside of us, we pause and reflect on our past endeavors. Have we expanded our
consciousness through enlightenment? Summer Solstice is the 2nd phase of
Earth’s trip around the sun; a beautiful time to honor the Light within.

As was mentioned in our Spring Newsletter, it is time to step up our participation
in creating our new Golden Age. This involves amplifying our group consciousness
using the “Cosmic Blue Ray and the Diamond Shining Love of the Violet Flame”.
By using these decrees, we have succeeded in raising the consciousness of those
around us. Our goal is to increase the momentum that is needed to reclaim our
emotional bodies and remove old doubts and fears. We must develop trust and
confidence in ourselves that we set in motion earlier. As we nurture each other,
we find purpose in developing a new process. This new goal includes bringing in
more government officials who have awakened to a 5th dimensional sentience of

This lovely time of year finds us transitioning from the planting (of seeds, ideas,
new challenges) to gathering the nourishment (of food, awakening knowledge)
that our sun (higher self) brings us. It is part of the spiritual growth plan that
everyone eventually experiences- a continuing journey from sleep to
enlightenment. This time of year is perfect to work on ourselves and find
meaning to our lives.

As we honor Summer Solstice, we can shift our attitudes of anxiety and
worry, release our negative feelings and reactions, and thus embrace our expanding
consciousness of love.

Re-focus your attention on what is truly important. Find your purpose in life.
Reflect on a bigger scale of goals than a simple singular one. Ask for Divine
guidance to release you from your old beliefs or viewpoints. Praise yourselves for
journeying on this precious path towards the God within.

Continue to use your own heavenly affirmations, prayers, and The Seven Sacred
Flames (by Aurelia Louise Jones) to open you to greater powers and freedom.
And never forget to be grateful for all that you have received.

And for one moment just bask in our sun’s nourishing rays, absorbing its energies
in every cell of your being, knowing that you are shining your own beautiful Light
out on our beloved world in need.

Jennifer H. Lutz
Telos USA Board Member


What you “become” as a divine being incarnated in a human experience
remains with you for eternity…
Start speaking less and pondering more the wonders and splendor of the God-within.
Adama, Telos Vol. 3



Telos Weekly Conference Call:  Facilitators:  Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.
The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-775-8972;   Code:  445613
 For more information: www.lemurianconnection.com.

Global Ascension Ceremony    Every 3rd Thursday of the month. Next ceremony July20th. Please contact Marie Philips mariep@comcast.net or Sue Parry suemparry@uwclub.net for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!

Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies

Check Telos-USA for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony, please contact Telos-USA

Happy Solstice!
The Telos USA Team

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2023 Telos-USA Spring Newsletter

(It’s still snowing in Mount Shasta!)

Greetings friends,

Recently we have witnessed an increase of democracies around the world being threatened, both from within their own governments and from foreign enemies such as Russia which has devastated Ukraine. Israel is in midst of turmoil with protests against some leaders’ intent on compromising their constitution while we in the United States are faced with a dysfunctional Congress and corruption in our Supreme Court. These challenges are well known thanks to competing media outlets.

There is an existential threat most people are NOT aware of and that is the subject of this newsletter asking for your help and participation. Globally we have wonderfully helpful and positive things that make our lives so much easier than for our ancestors. Aircraft, ships, power plants, hydroelectric dams, trains, reservoirs to name just a few. As wonderful as these things are, in the hands of the wrong people they can be lethal as in aircraft flown into the Twin Towers in NYC. With increasing frequency, we are seeing how the sinister force works through those who gain power and influence in order to instill fear and doubt into our feeling bodies so the masses will not accept the reality of Angels and Ascended Beings in our midst.

Great Cosmic Beings, Ascended and Angelic Beings are aware of the individuals who have plans to use valuable assets against the people in order to destroy democracies, millions of people and so much infrastructure, all to support the dream of autocrats of the world seeking complete domination and control.

Our friends upstairs said in the 1930s, after Master Saint Germain had connected with his messenger, Guy Ballard, on the slopes of Mount Shasta, that there would be intervention “if necessary.” Well, that time is here and now, but by Cosmic Law it requires our participation. Saint Germain’s I AM students were taught the Power of Decree and that is what we are called to do now as there can be no intervention without the request from a certain portion of humanity.

The Masters and Ascended Beings have developed a master plan involving various phases to remove these destructive beings. We learned of this through Mother Akasha’s Radiant Rose Academy. Other spiritual groups and organizations that are aware of the use of the Sacred Fire are being informed so that we can all make the same decree for their intervention.

 The first level of intervention is to free the emotional bodies of the mass of people from doubt and fear. This involves the use of the Cosmic Blue Ray and the Diamond Shining Love of the Violet Flame.

The call is as follows:

Beloved Mighty “Mighty IAM”, Great Cosmic Beings, Great Ascended Host: 

I call upon you to Blaze the Cosmic Blue Ray and the Diamond Shining Love of the Violet Consuming Flame into the emotional bodies of the mass of the people of earth and consume all discord, doubt and fear that may be in their emotional bodies.  I Thank You.

Amplification Decree

Great Ascended and Angelic Host and Beloved Silent Watchers! “I Am the Resurrection and the Life of these calls, and all constructive prayers, decrees, songs, visualizations and intentions of all Divine Dispensations and good-hearted people on the Earth, NOW Amplified 999 times 999 TRILLION by the Master Power Heart Flames and Sacred Fire of the Ascended and Angelic Host, Eternally Sustained.”

Second level of Intervention:  

My Beloved Mighty ‘I AM’ Presence, Great Cosmic Beings, Great Ascended Host:

I call upon you to blaze Miracle Manifestations of the Sacred Fire Control and Authority over and around every constructive activity, that removes destructive individuals who are trying to use them against the people.

I Thank You.

Amplification Decree 

Great Ascended and Angel Host and Beloved Silent Watchers!  “I AM the Resurrection and the Life of these calls, and all constructive prayers, decrees, songs, visualizations and intentions of all Divine Dispensations and good-hearted people on the Earth, NOW Amplified 999 times 999 TRILLION by the Master Power Heart Flames and Sacred Fire of the Ascended and Angelic Host, Eternally Sustained!”


The goal is for our decrees to create the momentum they need by June 28th to remove all fear and doubt from our emotional bodies by the end of August as which time the second level of Intervention will be underway to remove from the Earth the sinister ones intent on planned destruction.

No doubt our Lemurian friends in Telos will be supporting our efforts. Thank you for making this call with us. Those of us familiar with the Telos books and the Seven Sacred Flames and the booklet Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames will notice the brevity of decree they want us to use. They deliberately wanted it to be clear, concise, and focused.

Written by William Johnson
Telos USA Board Member

May the Joy of Spring and the amazing energy shifts uplift us all,

The Telos-USA Team


Remember the Telos Weekly Conference Call with Marie Phillips and Sue Parry every Saturday.

Check below for the phone number to connect and the times in your area.

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Telos USA SPRING EQUINOX 2022 Newsletter

Greetings, Everyone. 

Welcome to Spring Equinox 2022. 

As our ever-changing world scrambles for the voice of freedom from so many different sources, we say prayers of reverence and gratefulness to a globe in evolution.  Will we break this circle of chaos?  In the Telos books by Aurelia Louise Jones, she tells us that our brothers and sisters from Telos declare a vibrant “YES!”
It is good to experience change.  It is good to try and improve what we have.  But we know in our hearts that violence is never the answer.  Our Inner Earth family has also experienced transformation and learned thousands of years ago that negative revolutions cannot bring about a positive difference.  There are records that tell us about the wars between the Lemurians and Atlanteans where two beautiful continents were destroyed and now rest at the bottom of the sea.  They quickly learned that it took a heart-centered consciousness and the collective consciousness of civilization to create a land built on love and peace.  The efforts of all were great in order to generate a political design that initiated an armistice of harmony and amity among the peoples of the earth at that time.  In order to find that peace, they had to travel down inside Mother Earth.
Spring Equinox is the perfect time to start on this journey.  Now it is our turn to find that same design; to learn to live and cohabitate together, working as one unit, to reconcile and re-create a pristine world built on love!  As we learn the ancient techniques that are taught in Telos, Volumes 1, 2, and 3, we find that they apply to any era that we live in.  Our Inner Earth families, the great masters, our planetary relatives all want to see us succeed in this endeavor- indeed, they insist that we will be successful.  We have but to raise ourselves to a heart-centered consciousness and spread this good will as we communicate with others.
Now is the time, dear ones, with new beginnings.  The grass is growing, trees and plants are budding, and the bears are coming out of hibernation as the Great Mother awakens again.  It is time for us to wake up, too, and embrace the love “that makes the world go ‘round.”  It is time for the next Golden Era to begin.

Rev. Jennifer H. Lutz
Telos-USA Board Member


“Return to nature, dear ones; it will not fail you.

Open your heart and consciousness to the other kingdoms of the Earth.

You will discover how magical and harmonious they are. ~ Adama



Telos Weekly Conference Call:  Facilitators:  Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.
The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-775-8972;   Code:  445613
Check the website for further information. We support this helpful call to so many.

Global Ascension Ceremony    Every  3rd Thursday of the month. Next ceremony December 16th
Please contact Marie Philips at mariep@comcast.net for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!

Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies.
Check our website for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

For purchase of The Telos Book Series , The Seven Sacred Flames  and other books by Aurelia Louise Jones go to MSLPublishing.com.

Happy Spring Equinox!
The Telos-USA Team

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2021 Fall Newsletter

View this email in your browser

In the midst of national and global turmoil and divisiveness, we may find some hope and encouragement in revisiting some of the transmissions Aurelia Louise Jones brought forth some fifteen years ago from Adama, the High Priest of Telos, and Cusco, who similarly as one of the ancients, presides over the Council of the Elders in the City of Light three miles beneath the surface community of Machu Picchu.

While Telos has no surface presence, the ruins visitors see on Machu Picchu are what was left of the Inca Civilization that was wiped out by Spanish invaders. Unlike Telosians who have always lived within Mount Shasta, those living in Machu Picchu during the time of Lemuria lived above ground until Atlantis and Lemuria were destroyed. Later they rescued many Inca and invited them inside the mountain where they preserved what was left of their culture.

As Cusco explained it, “The way we live can very much be compared to the way of Telos. Our creation process is by thought just as it is in Telos. Though every city has its own particulars, all ascended cultures live on the same universal principles, and the way of life is not so different from one city to the other.” All live in peace and harmony with each other and with nature. Those living in Machu Picchu are particularly dedicated to doing what they can to preserve the rain forests so critical to oxygen in our atmosphere.

During one of the transmissions (Telos Vol 3, Chapter 8) Aurelia asked what their homes were like. Cusco explained, “Most of us live in pyramidal-shaped homes made of crystal materials created with our minds. Many of our public buildings and teaching places are circular in shape…  In Telos, it is rather the opposite. They live in circular homes and most of the buildings and gathering places are pyramidal, and always conceived from elegant imagining.”

Throughout the Lemurian teachings we read that all creative activity begins with Consciousness operating in accordance with Universal Principles that the Christ explains in precise language in a book we’ve mentioned before, “Christ Returns, Speaks His Truth.” Regrettably, the masses of humanity are not aware that we alone are creating our realities.  That’s why in these challenging times we are urged to monitor our thoughts and the feelings of our heart so that we are consciously creating our personal realities no matter what is going on in the outer world. Otherwise, we are but contributing to more personal, national, and global crises.

As Galatril, an Atlantian, said in the “Message from Posid” (Telos Vol 3, Chapter 7): “There are no victims in your world today. All the situations, global and personal, that you encounter in your daily life have been called into manifestation because you have created them. The greatest challenge you now face is to balance your own desires to harmonize with the greater good of all. Each of you must understand completely the power of creation that you hold in each moment.”

Would that we could wave a magic wand and have the minds and hearts of all world leaders permeated by Truth of our Existence revealed by the Christ, and by the Lemurians and Atlanteans who learned the hard way how they created such disaster and the loss of two continents.

Written by William Johnson
Telos USA Board Member

The Power of Creation is in YOU…

Telos Weekly Conference Call:  Facilitators:  Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.
The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-775-8972;  Code:  445613
Go to Telos-USA for further information. We support this helpful call to so many.

The Global Ascension Ceremony ~ the 3rd Thursday of each month. Go to Telos-USA for more information. You may also contact Marie Philips mariep@comcast.net and Sue Parry suemparry@uwclub.net for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!

Study Groups, Ascension Ceremonies and Classes
Check out our website for groups, classes and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony, please contact us. We will be happy to help you.
To purchase The Telos BooksThe Seven Sacred Flames and companion booklets by Aurelia Louise Jones go to MSLPublishing.com

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2021 Spring Newsletter

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Greetings Everyone,

This spring we seem to be revisiting the same energies we struggled with a year ago: Covid, to vaccinate or not, racism, political battles, divisiveness, and the usual litany of discord.  Those of us familiar with the Telos material may recall an enlightening discourse given by an Atlantean Master through Aurelia Louise Jones. It sheds an interesting insight into our world today.

In Telos Volume 3Protocols of the Fifth Dimension (Chapter 7) Galatril speaks on how in Atlantis they got caught up in self-centered activities and the destructive use of atomic and crystalline energy, which ultimately destroyed their whole continent. Atlantis had become a civilization out of control. It had become disconnected from the nurturing and compassionate energies of the heart and soul. Many Atlanteans had become concerned only with the pursuit of knowledge and power at the expense of truth.

In the words of Galatril some twenty years ago, “Your world today is facing very much these same issues. Your present-day leaders are being questioned about their conduct and their motives, just as we questioned our leaders then. And the answers that you are receiving are not striking a harmonious chord with the music of your souls. The words your leaders speak may in some instances sound correct, and the sentiments expressed may seem genuine. Yet when you examine them with the only meter that you have, your hearts, you know that you are being fed illusion, deception, and treachery. And you know that this illusion can no longer stand, as your Creator has decreed the “New Day of Light” for this planet.

“Just as we created our own veils of illusion in the time of Atlantis and thought that we could play with the energies of creation and manifestation without consequences, so have you placed blinders on the effects of your own misuse of energy.”

They were speaking not of our damage to the environment nor were they speaking into the information manipulation taking place in all our media as a method of mind control. They were speaking of the misuse of emotional energy on this planet, our own emotional bodies. In their time they attempted to override their emotions with the mind, forgetting that our emotions are the conduit to our hearts and souls. Truth is felt with the heart, not through the influence of ego.

They say, “You have been awarded a substantial opportunity to bring the full force of God through your emotional bodies. You are able to imbue these energies with the uniqueness that each of you possesses. This uniqueness is a direct result of the emotional colorings that you have developed lifetime after lifetime in the electromagnetic and crystalline grid of this planet.”

Two thousand years ago, Master Jesus tried to teach the laws of creation and existence, but even his Disciples did not understand what he was saying.  In recent years He returned and through his recorder revealed in detail the nature of Universal Father/Mother Consciousness and specifically the 9 aspects of Creative Mind and Power with which we create our realities be they constructive or disastrous. In His introduction to his book, Christ Returns Speaks His Truth, He says, “Because people are on the threshold of a world crisis of enormous proportions, it is vital for survival that I, the Christ, should reach all who will listen. You know little of the true processes of creation in which you, yourselves, play a major role. It is imperative you understand them sufficiently to enable you to embark on the implementation of a higher vision for all humanity.”

In reading Christ Returns, one can gain a better understanding of how our Telosian friends live, and through Christ Consciousness create realities not unlike those created by Jesus to demonstrate the Truth of Existence to his followers. In the past we have referenced how the Telosians create their world without physical raw materials as we do. Christ Returns makes clear how they do it. No mystery, just the conscious use of the Universal Laws of Creation and Power.

In our current situation we do well to remember the advice of our Telosian family to keep our personal energy and vibrations as high as possible by mastering our thoughts and emotions no matter what is happening in the outer world. Only then can we be part of the solution rather than contributing to the global discord that the Powers of Nature are mirroring back to us, our spiritual ignorance of the immutable Universal Laws of Creation.

Written by William Johnson
Telos USA Board member

“It is now time to open yourself to all that is possible as a new way of seeing, perceiving, doing and being.
Be ready and willing to live in the now moment, without expectation, and open yourself to all the magic, majesty,
ease, and beauty that is awaiting all of you who step into the fifth dimensional way of being.  Adama~

Telos Vol. 3, Protocols of the Fifth Dimension
Chapter Four, p. 60


Telos Weekly Conference Call:  Facilitators:  Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.
The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-775-8972;  Code:  445613
Go to Telos-USA for further information. We support this helpful call to so many.

The Global Ascension Ceremony ~ the 3rd Thursday of each month. Go to Telos-USA for more information. You may also contact Marie Philips mariep@comcast.net and Sue Parry suemparry@uwclub.net for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!

Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies.
Check out our website for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony, please contact us. We will be happy to help you.

To purchase The Telos BooksThe Seven Sacred Flames and companion booklets by Aurelia Louise Jones go to MSLPublishing.com

The Telos USA Team

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2020 Winter Newsletter

View this email in your browser


Ahhh, blessed winter; a time of inner reflection, peace, and Hope; Hope for a future brighter than our most ardent prayers!It has been a thought-provoking year; one for the record books. On a positive note, this changing time has shown us what we want to build on for a better future. It has been righting wrongs and exposing old concepts that we need to improve upon.Imagine, in your wildest dreams, of visiting a planet where everyone works together to keep their planet clean, hunger-free, disease-free, and full of love for their fellow man. Imagine a place where you are always welcome and accepted for who you are! This is the true gift of giving: hearts full of friendship and sharing, a land full of prosperity. Everyone is dedicated to the wholeness of the Great Mother and all her children.Adama, the High Council of 12, and our dear friends in Telos will tell us that we can change the world! It is up to us- our thought patterns and our devoted activities- that will create a new world full of love, compassion, and harmony. Through the raising of our consciousness and actions of unity, we will unite our home with tranquility. What a gift to present to ourselves, our planet, solar system, and galaxy! We will become a united front; an Earth worthy of teaching and raising global awareness.This is what we wish for you; this is what we HOPE for every living thing on OUR MOTHER. This is what we give to you. Through the upliftment of all of us, we can accomplish miracles. We have the ancient teachings of Lemuria, as presented to us in the Telos Books by Aurelia Louise Jones. Our brothers and sisters of Telos, and the other great kingdoms of Inner Earth, as well as our wonderful space family who watch over us, offer their guidance, wisdom and love while cheering us on; encouraging us to step into our true rolls of caretakers on Earth, compassionately working side by side. KEEP SHINING YOUR LIGHT!

And a blessed Solstice to all!

Written by Jennifer Lutz, Telos-USA Board Member


“If you want to assist this planet,
the most important thing
is to let go of your fears,
surrender with Love to what is,
and let go of all judgments.“~Master El Morya
Telos Series Card Deck


Telos Weekly Conference Call:  Facilitators:  Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.
The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-775-8972;   Code:  445613
Check the website for further information. We support this helpful call to so many.

Global Ascension Ceremony    Every  3rd Thursday of the month. Next ceremony December 17th
Please contact Marie Philips at mariep@comcast.net for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!

Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies.
Check out our website for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

For purchase of The Telos Book Series , The Seven Sacred Flames  and other books by Aurelia Louise Jones go to MSLPublishing.com.

Happy Solstice and Happy Holiday Moments~

The Telos-USA Team

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Telos Two Minute Contemplation Videos

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Two Minute Contemplation Video

HOLD PEACE AND LOVE IN YOUR HEARTS by Galatia of Telos; Quote from Chapter 12, TELOS VOLUME 1, REVELATIONS OF THE NEW LEMURIA by Aurelia Louise Jones- a loving reminder of who you are.

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Message from Adama

Transmitted by  Denise Laberge
Telos Worldwide Foundation


Your Inner Universe is a Fertile Ground


I AM Adama, the Faithful One,

Faithful to all whom my heart has loved for a very long time

Dear Beloved of the Light, it is an important time for each of you to truly examine the way you treat yourself, the way you consider and see yourself.

Are the thoughts that you hold when you think of yourself always infused with love? What language do you use when you speak to yourself or when you observe yourself? What is the nature of these words?

Why is this important?

If you took some time each day to really examine yourself, to listen and feel these words that are inside of you, you would quickly discover the nature of the inner beliefs that you still hold about yourself and about life.

Why is this important?

To help you more deeply understand this question, I could also ask you these next questions: Are you happy? Do you find life beautiful? Your life beautiful?

You see it’s entirely due to your way of thinking, of judging, of deciding, of comparing and of believing that has right up until this very moment defined your life exactly as it is right now. And so we ask, is it important to be aware of each thought that can either nurture or deplete your life as they emanate from you?  You cannot see as we do how these thoughts and beliefs color every aspect of your life. It is these very thoughts and beliefs that make you feel life the way you do when you first open your eyes in the morning.

Spring is a wonderful season, a season of renaissance. Why not take advantage of these energies? You inner Universe is a fertile ground. Your thoughts, your beliefs, your wounds, all of these are part of your inner Universe/ground and all these energies are malleable, you can manipulate and transform them to change your life!

This spring, you can use the Flame of Resurrection to re-activate and resuscitate your perfect life (blue print of perfection). Know that the image or ideal of your perfection is alive within you. Visualize the Flame of Resurrection, visualize its golden orange color envelop you and feel the perfection that you are for all eternity expand within you. Let it transform every aspect of your life, all your thoughts, your beliefs and your entire inner Universe.

With infinite love, I AM Adama, the eternal heart of living light

Message transmitted by D. Laberge – received March 26, 2018

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Message from Adama

A Message from Adama 

Transmitted by  Denise Laberge 02/21/18
Telos Worldwide Foundation


Understanding Life

I AM Adama, the Grand One

Indeed, are we not all Grand, each one of us an example of the Flame of Eternal Life ?

  • I Am aware of who I AM
  • I Am aware of the Love that radiates within my heart
  • I AM aware of the Life that manifests through me

To attain this level of consciousness, Beloveds, I had to one day stop and make a choice. I had the choice to continue my life as I had been living it for ages, or to make the choice to walk into the unknown, into the true frequency of the Life within me with determination and a deep faith, while knowing that by choosing this path I would not walk alone, but accompanied by all the dimensions of Life that would sustain me. These dimensions of Life include all the visible and invisible manifestations from which I had been evolving. This choice that I had made at that moment was the culmination of much research in this great adventure of life for which the goal was to understand Life, my Life. To understand Life, these very simple words that are often shrouded with great mystery for many of the children of the One Source here in incarnation.

I could also alternatively write: understanding Source, understanding Love, understanding Joy, Understanding Freedom. All of these expressions speak of a perception of what defines a part of Life. I could also write, understanding pain, understanding sadness, understanding despair; these perceptions describe other aspects of what can define Life. And finally I could write, understanding the shame that I feel once I evoke certain cellular memories or certain spoken words, or understanding the Joy that shines in my eyes when I contemplate the face of my child, or when I contemplate the bond of love that unites me to my little cat. Understanding Life, my dear children, real Life, is to know how to welcome all these colors, all the flavors of Life that are manifesting themselves in your life, or rather in your interior Universe and to know deeply within you that all of this is part of your Life, of the real Life within you. All of this is part of your learning and is part of the path that leads you to your perfection.

You have the power to choose and to play with all these colors and flavors and vibratory frequencies. Your Life, my dear children, is only and will always be, all that is occurring inside of you, meaning your manner of choosing and of living your energies. These energies that are your emotions, your thoughts and your perception of all that surrounds you. Your Life is your interior Universe and nothing more. I invite you to explore it. All that inhabits your exterior life exists for one single goal, to help make you aware of the nature of this interior Universe, that is to say, what you have accepted to believe and this from your list of perceived truths, truths that are unique to you!

Because you are One with the Great Life, you are the incarnation of this Universe of infinite possibilities. All is possible to the Great Life that lives within you. I invite you to open your heart to this Truth: you are a child of the All that is possible.

I am Adama, the Grand One, recognizing and admiring the Grandness that lies within you.


Message transmitted by D. Laberge

(If you have any questions for Denise, you may contact her at  telos@telosinfo.org)

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January 2018 Message from Adama

Message from Adama for January 2018, received Jan 5th, 2018

The Ardent Flame of your Heart


I Am Adama, the Wise One

I salute you dear Children. At the beginning of this New Year, I am addressing myself to the part of you that is thirsty for Light and Love. In the center of your heart, there is a burning chalice, the one that is fed by the Great Life. This chalice is in need of your attention and your love so that its heat and its potent fire can envelop and transform you.

Yes, the energies are present. Yes, Mother Earth is accelerating her vibrational frequency and yes, Love will reign in this world. There are many affirmatives that are supporting you and yet….what are you still missing my dear children, before you can feel that you have the power to walk on water and to manifest your dreams in this world?

What is missing is this ardent flame, this love of life, this admiration in front of the magic of life that is unfolding all around you. In 2018, you will need this burning chalice to welcome with grace the winds of change that will blow on you and all around you. In 2018 you will need this ardent flame to welcome with grace the winds of change that will blow over you and your world. You are invited to nurture this inextinguishable flame within your heart, the flame of your faith and of your determination. While reading these words, do you feel the living embers of Life in you or do you feel the cold of the ashes too long cooled from lack of fire?

You have accumulated a lot of experiences, made a lot of choices up until this day. Choose the effervescence of Life, of Faith, of Courage and of Determination. Maintain the ardent fires of your dreams, of your hopes, knowing that you are for all eternity, guided by the infinite love of the One Source. Nothing has been left to hazard in your life: your lessons, your challenges, your choices, all of this has been prepared and planned with great Love.

You are the magnificent project for which you have been born.

In 2018, I invite you to realize that all this is around you has only one function:  to help you to discover the beauty you hold within you and the power that resides within you. I now repeat to you: you ARE the goal of your incarnation, the ultimate goal, all the rest is but accessory.

Do not allow exterior events to extinguish the fires of your Life. Maintain this living link that unites you to the Great Life with awareness. Have faith and move forward with an unshakable faith.

With Infinite Love, I AM Adama, your brother.

Message transmitted by Denise Laberge
Telos Worldwide Foundation, Montreal

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In case you missed our Holiday Greeting

Hello and Happy New Year 2018~

In case you missed our December mailing…

Holiday Greetings, dear friends.

It seems like 2017 has whizzed by as the Winter Solstice is upon us once more.  As we in the northern hemisphere continue to have increasingly short days, it may be interesting to contrast our experience as surface dwellers with that of our Lemurian family living in Telos. In as much as Telos has its own sun, the length of their daylight hours remains constant as does their moderate temperatures.  While we on the surface have put our gardens to bed for the winter, food is continually produced hydroponically in Telos.

Whether we come from a Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, or Christian background, all of us long for peace on Earth and good will toward men.  For that dream to be ignited and reawakened, we are challenged to look beyond the chaos, violence, pain and suffering so rampant in the world.  We must find within ourselves the Peace, the Light, and the Love that Buddha, Jesus, and all the great masters who followed the Christ Consciousness, brought to our modern world.  The rebalancing of Light and Love, of mind and heart, and of thought and feeling awaits all of humanity. Our friends in Telos have shared their wisdom on how to achieve this so that we can become the way-showers, achieve our Resurrection, and do our part to return our planet to its pristine condition. They lived through similar times that we are experiencing now, but improved upon it as we can do, creating the wonderful 5th dimensional world they live in now. They monitor our progress from within their beautiful sanctuary beneath Mount Shasta, and look forward to the day when they will be able to meet us face to face.

The Telos Book Series, plus The Seven Sacred Flames, by Aurelia Louise Jones are tools that will help us navigate the changing tides of our planet.  As we learn to invoke and use the Rays for purification and positive goals, we can assist our human family while stepping into a more enlightened atmosphere.
May the Light of God that never fails and the Love of God that always fulfills, be upon us all, and our world.


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Autumn Newsletter 2017


For the Lemurians living in Telos, the highly advanced civilization beneath Mount Shasta in northern California, the Solstices and Equinoxes are a time for celebration, three days of celebration in fact, that include families, friends and visitors from other 5th Dimensional cities. For most of us surface dwellers the Fall Equinox is just a date on the calendar when the hours of daylight and nighttime are equal and is a prelude to our Thanksgiving Days in the United States and Canada. The major difference between us
and our Lemurian friends inside the mountain is that

while our thoughts go to Thanksgiving on one day in November, the Lemurians live each day as a celebration of life, of love and gratitude for the limitless bounty, beauty and grace they enjoy everyday. While they live in peace and harmony with each other, it is important for us to know that they also live in complete harmony with the Powers of Nature and the Forces of the Elements, even to the extent that animals that are carnivorous in our reality are vegetarian in Telos. because they know that all life is interconnected, that in Truth there is only one Life individualized in and as each of us whether we speak Lemurian, French, Arabic, Hebrew, Spanish or English.

Traditionally Fall in the Northern Hemisphere is when farmers put their gardens and fields to bed and store the bounty they have reaped from the seeds sown in the Spring. The Fall Equinox is a normal and natural occurrence dictated by our planet’s annual journey around the sun. What is not normal this autumn is the ferocity and devastation of the tropical storms with their horrific winds and disastrous flooding, not to mention the uncontrolled fires that have swept through Canada, Northern California, Oregon and Washington. The hurricanes we’re experiencing defy science. Weather specialists cannot explain the differences in the patterns and intensity of these storms, relative to the “normal” storms of previous years. As one example, rather than random occurrences, these storms are coming in series of four, one hitting after the other. In addition, instead of diminishing in intensity to force 1 or less when passing over land, they have gained strength and sustained winds of force 3 or greater. Why is this happening? We can take a hint from our friends in Telos.

Having destroyed two continents, the Lemurians and Atlanteans learned the hard way the consequences of misusing the Powers of Nature and the Elemental Kingdoms. They know that the Elements respond to them, to their thoughts, feelings, and their actions; in short to their consciousness. Using that wisdom constructively is how the people in Telos have created their paradise inside the mountain. A wonderful illustration of this can be found in the book, “Telos Volume 1, Revelations of the New Lemuria..” In Part Two of that book is a fascinating description of how they construct their crystalline homes by means of their intention, attention, visualization, and concentrated focus. The Elemental Kingdom responds to them and essentially precipitates the physical form corresponding to their vision.

That elements respond to us was dramatically illustrated by the late Dr. Masaru Emoto who discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts, words or images were directed towards the water. He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex and colorful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts form incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors. The implications of his work created a new awareness of how we can positively impact our environment, the Powers of Nature and our personal health. In his appropriately named book, “The Hidden Messages in Water,” he shares incredible images of some of the frozen crystals of water and his conclusion that the message of water is love and gratitude, the very qualities that permeate all aspects of life in Telos.

The question before us now is how much more will we have to suffer from the destruction wrought by the Powers of Nature and the Forces of the Elements before we begin to connect the dots and recognize that the seeds we’ve sown with fear, worry, racism, prejudice, judgement, selfishness, misogyny, hatred, divisiveness, xenophobia, denial and spiritual and scientific ignorance have given birth to violent displays of the Powers of Nature.  To worsen the situation, many of the safeguards we used to have to protect the environment have been removed since the first of the year. The Washington Post recently made a list of those now deceased safeguards and can be seen by an internet search for “WP Undone.”  No doubt the Lemurians and Atlanteans are also wondering how long before we let go of our dance with the duality of good and evil and turn to the polarity of Light and Love that defines their lives and allowed them to reclaim their immortality.

For those of us who are connecting the dots and recognizing the human factor behind the chaos, discord and violent displays of Mother Nature that get played over and over by the media, it is imperative we do what we can to stay in our hearts as much as possible, keep out of fear and do as Gandhi said and “be the peace we want to see in the world.”  While we are evolving through these opening years of the 7th Golden Age it is heartening to know that inside Mount Shasta our Lemurian brothers and sisters are quietly living our future as spiritually enlightened and ascended beings. Would that we could push a magic button that would instantly enlighten the minds and hearts of those serving in Congress with the wisdom of Telos.  How different our country and world would be.

Above article written by William Johnson, Telos-USA Board Member



Click here for YOUtube Channel contemplation videos! 

Here’s a sample:   https://youtu.be/xQ6pIBiWkn0


Telos Conference Call every Saturday.  1-712-432-3100;   Code:  445613.

Marie Philips and Sue Parry invite you to join them along with many people from around the world to listen to messages and contemplations from Adama and the Masters. Click here for times and more information.

Global Ascension Ceremony/Teleconference Call: The 3rd Thursday of every month.        1-712-432-3100;   Code:  445613

This special ceremony is approximately 30 to 40 minutes. Click here for times and more information.

If you would like your Study Group or Ascension Ceremonies listed on the calendar page of our website, please contact us:  info@telos-usa.com.

Wishing each of you a Fabulous Fall season,

The Telos USA Team




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The LeMurian Total Solar Eclipse via James Tyberonn

Please go to www.Earth-Keeper.com

Excepts from:

Astro Overview of the August & the Mega LeMurian Eclipse

By James Tyberonn


…..The Month of August is literally teeming with an astonishing amalgam of major astrological events, occurrences of incredibly deep impact. Major astronomers, astrologist and seers are celebrating the phases of the Tandem Mega-Eclipses, lauding the event impacts, and speculating on the influences of the truly rare amalgam of gravitational vibratory mixtures created.

…Beginning with the window of these energies, there will a potent Lunar Eclipse, a Total Solar Eclipse, a potent cometesque Meteoric event (The Perseids Meteors) joined by be five planets in retrograde.  This extraordinary period is hi-lited by the rare west to east movement of a mega solar eclipse, originating in the Pacific regions of ancient LeMuria, and will bathe much of North America in a visible spectacle ranging from a path of 100% totality to 90-80-70 percent in the southern parameters of Canada and USA. 

… Let us be clear, whether visible or not, the incredible influence of this event will absolutely affect the entire planet.

….. This combination of five retrograde planets and the meteoric showering offers perhaps the greatest opportunity in centuries , and certainly the greatest in the post 2012 ‘New Earth’ era to make prompt major changes. 

…..The Lunar Eclipse phase will combine with the Solar Eclipse in a unified field embellished by the Perseids meteoric bathe, and will alter the usual effects of the retrograde. The Mercury retrograde and Saturn retrograde will offer and exquisite energy of codes that properly embrace provide and a unique ‘once-in-a -lifetime’ opportunity for noble intent  co-creation.  

….It is a valuable time to embrace meditating focally, to meditate in unison and in individuality for removing obstacles and focusing on ‘highest good. Meditating in this phase is exponentially more capable of manifesting goals into 3d reality. That is because the eclipses and amalgam of energies are literally flooding the planet with fertile units of life force. The units of life force, of Akash will be maximized to an unimaginable degree in powernodes, and to a higher degree in all points of the planet. 

…Make no mistake, this phase is extraordinary, and will influence the entire planet. New beginnings, new life can be spawned , for the Universe is aware of what is occurring, and if approached in high intent, it will plant the seeds of the coming Golden Age. But as always, intent matters in the planet of free will. You must be the change. If one becomes fixed in conflict or anger, and the aura is fractured, it can also lead to eruptions of spewing negativity.

…In this phase, Metatron tells me that the entire earth is being bathed in codes of the coming Golden Age. The Earth will be upshifted. The intensity is affecting the crytsto electro-magnetics of the earth and the ionic ratio. 

…New Chakras are being amplified & activated. Truly this is a benchmark leading to 2038. But again, it is an anomalous energy that can cut either way. Where you focus will be amplified, either for the positive or the negative , on the planet of Duality, the University of Earth.  

…There is a crystalline change taking place, and both the Arkansas Crystal Vortex and the Brazilian Crystal Vortexes will be teeming with crytsals upshift thru the December solstice, and the coming 7 meteor cascades of the latter trimester of 2017.

Astronomical gravities are absolutely real, and you will feel the results, whether or not you believe in astrology. For those of you that do accept the veracity of such patterns, we are preaching to the choir. But keep in mind that human will is greater than any astrological force….but this opprtunity is a benchmark to the wise… one to be celbrated and embraced…

August 2017 – 2 Eclipses + 5  Planetary Retrogrades & Mega Meteor Shower !


August Retrogrades:

  • Mercury- August 12 to September 5, 2017
  • Saturn-April 6 to August 25, 2017
  • Uranus- August 3, 2017 to January 2, 2018
  • Neptune- June 16 to November 22, 2017
  • Pluto- April 20 to September 28, 2017


  • Total Lunar Eclipse – August 7
  • Total Solar Eclipse – August 21
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August 2017

August Message from Adama 2017

A Fresh Look

I Am Adama your brother,

Dear beloveds of the loving heart of Creation, I am addressing myself to you today by using these simple words. Words that you will each interpret in your own fashion, according to your own understanding and the personal definition that you normally attach to each word and concept.

The utilization of words partly explains the difficulties of communication that can sometimes arise amongst all children of the Earth. To these words, we now add the concept of body language and the vibrational frequency of the emotions that come to charge these very words with an energy that can be interpreted differently following the culture, tradition and education of all the people that are implied. Different interpretations can easily arise from a simple statement that was made in a given context.

I invite you today to experiment communication from the heart. This communication dear beloveds, is possible only if you consider that he or she who is before you (even if at first sight this person seems different from you as they are seemingly outside of you) is a person like you who is seeking to understand (or not) life, their life; that is also looking for happiness, that is hungry, that needs a roof over their head, that wants to be loved, a being profoundly similar to you yourself with needs. A being who is learning life in their own manner, at their own speed, with the means that are unique to him/her; that is with means, situations and different relationships than yours (seemingly) but also a being caught up in the world of 3D, with its limitations, fears and lack of love.

When you commune with this vision, this understanding, you position yourself in an energy of compassion, of understanding of non-judgement and of acceptance of the other. It is this energy emanating from you that allows communication from the heart.

Please know that your manner of perceiving and of looking at things is a living and acting energy. The person in front of you, perceives, receives and reacts to this energy. The reality of this communication is that, two universes are meeting each other, two energetic and living universes. All of your subtle bodies as well as your physical body feels this contact and the subtle exchanges of this energetic connection.

And so, beloved of the Earth, this fresh look that you take determines the type of communication that you have with all that surrounds you, including your brothers and sisters from all kingdoms.

This heart inside of you, understands and accepts with an infinite love the life within self and all around itself in total acceptance of all that is. This heart in you welcomes life, and life is simple to the heart. For the heart, all communication is simple because it is without judgement and without expectations. This heart in you is a powerful partner in the transformation of the way you look at yourself and at all Creation.

It is Grace that I wish for you in this moment of eternity where all is possible. With an infinite and respectful love, we have communicated.

I Am Adama

Message received by

Denise Laberge, Telos Worldwide Foundation



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June Retreat in Knoxville, MD 6/23 – 6/25




June 23-24-25 /2017

with Channel Denise Laberge of Telos Worldwide Foundation 

Where: Moling’s Farm 1834 Hoffmaster Rd Knoxville, MD 21758

For more information email jairoclara@aol.com

Or call Jairo Arciniegas & Clara Torres 703 6380920

Three-day registration $ 150.00

One Day Registration $ 50.00

Click here for flyer and daily agenda.   June Retreat June 23 24 25

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Spring Newsletter 2017

A Message from Telos
“It has been said many times that this planet is rapidly moving forward with the necessary shifts that will allow Her to exclusively host an enlightened civilization. This means my friends, that in a not-so distant future the Dark Age on this planet will fade away. Our two civilizations will unite as one, including the children, for the glorious ascension we have been awaiting for so very long.
“Let’s all embrace and welcome the dawning new world. As the Phoenix rises out of the ashes, a brand new world will rise up with the crumbling of all your old limiting belief systems. You will let go of outmoded governmental systems of control and manipulation that you have been programmed with for eons of time.
“Compare the Earth to the Phoenix. She will rise and take you along with Her. But first, you must let go of all that no longer serves you. You must be willing to let go of the old outmoded way of life that has kept you in limitation and pain for so long. The ashes represent the purification that the Earth and all humanity will first go through. Your future is bright, my friends. Keep your hopes alive for yourself and your children. A most wondrous world is awaiting them and this is why they are here. They will show you the way; in their soul they already know how.” *
* From a discourse in Telos Volume 1, Revelations of the New Lemuria, by Aurelia Louise Jones, Mount Shasta Light Publishing.
Greetings Friends,
A year ago at this time of the Spring Equinox we spoke of how the rising of the 5th Sun on 12-22-12 marking the beginning of the 7thGolden Age was affecting us personally, nationally and globally. It may be interesting to look at how those influences are affecting us now, particularly when contrasted to the realities achieved by those living in Telos and the other advanced societies which remain largely unknown to the surface dwellers of the planet.
Secrets exposed. One of the effects we mentioned was that when something has been hidden and then exposed to Light, it becomes visible, known and hidden no more. A year ago it was the Panama Papers that took the prize for exposing the offshore accounts used by the financial elites of the United States, Russia, England and many other countries to avoid taxes on their huge incomes. At the present time the US elections demonstrated continued chaos, divisiveness, distrust, turmoil, and uncertainty of where the truth lies.  In Telos and other 5th Dimensional cities the truth is always known and cannot be concealed; it is not even possible to lie, as all communication is telepathic.
Delayed assistance.  At this time of the 5th Spring Equinox of the 7th Golden Age we see how the increased Light reaching the planet from our physical sun, is affecting the world of politics and corporate greed. It would be interesting to know what our sisters, brothers, and friends living in Telos, the Agartha Network and the Inner Earth are thinking as they witness what we are doing on the surface to each other, to our planet, our environment, and to ALL Kingdoms of Life that share this planet. While they look forward to the day when they will be able to share their highly advanced technology to assist us, they cannot do so unless we shift our awareness. As we continue to wave our nuclear swords and pour billions of dollars into weapons of war, they must remain silent watchers and wait for humanity on the surface to awaken to the Truth of their spiritual reality and the Oneness of all Life.
Free, non-polluting energy.  Our Telosian friends enjoy and live this 100% of the time. This is their natural state of living. Global warming, the carbon blueprint and air pollution on the Earth’ surface are still ignored or denied around the world by many. There are a number of leaders around the world who do not understand that it is the oil in the earth that allows the tectonic plates to move and slide over one another without catastrophic collisions triggering deadly earthquakes. The critical infrastructure of this planet Earth supports our survival and evolution and needs to be taken into more serious consideration.
Healthcare is a non-issue for those living in Telos. They have immortalized their physical bodies and no longer experience the change called death. As for humans in this dimension, death creates the opportunity to return and try again to awaken to the Truth of our own divinity and immortality. Healthcare in the United States has become a political football and we still have yet to create a comprehensive, universal system inclusive for all. The film “Where to Invade Next” by Michael Moore is highly recommended.

Oligarchy and plutocracy. These types of governments are unheard of in Telos where there is no currency, no banks, no financial institution and no Wall Streets. Abundance and well-being are the reality for all Telosians because they individually and collectively are sovereign masters of their own destiny…with harm to none, synchronized with nature and the elements. Here on the surface we may proclaim, “In God we Trust, but presently money seems to have the upper hand in our distorted reality. In Telos the Lemurians are living their Divinity and expressing the fullness of the God Presence within them. While they live peacefully and abundantly from the wisdom of their Heart, we on the surface are still mired in human duality.
Education. Those of us familiar with the Telos material will recall that the children of Telos are taught English as well as other languages along-side their telepathic Lemurian language. In the not too distant future there will be direct, benevolent contact and communication between our civilizations. Their education system is highly advanced and their children use computers that are part of a computer network run by amino acids, a living force, which allows them to tap into the akashic records where they gain information unheard of by surface humanity. By comparison, the American school system which has left all children behind, the children of Telos enter adult life with social and art skills as well as the fundamental knowledge of the world including sexuality.
* Many thanks to William Johnson, Telos-USA Board Member for his contributions for the 2017Spring Newsletter.
NEW!  Telos-USA is proud to offer 2-minute contemplative videos that we hope you enjoy on Youtube.
Sample here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ6pIBiWkn0
Much gratitude to both Board Member Jennifer Lutz  (j.lutz designs) and Tarrin A. Lutz (voiceoftarrin.com) for their time and loving energy.
Telos Weekly Conference Call. Facilitators:  Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.
The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-432-3100;   Code:  445613 
Go toTelos-USA for further information. We support this helpful call to so many.
A New Global Ascension Ceremony is now taking place the 3rd Thursday of each month. Please contact Marie Philips at mariep@comcast.net for instructions and more information.
Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies. Check out our website for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony please contact us and we will be happy to help you.
Wishing you all a Beautiful Spring!
The Telos USA Team

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December Solstice Newsletter

In case you missed our Solstice Newsletter….


The holiday season is about family and gatherings.  It’s about singing carols and gift-giving.  But most of all, it’s about love; love of family, love of friends, love of humanity. It is a charitable time of year.

Master Adama says that in Telos there are many celebrations, but their main festivities are centered around the seasons and solstices.  Everyone, including the children, participates.  They decorate the city with imaginative and elaborate decorations.  The festivities last for three days, and people from all over Inner Earth take part.  Family and friends join their loved ones for these grand and festive times together.

During this Winter Solstice, imagine yourself receiving a beautiful invitation from your family in Telos.  You are so excited to attend, for this is your first formal visit.  You follow the explicitinstructionsfortravelingtoTelos, and are met at the entrance by your loved ones.  The love and blessings that surround your aura are breathtaking!  You have never felt such peace.

And while you make yourself at home with feelings of bliss, you wonder what you can contribute to this celebration…  Your heart opens when you realize that what you have to offer is your love.  This is what Mother Earth needs now; as the song says… ”love, sweet love.”  

Divine unity runs through everything.  It personifies itself through us, its people.Fifth dimensional consciousness resides at the very center of our souls.  It has the ability to promote tranquility around the world through us.  This reality is positive and strong.  It is the same as in every living thing on our beloved planet, but we are the key to its success.

So today, and always, fill your world with love, joy, and peace.  Let harmony govern your thoughts and speech.Tomorrowawaken in contentment, living in a consciousness of good.  By raising our own vibrations and walking in the footsteps of grace, we will bring peace to our world, and stand next to our friends in Telos.

Message from Paul the Venetian, The Pink Flame of Cosmic Love
Channeling from Denise Laberge, Telos Worldwide Foundation
An EXCERPT from the channeling presented by Denise Laberge on July 19, 2016, in la Molina, Spain.

The Pink Flame of Cosmic Love
I am Paul the Venetian
The energy of love is an energy that supports life and the expansion of life. We could even say that it is life in action. 
Very few children of God can define or even have an idea of what life is. When you ask this question to a human, he will always reply by using words that describe an action in his own world. For example: the plant that grows, the wind in the trees, a smile on a face, the song of birds; or even love, courage. In fact, all these words describe realities based on feelings from his personal observations, etc.

This definition is valid because life and love are interrelated. All these words and expressions are also part of life. However, each individual describes life according to his own evolution, his understanding of himself and his world.
The Love-light is alive and active when it is transmitted with intention and will. When you transmit it in consciousness in order to communicate with an object or a situation, your consciousness encompasses this object or situation and it is now part of your consciousness and you become one. You are always your own consciousness, but you have widened the action field of your consciousness to include and come into contact with an external energy that can be near or further away. This is done in order to come into contact with yourself, your individual consciousness. Love-light is a way to get acquainted with the universe and to become known by another part/person/being in the Universe. It is the heart that makes contact with another heart and that allows the contact, the understanding, the exchange. Your energetic signature is in this love-light, which is the reflection of who you are in all your aspects. It is the fusion of the life energies that come into contact and learn. 

The more a being elevates himself spiritually (in consciousness), the more he can include a greater world in his consciousness. The less a being is awake, spiritually speaking, the more his consciousness is “glued” to himself. He cannot encompass in his perceptions all that is around or external to him. 

The consciousness of Mother Earth includes her whole body, the bodies of its inhabitants, and even more. To make a true contact with another person, make it a habit to surround the person with your love-light and you will see a considerable difference in the behaviour of people. Everyone feels what a person transmits to someone else, either consciously or not. The person does not know this consciously, but the soul feels it. The Flames represent a frequency of love-light, as love always favours the blossoming of consciousness, of life, and of all that is in balance. A quality is an energy frequency that is in harmony. A non-quality is an energy frequency out of balance. Love is a frequency always in balance and so all that is in its field of action finds itself in the same balance, which consequently creates beauty and harmony.What is in unbalance cannot create beauty.

In balance, the forces of structure, order, expansion and change create harmony allowing the expansion of life, the creation of forms, etc. Love-light is an energy that is active and alive, it is not stagnant.
With all my love, Paul the Venetian

REMINDER:   Saturday Telos Teleconference Call
The times are:  7:00 a.m. (HST-Hawaii standard time): 9:00 a.m. (PST);  10:00 a.m. (MST/Arizona Time); 10 a.m. (MST); 11:00a.m. (CST);  12:00 p.m. (EST); 5:00 p.m. (Wales, U.K. and Ireland time);8:00 p.m. (Russian time);  and 6pm (Spain time);  6pm (Germany time/CET);  6pm (France time);  10:30pm (India time/IST); 3pm (Brazil Time);  4am(Australia/AEST); 1am (Taiwan time)
The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-432-3100;   Code:  445613 

Each week Adama, Aurelia, Ahnahmar, the Elders of Telos, the Chohans of the seven rays, Angelic realm, Emissaries of Light, and Ancient ones of the Mu ship offer their guidance through the offering of tools, allowing the heart to bring forth the vibration of Love to all.

Marie Phillips and Sue Parry look forward to sharing the guidance, energy and vibration with all who join us on the call.  We ask that each person as guided on the call have a Grounding stone, or crystal with them. We are all surrounded with such high vibrations on the call that it is beneficial to stay grounded so we can be present to receive all the Blessings and Pearls of Wisdom being given to us.  


TELOS GROUPS ~ Check the Calendar
If you would like your Study Group or Ascension Ceremonies listed on the front page of our website, please contact us.


Welcome Telos Latinoamerica!


Also check our Contacts Page. Click on Study Group/Ascension Ceremonies for locations.
We wish you a Blessed and Peaceful Holiday Season and Happy New Year 2017!
The Telos USA Team

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Message from Paul the Venetian~The Pink Flame of Cosmic Love

An EXCERPT from the channeling presented by Denise Laberge on July 19, 2016, in la Molina, Spain.

The Pink Flame of Cosmic Love


I am Paul the Venetian

The energy of love is an energy that supports life and the expansion of life. We could even say that it is life in action. 

Very few children of God can define or even have an idea of what life is. When you ask this question to a human, he will always reply by using words that describe an action in his own world. For example: the plant that grows, the wind in the trees, a smile on a face, the song of birds; or even love, courage. In fact, all these words describe realities based on feelings from his personal observations, etc.

This definition is valid because life and love are interrelated. All these words and expressions are also part of life. However, each individual describes life according to his own evolution, his understanding of himself and his world.

The Love-light is alive and active when it is transmitted with intention and will. When you transmit it in consciousness in order to communicate with an object or a situation, your consciousness encompasses this object or situation and it is now part of your consciousness and you become one. You are always your own consciousness, but you have widened the action field of your consciousness to include and come into contact with an external energy that can be near or further away. This is done in order to come into contact with yourself, your individual consciousness. 

Love-light is a way to get acquainted with the universe and to become known by another part/person/being in the Universe. It is the heart that makes contact with another heart and that allows the contact, the understanding, the exchange. Your energetic signature is in this love-light, which is the reflection of who you are in all your aspects. It is the fusion of the life energies that come into contact and learn. 

The more a being elevates himself spiritually (in consciousness), the more he can include a greater world in his consciousness. The less a being is awake, spiritually speaking, the more his consciousness is “glued” to himself. He cannot encompass in his perceptions all that is around or external to him. 

The consciousness of Mother Earth includes her whole body, the bodies of its inhabitants, and even more.

To make a true contact with another person, make it a habit to surround the person with your love-light and you will see a considerable difference in the behaviour of people. Everyone feels what a person transmits to someone else, either consciously or not. The person does not know this consciously, but the soul feels it. The Flames represent a frequency of love-light, as love always favours the blossoming of consciousness, of life, and of all that is in balance. 

A quality is an energy frequency that is in harmony. A non-quality is an energy frequency out of balance. Love is a frequency always in balance and so all that is in its field of action finds itself in the same balance, which consequently creates beauty and harmony.What is in unbalance cannot create beauty.

In balance, the forces of structure, order, expansion and change create harmony allowing the expansion of life, the creation of forms, etc. Love-light is an energy that is active and alive, it is not stagnant.

With all my love, Paul the Venetian 


Channeled by Denise Laberge: dl@deniselaberge.com

Telos Worldwide Foundation

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Message from Lord Lanto~ The Illumination Flame

The Illumination Flame 

Channel Denise Laberge
Telos Worldwide Foundation

I Am Lord Lanto,

The Illumination Flame is a flame that sheds light and allows us to see and understand everything at once.

In the dark, you cannot distinguish the contents of a room. However, if you light up a candle, everything is revealed and you can then move easily around, observe and explore its treasures, etc.

The Illumination Flame has the same effect. It allows you to cast new eyes on a situation, a person, a relationship, an object, a dimension, a planet, etc. It allows you to contemplate things under a new angle and this new perspective brings a new understanding. It broadens your view and, symbolically speaking, lets you discover new territories.

The Illumination Flame sends a signal to all creation and it tells the universe that a child of the Source wants to awaken, explore life from the heart.

When using the Illumination Flame, you emit a love frequency that seeks a person who wants to explore and awaken. All consciousness in the creation feel this impulse. According to the present moment and your stage of evolution, an energy consciousness picks up your call and your intention. It will then come to inspire you. This energy-consciousness can be an angel, a guide, your Higher Self, Mother Earth, the Source, etc. Be assured that the forthcoming inspiration will be appropriate. The universe knows you and it is pure intelligence; the Flame will work on you. It is possible that you will not feel anything, but that’s not important. Be assured that the understanding, the answer is about to make its way from the response region of the universe to your individual intuitive region.

Here are some examples where the Illumination Flame can be used.

1. You can use it for your personal life, the subconscious, your past and your incarnations.

2. It is important to set an intention and to address this intention with the Illumination Flame. Imagine and feel the flame, very active, enveloping the whole situation. Feel the energies of understanding coming inside you. These energies bring you the clarity needed to face a situation, an emotion, a discomfort.

3. Imagine the Illumination Flame active around you all day because It lives in you and you are God’s intelligence in action making this truth and this energy grow inside you.

4. Before starting your work, a meeting, take a few minutes to wrap yourself in the Illumination Flame; and feel its action and inspiration in everyone.

5. Use the Illumination Flame to envelop government leaders so that divine decisions can be made.

With all my love, I am Lord Lanto

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July Message from Patricia Cota-Robles

by Patricia Cota-Robles
July 1, 2016


2016 has been a year like no other. Day by day, we have been experiencing shifts of energy, vibration and consciousness beyond anything Humanity or Mother Earth have ever been able to withstand at a cellular level. These amazing accelerations were made possible through the invocations and the unified efforts of Awakening Humanity and the Company of Heaven. These efforts were greatly amplified by the Celestial events associated with the Equinox and Solstice, the Solar and Lunar Eclipse series, the Divine Intervention of Mother Mary and Saint Germain in May,  the rare occurrence of five planets in retrograde position, and the myriad Activities of Light conducted by the millions of Lightworkers all over the world.
All of this preparation has been designed to strengthen Humanity and Mother Earth at a cellular level and to recalibrate our DNA structures so that we will be able to receive NEW patterns of perfection for the Earth. The Beings of Light have revealed that these patterns which will be encoded in Humanity’s DNA are beyond anything we have been able to fathom with our finite minds.
The Beings of Light said that even the most Awakened Lightworker envisioning the patterns of perfection for the New Earth is mostly focusing on reversing the gross mutations we miscreated after our fall from Grace. For instance, people think Heaven on Earth would be the elimination of poverty, hunger, war, hatred, disease, aging, inclement weather conditions, greed, the abuse of power, and the elimination of every other form of pain and suffering.
All of that is important, but it does not even begin to scratch the surface of the Glorious patterns of Divine Love, Reverence for Life, and Oneness that are available on the New Earth. Nor does it begin to touch the limitless patterns of bliss, ecstasy, wonder and awe that are pulsating in the Causal Body of God. These are the patterns that will be flowing into the mental and emotional strata of Earth when the Portal for the Realms of Cause over Alaska is open to full breadth August 13-20, 2016. This facet of the Divine Plan will be victoriously accomplished once we complete this final stage of preparation.

The Events of the June Solstice in 2016

With the influx of Light we were blessed with during the June 20-21, 2016 Solstice, the Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her reached a critical mass of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light. This was an essential part of the unfolding Divine Plan that the Company of Heaven had been hoping Humanity would be able accomplish, so that we will succeed in opening the Portal for the Realms of Cause in August.

Humanity integrated these frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light for several days. Then, on June 25th this incredible Light was projected through the powerful acupuncture point in the Crystal Grid System of Mother Earth located in Sedona, Arizona. The success of this event God Victoriously initiated the final stage of preparation for the events that will take place August 13-20, 2016.
During that monumental moment in Sedona, Arizona, the old Earth’s fragmented and fear-based grid of separation and duality which was formed during Humanity’s fall from Grace WAS TRANSMUTED INTO LIGHT AND REPLACED WITH A NEW 5TH-DIMENSIONAL CRYSTALLINE GRID SYSTEM. This means that the patterns of separation and duality from the old Earth will no longer be empowered or sustained by that miscreated and mutated grid system.

Encoding the New Crystalline Grid System With Patterns of Perfection

The Beings of Light said this 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Grid System is a fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential that Humanity can now encode with patterns for a NEW Life Path. Until we can reach into the frequencies of the Causal Body of God that will be released into the mental and emotional strata of Earth through the Portal in Alaska in August, the Beings of Light have given us a template to begin encoding the NEW Crystal Grid System. We are being asked to invoke these patterns according to our Heart’s Call from now until the fulfillment of the Divine Plan in August, so that we can pave the way for much higher and more glorious patterns for Heaven on Earth.
This invocation has been given to Humanity by the Company of Heaven and it is stated in the first person so that each of us will experience it personally. However, simultaneously we are all serving as surrogates on behalf of every man, woman.

and child belonging to or serving the Earth at this time, because WE ARE ONE and there is no separation. We will invoke this Life Path through each person’s I AM Presence in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the highest good of all concerned.


I AM my I AM Presence, and I AM One with the I AM Presence of all Humanity. As One Breath, One Voice, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love I proceed.
As I invoke this Activity of Light for myself, I invoke it on behalf of every person on Earth in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the
highest good for all concerned.

During this Cosmic Moment on my Beloved Planet Earth change is easily manifesting in my life through God’s Divine Grace and Love. As each aspect of my life that needs changing now surfaces before me, I Love it FREE and Forgive myself for any perceived transgression of the Laws of Harmony and Balance.
I know I AM a Child of God, and I deserve to be Loved and Forgiven. As the changes take place, I AM experiencing a sense of inner calm, patience, and peace.
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of all Humanity. I AM One with this Infinite Intelligence within me. With the intervention of my I AM Presence, I AM always able to make correct choices.
I Love myself unconditionally, and I AM grateful for the opportunity to change, which I now accept with deep humility and gratitude.
The Divine Power to sustain these changes is continually flowing through my newly balanced Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame.  From this moment forth, I individually and collectively choose to create a life of Oneness, Divine Love, Reverence for Life, Peace, Prosperity, Vibrant Health, and all that supports my Highest Good.

My I AM Presence has taken full dominion of this Activity of Light and now, as One, I affirm:

I AM perpetually reflecting God’s Divine Love, Wisdom and Power.
I AM the Immaculate Concept of my full Divine Potential AS my I AM Presence.
I AM able to transform every aspect of my life into the Infinite Perfection of Heaven on Earth.

Now as I lift up in consciousness, I Ascend into the Realms of Illumined Truth. I pass over the Bridge to Freedomwhich is the highway of Light that connects Heaven and Earth. I enter the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light which is the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline frequencies of Solar Light associated with the New Earth.


The entire Company of Heaven is standing in readiness now, and I send forth a Clarion Call into the Universe invoking my illumined brothers and sisters to come and help me in this moment of transformation. The Cosmic Tone of my Clarion Call reverberates through all dimensions, and the response comes from every corner of the Cosmos.
I see the luminous Presence of Legions of Divine Beings descending into the atmosphere of Earth. They take their strategic positions above the planet and begin forming a tremendous circle of Light as they stand shoulder to shoulder.
As One unified consciousness, One Holy Breath, One heartbeat, One energy and vibration of pure Divine Love, the Beings of Light breathe into their Heart Flames from the very Heart of God the most intensified frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection that Humanity and the Earth are capable of withstanding at a cellular level.
Now, the Lightworkers on Earth prepare to be the open portal through which this Divine Gift of the Violet Flame will manifest in the world of form.
Through every person’s I AM Presence the Threefold Flame blazing in his or her heart begins to expand and expand until it envelops their physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. As One, we experience a beautiful Blue Flame blazing through our left brain hemisphere and the left side of our body. This is the Masculine Polarity of God pulsating with the Divine Will, Power, and Authority of our Father God’s First Cause of Perfection.  
Now as One, we experience a beautiful Pink Flame blazing through our right brain hemisphere and the right side of our body. This is the Feminine Polarity of God pulsating with the Divine Love, Adoration, and Reverence for Life of our Mother God, the Holy Spirit.
As brand NEW frequencies of the Masculine and Feminine Polarities of God are balanced within us, we experience rising up between these Sacred Flames the Yellow-Gold Flame which represents the Sons and Daughters of God pulsating with Christ Consciousness and the Divine Wisdom, Illumination, and Enlightenment of our I AM Presence. And as One we affirm:

I AM now enveloped in my newly activated
5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame.
Through this Sacred Fire, I AM the full expression of my I AM Presence here and now in the world of form.
I Now Affirm My Path of Life
I remember who I AM, and I Love and respect myself as a Beloved Child of God.
I AM enveloped in the invincible protection of God’s Light and Love as I sojourn through ALL of my Earthly experiences.
I AM manifesting perfection in my physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. I AM vibrantly healthy and eternally youthful.
Divine Love perpetually flows through my Heart Flame. I AM creating wonderful, Loving relationships in every aspect of my Life.
I AM fulfilling my Divine Purpose and reason for Being.
I AM financially and creatively rewarded in my job. Day by day, I AM open and receptive to the Infinite flow of God’s Abundance. I AM financially FREE!

I AM reaching my highest Divine Potential in all of my experiences as a son or daughter, a woman or man, a wife or husband, a mother or father, a grandmother or grandfather, as a relative, a friend, a co-worker, a teacher, a way shower, a steward of the Earth, a Lightworker, and a cocreator of Heaven on Earth.
I AM an exponent of Divine Family Life, including my place in the
Family of Humanity.
My Heart is the Open Door through which flows the Infinite Light of God’s Divine Love, Eternal Peace, Abundance, Wisdom, Enlightenment, Illumination, Harmony, Balance, Happiness and Abounding Joy.
Through my thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs I AM a living example of Divine Love, Truth, Integrity, Honesty, Tolerance, Acceptance and Reverence for ALL Life.
I communicate openly and honestly with every person I come in contact with.
I AM a compassionate and thoughtful listener.
I continually ask for guidance from my I AM Presence and I receive information and viable solutions to the various situations surfacing in my Life.
 I also receive guidance that will assist me in fulfilling my Divine Plan.
I now realize through all levels of consciousness that I AM a powerful Instrument of God during this auspicious time on Earth.
I now invoke the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection to transmute into Light every thought, feeling, word, action, memory or belief I have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that would in any way prevent these patterns of perfection from manifesting in my Life.
I accept that My Path of Life is God Victoriously manifesting right here and right now, even as I Call.
I AM aware that I AM a multidimensional Being, and that I abide simultaneously in both the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light in the Heavenly Realms and the physical world of form on the New Earth.
My Life NOW reflects the Immaculate Concept of all that I have invoked this sacred and holy day,

With my every breath I AM continually an open portal for the full magnitude of the patterns of perfection I have called forth this day from the Core of Creation. These patterns are manifesting in my Life daily and hourly.
Moment by moment the transformation into the perfection of the New Earth is occurring and these archetypes are manifesting in the lives of ALL Humanity. This is the order of the New Cosmic Day on Planet Earth.
Thank You, Beloved Father-Mother God! And so it is. I AM that I AM.
August 13-20, 2016 We Will ALL Be In Our Right and Perfect Place
      We are taking a Pilgrimage of Lightworkers to Alaska to serve as the Open Door for the Light and the patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God that will flow through the Portal of the Realms of Cause that we will open to full breadth. The vehicle for this Pilgrimage will be the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination. This Pilgrimage will take place on an Alaskan Cruise, August 13-20, 2016.
      If you have the Heart’s Call to join us we only have six rooms left. These rooms will be turned back to the cruise line on July 12th and will not be available after that date, so please respond as soon as possible. Here is the link to our website where you will get all of the information you need to participate.


No matter where you are or what you are called to do during August 13-20, 2016, KNOW that this information has been brought to your awareness because you have a unique gift of Light that will help to accomplish this facet of the Divine Plan perfectly.

Listen to your heart and your I AM Presence will guide you unerringly in how you can most effectively add to the Light of the World during this Cosmic Moment.
Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
FAX: 520-751-2981
Phone: 520-885-7909
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.
©2016 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

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Spring Newsletter 2016


Greetings Friends,

The arrival of Spring in the northern hemisphere is a time of renewal, resurrection and the end of winter dormancy. This can also be a valuable time to renew what we know about the significance of the 5th Sun which rose on 12­22­12. Having recently celebrated the 4th Spring Equinox of the 7th Golden Age it is interesting to reflect on how that event is affecting us now.

As we approached the Winter Solstice in 2012 a few doomers and gloomers were righteously anticipating an Armageddon, with hysteria not unlike what they exhibited prior to Y2K. On the other hand there were those of us cautiously looking forward with glimmers of hope for a new world of peace and the diminishing of the darkness that has permeated civilization for eons of time.

As we look back over the past 4 years we see that the predictions from the Ascended Master Realm have proven to be accurate, that things would get worse before they get better. It’s sobering yet helpful to know this so we do not let the events in the outer world shake us from our spiritual Truth and Power, which allow us to make a positive difference in a world of turmoil. No matter what happens in the world, our strength and power lies in remembering this is but a period of transition from the old energy of manipulation, domination and control of the Piscean Age into the Light & Love of the Age of Aquarius.

While violence, prejudice, terrorism, environmental destruction, and new diseases persist on the surface of the planet, the Lemurians of Telos living inside Mount Shasta, Mount Lassen and other cities, together with the Atlanteans and other members of the subterranean cities of the Agartha Network watch in dismay at what is happening on the surface. Likewise those living within our hollow Earth must likewise be aghast and are grateful to know that an electronic shield has been put in place by the Ascended and

Angelic Realms, ensuring that those on the surface cannot do permanent damage to those living below.

Backtracking to the 5th Sun rising on 12­22­12, we recall that the intended increase in the frequency of light reaching Earth from the Sun would have been catastrophic in that our physical garments would have disintegrated. Helios and Vesta, our God Parents in the physical sun, had to radically downstep that frequency to a safe level that would slowly and continuously increase as Earth continues on Her long delayed path of Ascension. Some of us notice the effect of the increasing light as subtle but noticeable changes in our bodies which are of no concern as long as we know such things can be expected and we need not run off to a doctor.

Various Ascended Masters have told us that mankind is effectively 10 years behind in the human evolution that was anticipated. Such is the influence of the sinister force. This delay in our spiritual awakening and growth can explain why our Telosian friends were not able to make contact with us as early as they had planned. Their intention was to begin connecting with us around 2012. If we were to project that delay forward perhaps 2022 would be a more realistic date for receiving an invitation to enter Telos for a visit.

Another effect of the 5th Sun rising has been the validation that when something has been hidden and then exposed to light it become visible and hidden no longer. In the past 4 years we’ve witnessed more and more lies and corruption coming to light in the worlds of government, politics, banking, corporations, medicine…the list is endless. Most recently the Panama Papers have exposed nefarious financial activities of national leaders in Russia, England, Iceland and others. As the light continues to increase so will such disclosures. In Telos there is nothing hidden nor is there even the possibility of lying because truth is known by everyone living in 5th Dimensional energy. At the same time hidden things are coming to light, so too are individuals around the world uncovering the Light of their own being. Spiritual awakening is occurring within every religion, culture, and nationality that is evidenced by books such as Dying to be Me, The Afterlife of Billy Fingers, Leaving the Saints and so many others.

The joy of knowing the reality of Telos is that they are living the reality that awaits us, a reality they are eager to share with us when we come out of the darkness remaining. What is encouraging is that the dawning to the Age of Aquarius brings with it the return of the Feminine Principle of the Universe, long suppressed during the Piscean Age. As a Creator Race we have been mired so long in the nightmare of duality, good vs. evil/light vs. dark, that we have forgotten about the polarity of Life that embraces both the Light of the Masculine Principle and the Love of Feminine Principle. It could be said that the Fall from Grace was the loss of Life’s polarity and stepping into the experiment of duality. We recall that Lemuria primarily embraced the Feminine Principle while Atlantis embraced the Masculine Principle. When we speak of the Heart of Lemuria it is the Power and Presence of Love we are speaking of. The Lemurians and Atlanteans have long since found balance and now work together in conjunction with the Ascended realms and other planets in our solar system, particularly Venus and Jupiter.

The divisiveness in the American government and current drama of heated political campaigning stand in such marked contrast to the situation in Telos which is governed by a High Council of Twelve consisting of six women and six men with Adama, the High Priest, casting the deciding vote in the event  of a tie. Maybe that spirit of respect and cooperation will eventually be reflected in the American government as we move further into the Golden Age.

In closing we’ll mention the recent release of Michael Moore’s new film, Where Do We Invade Next released this spring. It is a wonderfully uplifting and inspiring film illustrating a future that could be ours, one which is currently being enjoyed in European countries. Those of us with a sense of humor can just imagine if Michael Moore and his film crew were to be invited to visit Telos. Imagine the expression on Michael’s face when he’s introduced to Unicorns, shown the space port, food production, the creation of round crystalline homes, what they do for pleasure, entertainment and creative expression.

While the world remains in turmoil, our challenge is realize our glorious future is a work in progress. Michael Moore’s film and just thinking about Telos once in a while helps us to, as Martin Luther King said, “keep our eyes on the prize.”


“You came here with an agenda to attain soul perfection

and expand your own Divinity to the fullness of your God-Mastery and Wisdom.

You are here seeking… total spiritual freedom.

You are here to become an unlimited God in all planes of existence…

This is an agenda of Love for the Self and that Self is no one but ‘you.’”

~ Adama and the Council of Elders~

Be sure to go to Telos-USA.com  to learn more about Telos. If you are interested in creating a study group based on The Telos Book Series and The Seven Sacred Flames, by Aurelia Louise Jones, please contact us.

Also, there is a weekly Telos Conference Call given by Marie Phillips (USA) and Sue Parry (Wales). Information with call-in number and time zones are listed on our website.

Happy Spring!

Your Telos-USA Team

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March – 2016

March Message from Adama

Channeled by Denise Laberge
Telos Worldwide Foundation
Montreal, Canada

Adama 72 dpi

I am Adama

Today, I am accompanied by Aurelia and Ahnahmar.

My dear children, do you feel the call of Freedom?

I invite you to listen to the sweet song of Freedom that is now sweeping on the surface of the Earth. This song left the Earth when Lemuria disappeared. A period of withdrawal was necessary to allow the emergence of great values in consciousness.

Indeed, being on your own, you had to learn to turn your eyes and your attention toward your essence, your own feelings.

The lack of freedom and the manipulation made you travel through unsuspected avenues of non-love in density. These emotions, this suffering caused you to seek, to question yourself, to get yourself out of the numbness of unconsciousness.

This Freedom, my children, is an energy, a consciousness that has unfolded over the entire Earth and completely covers it now. I invite you to open your heart to this energy and let it transform you. Freedom allows you to perceive in a very different way the reality surrounding you. I give you an example: imagine a bird in a large cage; it moves in this confined area all its life and the cage delimits its living space and its travels. Its view of life is limited to what he could and would want to experiment from this cage. The bird sees an unattainable world, an unreachable dream through the bars.

The energy of Freedom surrounding Earth currently is in the process of dissolving the bars of the 3D cage which has, until today, limited all aspects of your life. Without you being aware of it, Freedom is altering your perceptions and your inner feelings. Some days, you get up in the morning and you feel that there is something different in the energy around you. There is something different in the way you feel about yourself and in the way you feel about everything that is around you. You feel different but you cannot put words on this sensation. There is something different yet nothing has changed around you. So, what has changed? It is you who has changed from within. Freedom is in the process of dissolving the limitations and the energy preventing you to feel from the inside. You are changing. You are transforming each day my beloved ones.

I invite you to consciously meditate with this energy of Freedom that is participating in the awakening of humanity. True Freedom is returning to Earth and it is a blessing that comes to soothe the heart of the children of the Source. Invite it; visualize it acting inside your heart, transforming you and opening doors to the true Life, the one that wants you happy and free. While feeling that energy within you, imagine yourself discovering new horizons; imagine yourself seeing and feeing life differently. Feel the emotion alive in you. It will open wide the doors of a new reality that has always been present, but that you could never perceive. Create this adventure for yourself. You will never regret it.

I am Adama, always at your service

– See more at: http://www.telosinfo.org/site/index.php?menu=22#sthash.vHaDezAj.dpuf

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Spring 2020 Newsletter

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Greetings from Telos-USA

While spring is unfolding in our world under the cloud of a deadly virus our friends in Telos continually enjoy perfect health and wellbeing. Reason being, they live in the higher vibration of the 5th Dimension where disease simply cannot exist. While our destiny is to one day join them in that dimension, right now, particularly during the current crisis, it behooves us to do what we can to create and maintain a personal atmosphere of the highest vibration possible.

Distancing. While we honor the protocol of distancing ourselves from others by six feet we would also do well to be alert to distancing ourselves from the mind-set of many people, that bring thoughts or fears of helplessness, doom and gloom. The high road to maintaining the highest vibration possible is to remain optimistic and focused on a bright future for ourselves and our world beyond the current storm.

Taking control. Imagine speeding down a busy highway and taking your hands off the wheel and just sitting back and see what happens. That would be a frightening place to be,  yet our Lemurian friends remind us that most of humanity is still asleep to the fact that we all, individually and collectively, are constantly creating our reality, be that peace and harmony or fear and discord. Keeping a grip on our thoughts and emotions are particularly essential now in helping us to remain safe.

Escape through alcohol. Recent reports indicate that sales of alcohol have increased since the virus outbreak and it would be reasonable to assume the same could be said for sales of marijuana. With the legalization of marijuana some people may believe it must be okay but they would be tragically wrong. A number of years ago Adama, High Priest of Telos, explained to us how destructive alcohol and grass are to our chakra systems, our auric field, and mental and feeling bodies, opening us up to dark forces that make headlines through vulnerable people who are acting out the hatred and racism in the world. A summary of Adama’s warnings can be found in the booklet entitled The Effects of Recreational Drugs on Spiritual Development by Aurelia Louise Jones, available through Mount Shasta Light Publishing.

Increase in domestic violence. In addition to the increase of alcohol sales, an increase in domestic violence has been reported. To better help us better understand aspects of spousal abuse, Adama offered some insights in the 3rd volume of the Telos series, “Protocols of the Fifth Dimension.” For example, committed couples willing to step out of the blame, may discover through introspection what they see acting out in the other may well be a mirror for that disowned quality in themselves, hence opening the way to healing where the issue between them fades away forever.

Visiting the Temple of the Violet Flame in Telos. As a reminder for those of us familiar with the Telos material, there is a standing invitation for us to visit the Temple of the Violet Flame during our sleep. As described in Telos Vol. 2, “Messages for the Enlightenment of a Humanity in Transformation,” before we go to sleep at night we can ask to be taken in our light bodies to the Temple for the cleansing and purification of our mental and emotional bodies. Beginning on page 75 is a discussion of the Violet Flame Temple and a guided meditation is offered to travel to the Temple. The guided meditation is also available in a 2-CD set at MSLPublishing.com or on YouTube.

Ten Codes of Conduct. On page 173 of Telos Vol. 3, Protocols of the Fifth Dimension, are the “Codes of Conduct for a Disciple of the Holy Spirit.” offered by the Maha Chohan of our Universe. Reviewing it now is like reading the playbook on how to get through this crisis with as much Grace and ease as possible.

Written by William Johnson
Telos USA Board Member

“Evolve your consciousness to be able to live in a world of pure Love and Light.
Awaken the perceptions of your true divinity: make it a priority—
the most important goal of your life.”  Adama

Telos Weekly Conference Call: Facilitators: Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.
The Teleconference Number is1-712-432-3100;   Code:  445613 
Go to Telos-USA for further information. We support this helpful call to so many.

The Global Ascension Ceremony takes place the 3rd Thursday of each month. Go to Telos-USA for more information. You may also contact Marie Philips at mariep@comcast.net or Sue Parry at suemparry@uwclub.net for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!

Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies.
Check out our website for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

To purchase The Telos Books, The Seven Sacred Flames and companion booklets by Aurelia Louise Jones go to MSLPublishing.com

Wishing Everyone Love, Peace and Grace during this exceptional time on our Planet.

The Telos-USA Team

Copyright © 2020 Telos-USA, All rights reserved.

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Celebrating Aurelia and YOU!



Celebrating Aurelia and YOU!
Each and Everyone of YOU!


Click here: This year marks the 10th year of Aurelia’s passing…

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Summer Newsletter 2018










Greetings Everyone!

In the Spring we spoke of gardeners in the Northern Hemisphere planting seeds to bring forth food during the summer and early fall. We used that as a metaphor for the seeds we consciously or unconsciously plant in the garden of our consciousness, where the invisible seeds we plant are the thoughts, feelings and words we embody. Now that the Solstice has announced the beginning of Summer, let’s take this analogy a bit further. Those in the Northern Hemisphere have experienced the longest day of the year and will gradually see the days grow shorter. The opposite is true for those in the Southern Hemisphere. In Telos there obviously is no difference in the hours of light. Gardeners in the North now busy themselves with rooting out weeds that could take over and overwhelm the growing crops. Hopefully they are not using Roundup made by Monsanto to assist them, because the Glyphosate in that weed killer has poisoned vineyards and farmland the world over and consequently most of us have some in our bodies. France is currently working on getting it outlawed in their country. At least weeds are tangible, visible and can be removed without a lot of effort. Within the garden of our consciousness that is not the case as our outer world is mirroring back to us.

Our friends living in Telos know that nothing exists apart from consciousness and they live as we said before, “from the inside out” where the heart (Love) leads the way for the mind (Light). Long ago they learned the importance of balancing their feminine and masculine energies and have mastered the alchemy of polarity to manifest and sustain their magical world.

It’s tragically obvious that spiritual ignorance is the main challenge for humanity that continues to harm the planet and one another. The seeds and weeds of fear, doubt, racism, prejudice, judgement and all the other human weaknesses that foster lack, limitation, struggle, distrust, greed and continuous war will eventually disappear as the Seventh Golden Age progresses. But for now, Telos stands as a ray of hope and inspiration for many people who are awakening around the world and are learning the history of the lost worlds of Lemuria and Atlantis and how massive destruction evolved into advanced subterranean civilizations that are right now living our future.

The great gifts from Telos include their teachings about the 7 Sacred Flames and Rays of Creation and their open invitation to visit their temples to the Sacred Flames for personal healing. They have explained that the use of the Sacred Flames is the fastest and most effective way for us to keep the garden of our consciousness in order and producing all that we desire and require without the stress and fear experienced by the mass of humanity.

Adama, the High Priest of Telos, has said, “It would be beneficial for each one of you to focus each day on the energies of one of the seven major Rays that flood the planet from Creator Source on that day. All energies of the seven Rays flood the planet daily, but each day of the week, one of the Rays becomes predominant.” This process has assisted the people of Telos in working more effectively and living balanced lives. In this time of global stress and tension, use of the Sacred Flames on a regular basis can help us stay grounded in our spirituality and not at the effect of the world around us.

For those new to the Telos material, the Sacred Rays and Flames are introduced in all three of the Telos Books brought through by Aurelia Louise Jones, particularly in the third volume, “Protocols of the Fifth Dimension.” In –depth information on the subject can be found in her book, “The Seven Sacred Flames.”

For those who enjoy the benefit of guided meditations, a newer version of guided meditations to the Temples of Telos was released a few years ago.The newer version, TELOS~ Temple Journey Meditations is available through
Mount Shasta Light Publishing.


Written by William Johnson
Telos USA Board Member


Be ready and willing to learn anew

and have the courage to step into the unknown reality of Love and Magic….

Love is the only true power; start living your life in that vibrational frequency from the inside out. ~ Adama

(The Seven Sacred Flames Card Deck, The Fourth Ray, The Ascension Flame)




Saturday Telos Teleconference Call ~ Facilitated by Marie Philips (MI) and Sue Parry (UK)

Telos Global Ascension Call ~ Facilitated by Marie Philips (MI) and Sue Parry (UK)

***If you have a Study Group or Ascension Ceremony Gathering and would like to be added to our website listings in your state, please contact us. If you are interested in starting a group we will be happy to support you in getting started. Email us at info@telos-usa.com.

Happy Summer  to All!

The Telos-USA Team

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Greetings and Welcome to TELOS-USA

The mission of TELOS–USA, a nonprofit organization, is to promote, assist, and support the spiritual awakening of humanity to Christ consciousness, uniting all of mankind in all dimensions.

Our intention is to use the teachings of TELOS to prepare for personal and planetary ascension, to celebrate the Golden Age of Enlightenment, and the reality of Love, Peace, Harmony, and True Brotherhood throughout the world.

We support the teachings from Adama, High Priest of TELOS and the Ascended Masters channeled by Aurelia Louise Jones, through The Telos Book Series and The Seven Sacred Flames and companion booklets. We offer spiritual workshops, seminars, ascension ceremonies and study groups across the United States. As well, we fully cooperate with and support our Lemurian brothers and sisters around the world.

We are dedicated to the creation of a spiritual retreat center for teaching and healing, using holisitic modalities, with a nurturing environment in nature.

If you are interested in becoming a member of TELOS-USA, or would like to make a donation, please contact us.


Immersed in the energy of the Lemurian Heart, in Oneness, we invite you to join us in the grand adventure of Ascension!


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