Greetings Everyone!
In the Spring we spoke of gardeners in the Northern Hemisphere planting seeds to bring forth food during the summer and early fall. We used that as a metaphor for the seeds we consciously or unconsciously plant in the garden of our consciousness, where the invisible seeds we plant are the thoughts, feelings and words we embody. Now that the Solstice has announced the beginning of Summer, let’s take this analogy a bit further. Those in the Northern Hemisphere have experienced the longest day of the year and will gradually see the days grow shorter. The opposite is true for those in the Southern Hemisphere. In Telos there obviously is no difference in the hours of light. Gardeners in the North now busy themselves with rooting out weeds that could take over and overwhelm the growing crops. Hopefully they are not using Roundup made by Monsanto to assist them, because the Glyphosate in that weed killer has poisoned vineyards and farmland the world over and consequently most of us have some in our bodies. France is currently working on getting it outlawed in their country. At least weeds are tangible, visible and can be removed without a lot of effort. Within the garden of our consciousness that is not the case as our outer world is mirroring back to us.
Our friends living in Telos know that nothing exists apart from consciousness and they live as we said before, “from the inside out” where the heart (Love) leads the way for the mind (Light). Long ago they learned the importance of balancing their feminine and masculine energies and have mastered the alchemy of polarity to manifest and sustain their magical world.
It’s tragically obvious that spiritual ignorance is the main challenge for humanity that continues to harm the planet and one another. The seeds and weeds of fear, doubt, racism, prejudice, judgement and all the other human weaknesses that foster lack, limitation, struggle, distrust, greed and continuous war will eventually disappear as the Seventh Golden Age progresses. But for now, Telos stands as a ray of hope and inspiration for many people who are awakening around the world and are learning the history of the lost worlds of Lemuria and Atlantis and how massive destruction evolved into advanced subterranean civilizations that are right now living our future.
The great gifts from Telos include their teachings about the 7 Sacred Flames and Rays of Creation and their open invitation to visit their temples to the Sacred Flames for personal healing. They have explained that the use of the Sacred Flames is the fastest and most effective way for us to keep the garden of our consciousness in order and producing all that we desire and require without the stress and fear experienced by the mass of humanity.
Adama, the High Priest of Telos, has said, “It would be beneficial for each one of you to focus each day on the energies of one of the seven major Rays that flood the planet from Creator Source on that day. All energies of the seven Rays flood the planet daily, but each day of the week, one of the Rays becomes predominant.” This process has assisted the people of Telos in working more effectively and living balanced lives. In this time of global stress and tension, use of the Sacred Flames on a regular basis can help us stay grounded in our spirituality and not at the effect of the world around us.
For those new to the Telos material, the Sacred Rays and Flames are introduced in all three of the Telos Books brought through by Aurelia Louise Jones, particularly in the third volume, “Protocols of the Fifth Dimension.” In –depth information on the subject can be found in her book, “The Seven Sacred Flames.”
For those who enjoy the benefit of guided meditations, a newer version of guided meditations to the Temples of Telos was released a few years ago.The newer version, TELOS~ Temple Journey Meditations is available through
Mount Shasta Light Publishing.
Written by William Johnson
Telos USA Board Member
Be ready and willing to learn anew
and have the courage to step into the unknown reality of Love and Magic….
Love is the only true power; start living your life in that vibrational frequency from the inside out. ~ Adama
(The Seven Sacred Flames Card Deck, The Fourth Ray, The Ascension Flame)
Saturday Telos Teleconference Call ~ Facilitated by Marie Philips (MI) and Sue Parry (UK)
Telos Global Ascension Call ~ Facilitated by Marie Philips (MI) and Sue Parry (UK)
***If you have a Study Group or Ascension Ceremony Gathering and would like to be added to our website listings in your state, please contact us. If you are interested in starting a group we will be happy to support you in getting started. Email us at
Happy Summer to All!
The Telos-USA Team