Hello and Happy New Year 2018~
In case you missed our December mailing…
Holiday Greetings, dear friends.
It seems like 2017 has whizzed by as the Winter Solstice is upon us once more. As we in the northern hemisphere continue to have increasingly short days, it may be interesting to contrast our experience as surface dwellers with that of our Lemurian family living in Telos. In as much as Telos has its own sun, the length of their daylight hours remains constant as does their moderate temperatures. While we on the surface have put our gardens to bed for the winter, food is continually produced hydroponically in Telos.
Whether we come from a Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, or Christian background, all of us long for peace on Earth and good will toward men. For that dream to be ignited and reawakened, we are challenged to look beyond the chaos, violence, pain and suffering so rampant in the world. We must find within ourselves the Peace, the Light, and the Love that Buddha, Jesus, and all the great masters who followed the Christ Consciousness, brought to our modern world. The rebalancing of Light and Love, of mind and heart, and of thought and feeling awaits all of humanity. Our friends in Telos have shared their wisdom on how to achieve this so that we can become the way-showers, achieve our Resurrection, and do our part to return our planet to its pristine condition. They lived through similar times that we are experiencing now, but improved upon it as we can do, creating the wonderful 5th dimensional world they live in now. They monitor our progress from within their beautiful sanctuary beneath Mount Shasta, and look forward to the day when they will be able to meet us face to face.
The Telos Book Series, plus The Seven Sacred Flames, by Aurelia Louise Jones are tools that will help us navigate the changing tides of our planet. As we learn to invoke and use the Rays for purification and positive goals, we can assist our human family while stepping into a more enlightened atmosphere.
May the Light of God that never fails and the Love of God that always fulfills, be upon us all, and our world.