An EXCERPT from the channeling presented by Denise Laberge on July 19, 2016, in la Molina, Spain.
The Pink Flame of Cosmic Love
I am Paul the Venetian
The energy of love is an energy that supports life and the expansion of life. We could even say that it is life in action.
Very few children of God can define or even have an idea of what life is. When you ask this question to a human, he will always reply by using words that describe an action in his own world. For example: the plant that grows, the wind in the trees, a smile on a face, the song of birds; or even love, courage. In fact, all these words describe realities based on feelings from his personal observations, etc.
This definition is valid because life and love are interrelated. All these words and expressions are also part of life. However, each individual describes life according to his own evolution, his understanding of himself and his world.
The Love-light is alive and active when it is transmitted with intention and will. When you transmit it in consciousness in order to communicate with an object or a situation, your consciousness encompasses this object or situation and it is now part of your consciousness and you become one. You are always your own consciousness, but you have widened the action field of your consciousness to include and come into contact with an external energy that can be near or further away. This is done in order to come into contact with yourself, your individual consciousness.
Love-light is a way to get acquainted with the universe and to become known by another part/person/being in the Universe. It is the heart that makes contact with another heart and that allows the contact, the understanding, the exchange. Your energetic signature is in this love-light, which is the reflection of who you are in all your aspects. It is the fusion of the life energies that come into contact and learn.
The more a being elevates himself spiritually (in consciousness), the more he can include a greater world in his consciousness. The less a being is awake, spiritually speaking, the more his consciousness is “glued” to himself. He cannot encompass in his perceptions all that is around or external to him.
The consciousness of Mother Earth includes her whole body, the bodies of its inhabitants, and even more.
To make a true contact with another person, make it a habit to surround the person with your love-light and you will see a considerable difference in the behaviour of people. Everyone feels what a person transmits to someone else, either consciously or not. The person does not know this consciously, but the soul feels it. The Flames represent a frequency of love-light, as love always favours the blossoming of consciousness, of life, and of all that is in balance.
A quality is an energy frequency that is in harmony. A non-quality is an energy frequency out of balance. Love is a frequency always in balance and so all that is in its field of action finds itself in the same balance, which consequently creates beauty and harmony.What is in unbalance cannot create beauty.
In balance, the forces of structure, order, expansion and change create harmony allowing the expansion of life, the creation of forms, etc. Love-light is an energy that is active and alive, it is not stagnant.
With all my love, Paul the Venetian
Channeled by Denise Laberge: