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Telos-USA Winter Solstice Newsletter 2024

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Telos-USA Summer Newsletter 2024

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Telos-USA Solstice Newsletter


Greetings Everyone,
As Harvest time draws to a close and the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky, the world slows to a quieter pace, awaiting the dawn of Spring.  It is a time of rest and a time of quiet solitude, reflection.  It is a time for us to celebrate life and the hope of returning light to Mother Earth.  

We’ve been told to expect this time of chaos as we move up from third dimension to fourth dimension, but why is it so hard?  Mother Earth and humanity all around the globe are struggling right now.  It is difficult to stay positive when it seems everything is falling apart.  Don’t give up, for there is Hope.

Darkness will always be defeated by the light, whether it is revolving around night and day or going from the negative to the positive.  Thoughts are things, so your investment in viewing our future world with tranquility is a wonderful way of passing the time.  It honors your energy and the energies of others.  Participating actively in making the world a better place to live also charges the air, the energy around us, sending infinite love to areas in distress.

Remember that chaos draws from us the desire to seek better solutions.  As we improve ourselves, we help improve those around us.  Raising our consciousness can create better answers, bringing new inventions that may produce fulfillment and prosperity for a planet in need.

We already have the keys to our own Ascension.  The more we use them, the better we will become at keeping them in our hearts and using them. In TELOS 3; Protocols of the Fifth Dimension (chapter 14) by Aurelia Louise Jones, Adama speaks about love: “Love is not a word.  It is an essence, a power, a vibration.  It is Life!  …the supreme element in all existence.  …Enough intensity of love can heal and transform anything.”

We are ready for that transformation.  Our beautiful world needs us to bring forth that amazing Golden Age.  It is time to step forth in practice, changing one person at a time, as we reach for this magnificent goal.  You are champions of the Light-never forget that!  Together we can completely revolutionize the dynamics of humanity. Study, use your tools, including all the TELOS BOOKS, and step into the new circle of Peace, Power, and Love that will benefit everyone. 

Blessings and gratitude to all of you! KEEP SHINING YOUR LIGHT!

Jennifer H. Lutz
Telos-USA Board Member


“It is now time to completely heal the past and embrace a brand new
Paradigm of Love, Limitlessness and unprecedented Grace
for your life and for the planet.”
The Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia Louise Jones


Telos Weekly Conference Call:  Facilitators:  Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly. The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-775-8972;   Code:  445613  For more information:

Global Ascension Ceremony    Every 3rd Thursday of the month. Next ceremony December 21st. Please contact Marie Philips or Sue Parry for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!  

Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies Check Telos-USA for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony, please contact Telos-USA 

Happy Solstice! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
The Telos USA Team
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Telos-USA Fall Newsletter 2023



While we have no idea what the Lemurians of Telos may think about the latest
outbreak of man’s inhumanity to man, it’s sobering to reflect upon horrors they
experienced in the destruction of their continent. For those of us familiar with
the teachings of Telos there are some hints as to what could be our best
response to what is happening in Ukraine, Gaza, Israel and other conflicts
around the world.

Surprisingly, an interesting clue can actually be found in the process by which
the Telosians construct their homes. The technique they use is explained in
Volume 1 of the Telos books, Part 2. At one time they built their
homes like we do with blueprints, plans, and various building materials but
now in their 5th Dimensional reality they use their thoughts, intentions and
sustained focus to create the physical reality they desire.

As fifth dimensional beings, they create anything they want. First they decide
specifically what kind of house they desire. Then using their mind and heart
they visualize crystalline-like stones layered up to fulfill their design. The actual
manifestation follows when they shift their focus to generating a feeling of gratitude
while imagining their desire already completed. It is this heart energy that brings
about the ultimate manifestation that occurs with the densifying of the light from
which the stones are created until the desired opacity is achieved.

From this illustration we can see a creative way to approach the atrocities
unfolding in Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, and the other trouble spots in our world. To do this, the
challenge for us is to turn our attention away from media coverage of the
suffering. Instead, we’d do well to turn within and consciously use our creative
imagination to envision a peaceful outcome and the end of the violence. The
final step is using our heart energy to generate gratitude for the perfect
manifestation our mental picture already completed.

A useful tool as an analogy is the old Polaroid cameras where we’d see the
image just seconds after we took the picture. The key here is that it took just
seconds for the image to register on the film. Applying the analogy to the world
situation, we can envision a simple image that represents solutions, peace, end
of hostilities etc. and then hold that image in mind for just a few seconds and
then release it to do its perfect work. Holding your image for 33 seconds is
ideal as 33 is a sacred number. (Christ was on the earth for 33 years,
33 passages of Resurrection etc).

This technique is powerful and requires that we abstain from media images of
suffering which can defeat our efforts and actually serve to add fuel to the fire.
This plays out in our personal lives as we become aware that where our
attention goes, energy goes. If we find ourselves engaging in human habits like
criticism, judgment, blame, condemnation and gossip, then we become part of
the problem. Like the gospel song says, “Let peace begin with me.”

Our Lemurian brothers who experienced the worst of humanity no doubt are
rooting for us in the midst of our current challenges.

William Johnson
Telos-USA Board Member

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Telos USA SPRING EQUINOX 2022 Newsletter

Greetings, Everyone. 

Welcome to Spring Equinox 2022. 

As our ever-changing world scrambles for the voice of freedom from so many different sources, we say prayers of reverence and gratefulness to a globe in evolution.  Will we break this circle of chaos?  In the Telos books by Aurelia Louise Jones, she tells us that our brothers and sisters from Telos declare a vibrant “YES!”
It is good to experience change.  It is good to try and improve what we have.  But we know in our hearts that violence is never the answer.  Our Inner Earth family has also experienced transformation and learned thousands of years ago that negative revolutions cannot bring about a positive difference.  There are records that tell us about the wars between the Lemurians and Atlanteans where two beautiful continents were destroyed and now rest at the bottom of the sea.  They quickly learned that it took a heart-centered consciousness and the collective consciousness of civilization to create a land built on love and peace.  The efforts of all were great in order to generate a political design that initiated an armistice of harmony and amity among the peoples of the earth at that time.  In order to find that peace, they had to travel down inside Mother Earth.
Spring Equinox is the perfect time to start on this journey.  Now it is our turn to find that same design; to learn to live and cohabitate together, working as one unit, to reconcile and re-create a pristine world built on love!  As we learn the ancient techniques that are taught in Telos, Volumes 1, 2, and 3, we find that they apply to any era that we live in.  Our Inner Earth families, the great masters, our planetary relatives all want to see us succeed in this endeavor- indeed, they insist that we will be successful.  We have but to raise ourselves to a heart-centered consciousness and spread this good will as we communicate with others.
Now is the time, dear ones, with new beginnings.  The grass is growing, trees and plants are budding, and the bears are coming out of hibernation as the Great Mother awakens again.  It is time for us to wake up, too, and embrace the love “that makes the world go ‘round.”  It is time for the next Golden Era to begin.

Rev. Jennifer H. Lutz
Telos-USA Board Member


“Return to nature, dear ones; it will not fail you.

Open your heart and consciousness to the other kingdoms of the Earth.

You will discover how magical and harmonious they are. ~ Adama



Telos Weekly Conference Call:  Facilitators:  Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.
The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-775-8972;   Code:  445613
Check the website for further information. We support this helpful call to so many.

Global Ascension Ceremony    Every  3rd Thursday of the month. Next ceremony December 16th
Please contact Marie Philips at for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!

Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies.
Check our website for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

For purchase of The Telos Book Series , The Seven Sacred Flames  and other books by Aurelia Louise Jones go to

Happy Spring Equinox!
The Telos-USA Team

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2021 Fall Newsletter

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In the midst of national and global turmoil and divisiveness, we may find some hope and encouragement in revisiting some of the transmissions Aurelia Louise Jones brought forth some fifteen years ago from Adama, the High Priest of Telos, and Cusco, who similarly as one of the ancients, presides over the Council of the Elders in the City of Light three miles beneath the surface community of Machu Picchu.

While Telos has no surface presence, the ruins visitors see on Machu Picchu are what was left of the Inca Civilization that was wiped out by Spanish invaders. Unlike Telosians who have always lived within Mount Shasta, those living in Machu Picchu during the time of Lemuria lived above ground until Atlantis and Lemuria were destroyed. Later they rescued many Inca and invited them inside the mountain where they preserved what was left of their culture.

As Cusco explained it, “The way we live can very much be compared to the way of Telos. Our creation process is by thought just as it is in Telos. Though every city has its own particulars, all ascended cultures live on the same universal principles, and the way of life is not so different from one city to the other.” All live in peace and harmony with each other and with nature. Those living in Machu Picchu are particularly dedicated to doing what they can to preserve the rain forests so critical to oxygen in our atmosphere.

During one of the transmissions (Telos Vol 3, Chapter 8) Aurelia asked what their homes were like. Cusco explained, “Most of us live in pyramidal-shaped homes made of crystal materials created with our minds. Many of our public buildings and teaching places are circular in shape…  In Telos, it is rather the opposite. They live in circular homes and most of the buildings and gathering places are pyramidal, and always conceived from elegant imagining.”

Throughout the Lemurian teachings we read that all creative activity begins with Consciousness operating in accordance with Universal Principles that the Christ explains in precise language in a book we’ve mentioned before, “Christ Returns, Speaks His Truth.” Regrettably, the masses of humanity are not aware that we alone are creating our realities.  That’s why in these challenging times we are urged to monitor our thoughts and the feelings of our heart so that we are consciously creating our personal realities no matter what is going on in the outer world. Otherwise, we are but contributing to more personal, national, and global crises.

As Galatril, an Atlantian, said in the “Message from Posid” (Telos Vol 3, Chapter 7): “There are no victims in your world today. All the situations, global and personal, that you encounter in your daily life have been called into manifestation because you have created them. The greatest challenge you now face is to balance your own desires to harmonize with the greater good of all. Each of you must understand completely the power of creation that you hold in each moment.”

Would that we could wave a magic wand and have the minds and hearts of all world leaders permeated by Truth of our Existence revealed by the Christ, and by the Lemurians and Atlanteans who learned the hard way how they created such disaster and the loss of two continents.

Written by William Johnson
Telos USA Board Member

The Power of Creation is in YOU…

Telos Weekly Conference Call:  Facilitators:  Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.
The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-775-8972;  Code:  445613
Go to Telos-USA for further information. We support this helpful call to so many.

The Global Ascension Ceremony ~ the 3rd Thursday of each month. Go to Telos-USA for more information. You may also contact Marie Philips and Sue Parry for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!

Study Groups, Ascension Ceremonies and Classes
Check out our website for groups, classes and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony, please contact us. We will be happy to help you.
To purchase The Telos BooksThe Seven Sacred Flames and companion booklets by Aurelia Louise Jones go to

A picture containing tree, plantDescription automatically generated

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In Honor of World Peace Day


In Honor of World Peace Day
September 21, 2021

Glassy Globe Icon 


It is known that Creator Source gifted us with a world that provides us with everything we need to live.  Source has also gifted this planet with us, human beings, who are the care takers of our beautiful Earth.  As children of Creator, it is our responsibility to maintain a globe worthy of life, keeping it pristine, healthy, and sustainable for all who share this home with us.  This is our Truth.

We humans occupy the whole planet.  We live on continents, in countries, making our homes in small and large communities.  If we look closely around us, opening our hearts and minds to the common good, we find that all life wants the same thing-food, shelter, a clean environment, and peaceful living with abundant love and friendship.  There is no need to conquer each other when ONE GLOBAL HEART works together.  Each continent has wonderful natural resources to offer each other.

As we think, we are feeding the “global consciousness” with our thoughts.  These thoughts influence “the mental atmosphere of human thought and feeling that surrounds the planet.”  Each one of us pays the price because our emotions share this mind belt with the emotions and thoughts of every other human being on the planet.  The subconscious is immersed in it whether we are aware or not.

So, is it not better to fill the atmosphere with expressions of love and peace than to go about in a negative mood that pulls you down?  We are all human, and it’s hard to be positive all the time, but REMEMBER- WE ARE THE ONES WE’VE BEEN WAITING FOR!  We are the Lightworkers of this world.  Breathe in that Love, that Light, and then send it out around the Earth to share with everyone else!  This is our opportunity to give back to the planet, raising the energy of the global perception.  Do this as often as you think about it, for not only will it change your own state of being but will help heal our precious planet during these times of dis-ease.

Written by
Rev. Jennifer Lutz
Telos USA Board Member


Planet Earth In Hands

Tribute to Mother Earth

Oh! Mother, my tears fall upon your face.
I just remembered….
We, the Lightworkers have returned…
To spread our Web of Love around you.

From distant stars and galaxies,
From lives past, present and future,
We come to guide your healing.
We, the Lightworkers, one soul to another,
Touch the hearts of many each day.
With each recognition, we laugh, smile and cry.
Our Love is abundant, flowing, shimmering.

We, the Lightworkers, in perfect joy
Quietly expand Unconditional Love.
Spin now ever so gently as you warm yourself.
For we, the Lightworkers are back
From eons behind and ahead.
May Love, Laughter and Tears of Joy
Rain now and forever more upon your face.

~Author unknown, Thank You for the Prayer!

You can read this prayer in Angelo’s Message by Aurelia Louise Jones






Telos Weekly Conference Call:  Facilitators:  Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.
The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-775-8972;  Code:  445613
Go to Telos-USA for further information. We support this helpful call to so many.

The Global Ascension Ceremony ~ the 3rd Thursday of each month. Go to Telos-USA for more information. You may also contact Marie Philips and Sue Parry for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!

Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies
Check out our website for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony, please contact us. We will be happy to help you.

To purchase The Telos BooksThe Seven Sacred Flames and companion booklets by Aurelia Louise Jones go to


The Telos USA Team

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2021 Spring Newsletter

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Greetings Everyone,

This spring we seem to be revisiting the same energies we struggled with a year ago: Covid, to vaccinate or not, racism, political battles, divisiveness, and the usual litany of discord.  Those of us familiar with the Telos material may recall an enlightening discourse given by an Atlantean Master through Aurelia Louise Jones. It sheds an interesting insight into our world today.

In Telos Volume 3Protocols of the Fifth Dimension (Chapter 7) Galatril speaks on how in Atlantis they got caught up in self-centered activities and the destructive use of atomic and crystalline energy, which ultimately destroyed their whole continent. Atlantis had become a civilization out of control. It had become disconnected from the nurturing and compassionate energies of the heart and soul. Many Atlanteans had become concerned only with the pursuit of knowledge and power at the expense of truth.

In the words of Galatril some twenty years ago, “Your world today is facing very much these same issues. Your present-day leaders are being questioned about their conduct and their motives, just as we questioned our leaders then. And the answers that you are receiving are not striking a harmonious chord with the music of your souls. The words your leaders speak may in some instances sound correct, and the sentiments expressed may seem genuine. Yet when you examine them with the only meter that you have, your hearts, you know that you are being fed illusion, deception, and treachery. And you know that this illusion can no longer stand, as your Creator has decreed the “New Day of Light” for this planet.

“Just as we created our own veils of illusion in the time of Atlantis and thought that we could play with the energies of creation and manifestation without consequences, so have you placed blinders on the effects of your own misuse of energy.”

They were speaking not of our damage to the environment nor were they speaking into the information manipulation taking place in all our media as a method of mind control. They were speaking of the misuse of emotional energy on this planet, our own emotional bodies. In their time they attempted to override their emotions with the mind, forgetting that our emotions are the conduit to our hearts and souls. Truth is felt with the heart, not through the influence of ego.

They say, “You have been awarded a substantial opportunity to bring the full force of God through your emotional bodies. You are able to imbue these energies with the uniqueness that each of you possesses. This uniqueness is a direct result of the emotional colorings that you have developed lifetime after lifetime in the electromagnetic and crystalline grid of this planet.”

Two thousand years ago, Master Jesus tried to teach the laws of creation and existence, but even his Disciples did not understand what he was saying.  In recent years He returned and through his recorder revealed in detail the nature of Universal Father/Mother Consciousness and specifically the 9 aspects of Creative Mind and Power with which we create our realities be they constructive or disastrous. In His introduction to his book, Christ Returns Speaks His Truth, He says, “Because people are on the threshold of a world crisis of enormous proportions, it is vital for survival that I, the Christ, should reach all who will listen. You know little of the true processes of creation in which you, yourselves, play a major role. It is imperative you understand them sufficiently to enable you to embark on the implementation of a higher vision for all humanity.”

In reading Christ Returns, one can gain a better understanding of how our Telosian friends live, and through Christ Consciousness create realities not unlike those created by Jesus to demonstrate the Truth of Existence to his followers. In the past we have referenced how the Telosians create their world without physical raw materials as we do. Christ Returns makes clear how they do it. No mystery, just the conscious use of the Universal Laws of Creation and Power.

In our current situation we do well to remember the advice of our Telosian family to keep our personal energy and vibrations as high as possible by mastering our thoughts and emotions no matter what is happening in the outer world. Only then can we be part of the solution rather than contributing to the global discord that the Powers of Nature are mirroring back to us, our spiritual ignorance of the immutable Universal Laws of Creation.

Written by William Johnson
Telos USA Board member

“It is now time to open yourself to all that is possible as a new way of seeing, perceiving, doing and being.
Be ready and willing to live in the now moment, without expectation, and open yourself to all the magic, majesty,
ease, and beauty that is awaiting all of you who step into the fifth dimensional way of being.  Adama~

Telos Vol. 3, Protocols of the Fifth Dimension
Chapter Four, p. 60


Telos Weekly Conference Call:  Facilitators:  Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.
The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-775-8972;  Code:  445613
Go to Telos-USA for further information. We support this helpful call to so many.

The Global Ascension Ceremony ~ the 3rd Thursday of each month. Go to Telos-USA for more information. You may also contact Marie Philips and Sue Parry for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!

Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies.
Check out our website for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony, please contact us. We will be happy to help you.

To purchase The Telos BooksThe Seven Sacred Flames and companion booklets by Aurelia Louise Jones go to

The Telos USA Team

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2020 Winter Newsletter

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Ahhh, blessed winter; a time of inner reflection, peace, and Hope; Hope for a future brighter than our most ardent prayers!It has been a thought-provoking year; one for the record books. On a positive note, this changing time has shown us what we want to build on for a better future. It has been righting wrongs and exposing old concepts that we need to improve upon.Imagine, in your wildest dreams, of visiting a planet where everyone works together to keep their planet clean, hunger-free, disease-free, and full of love for their fellow man. Imagine a place where you are always welcome and accepted for who you are! This is the true gift of giving: hearts full of friendship and sharing, a land full of prosperity. Everyone is dedicated to the wholeness of the Great Mother and all her children.Adama, the High Council of 12, and our dear friends in Telos will tell us that we can change the world! It is up to us- our thought patterns and our devoted activities- that will create a new world full of love, compassion, and harmony. Through the raising of our consciousness and actions of unity, we will unite our home with tranquility. What a gift to present to ourselves, our planet, solar system, and galaxy! We will become a united front; an Earth worthy of teaching and raising global awareness.This is what we wish for you; this is what we HOPE for every living thing on OUR MOTHER. This is what we give to you. Through the upliftment of all of us, we can accomplish miracles. We have the ancient teachings of Lemuria, as presented to us in the Telos Books by Aurelia Louise Jones. Our brothers and sisters of Telos, and the other great kingdoms of Inner Earth, as well as our wonderful space family who watch over us, offer their guidance, wisdom and love while cheering us on; encouraging us to step into our true rolls of caretakers on Earth, compassionately working side by side. KEEP SHINING YOUR LIGHT!

And a blessed Solstice to all!

Written by Jennifer Lutz, Telos-USA Board Member


“If you want to assist this planet,
the most important thing
is to let go of your fears,
surrender with Love to what is,
and let go of all judgments.“~Master El Morya
Telos Series Card Deck


Telos Weekly Conference Call:  Facilitators:  Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.
The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-775-8972;   Code:  445613
Check the website for further information. We support this helpful call to so many.

Global Ascension Ceremony    Every  3rd Thursday of the month. Next ceremony December 17th
Please contact Marie Philips at for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!

Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies.
Check out our website for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

For purchase of The Telos Book Series , The Seven Sacred Flames  and other books by Aurelia Louise Jones go to

Happy Solstice and Happy Holiday Moments~

The Telos-USA Team

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2020 Fall Newsletter

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Greetings All,      ​

These times of unprecedented circumstances with months of corona virus chaos and escalated, heightened emotions attached to the upcoming election have no doubt given rise toward self reflection on numerous levels. Where do we stand in the midst of all this? How do we stay centered and find balance in our moments? How do we define our passions and our compassion? How do we maintain respect and tolerance for other points of view? So many questions to contemplate and the answers will vary within each of us.

The wisdom and teachings from Telos and the Lemurian Heart are ever present. The Telosians are living in a world where Love, Peace, Harmony and Beauty exist without question. Living from the heart is a given and non-judgement is embedded in that fifth dimensional way of life. In our world we are still dealing with the polarities and strong divides that keep us separate rather than coming together. The strong political issues of the day are perfect examples and sometimes volatile, such as: racism, bigotry, xenophobia, misogyny, women’s reproductive rights, and the environment, to name a few.  The key is how we handle ourselves, how we live and how we become the example we choose to be.

Closing words from Adama, High Priest of Telos

“Let’s all embrace and welcome the dawning new world. As
the Phoenix rises out of the ashes, a brand new world of divine love and
perfection will rise up with the crumbling of all your old limiting belief systems. You
will let go of outmoded governmental systems of control and manipulation that you
have been programmed with for eons of time.”


Click here for Telos-USA Slideshow

~ The allowing of self-compassion moves you into the vibration of Grace.
View ALL from a perspective of Compassion and Trust,

 for these are the true energies that empower us. ~


(Telos Book Series Card Deck)


Reminders: Don’t forget to VOTE!

Telos Weekly Conference Call:  Facilitators:  Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.
The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-775-8972;  Code:  445613
Go to Telos-USA for further information. We support this helpful call to so many.

The Global Ascension Ceremony ~ the 3rd Thursday of each month. Go to Telos-USA for more information. You may also contact Marie Philips at for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!

Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies.
Check out our website for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

To purchase The Telos BooksThe Seven Sacred Flames and companion booklets by Aurelia Louise Jones go to

The Telos USA Team

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2020 Summer Newsletter

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Greetings from Telos-USA

No doubt our Lemurian friends living in the 5th dimensional majesty of Telos inside of Mount Shasta are aware of the global turmoil we surface dwellers are facing this summer and perhaps are contemplating, “They know not what they do.”

The contrast of their world of perfection, immortality, peace, harmony, and abundance could not be greater, compared to our world filled with disease, lack, fear, economic uncertainty and global rage boiling up from long standing racism, misogyny, injustice, prejudice, religious intolerance and hatred. Yet, in all the chaos there is cause for hope.

If it’s true that it’s always darkest just before dawn, then the death of George Floyd may well have been the spark to ignite the irreversible beginning of the long- awaited dawn and the eventual end of man’s inhumanity to man. People of all ages, colors, nationalities, sexual variationsand religions, have taken to the streets demanding change from governments, municipalities, and police, armed with determination to hold responsible all those misusing power and suppressing the Truth that we all have a right to know.

The birthing of every Golden Age has been known to be painful and challenging for the first fifteen or so years. The 7th Golden Age born on 12/12/2012 is no exception. What has been deeply hidden comes to the surface to be seen by the world as evidenced by continually breaking news of sexual scandals, corrupt leaders, and corporate greed. For those of us living in democracies, our right to vote is now such a powerful tool in bringing about the changes we want to see in our countries and our world. Our Lemurian friends remind us that change begins with changes in our personal and collective consciousness; how important it is for us to be mindful of our thoughts and feelings. That is the only way for us to rise above the race-mind beliefs that have created and sustained such discord, lack, and suffering for so long.

To understand how we personally and collectively have created the global nightmare of humanity generation after generation, it’s interesting to review some of the teachings of our Lemurian friends which are found in the three Telos books brought forth by Aurelia Louise Jones beginning in 2004.

In Volume 3, Protocols of the Fifth Dimension, they say, “Basically, although all of your problems and difficulties are all manifesting in various ways, they all stem from the same core issues. The Divinity in each of you, that is not yet fully awakened, represents a cell of pure Love from the Heart of the Creator…We did not emerge from the womb with this mastery and awareness present in our consciousness, and neither did you. Even the new generations of children who are arriving each day in your transitioning dimension are not fully in their mastery, although they are more awake than you were when you came.”

They remind us that the Fifth Dimension is not a place, but a blend of vibrations reflected in the energies of love, trust, compassion, faith, grace, and gratitude. From this we can see that in order to dwell in the mastery enjoyed by the Lemurians we are wise to practice distancing ourselves from everything that could lower our vibration. That could include human habits such as judgement, blame, condemnation, criticism, and gossip; or it might include distancing ourselves from doomsayers or from the constant barrage of breaking news. For many this is a time of sadness over the loss of loved ones. While grieving is natural and necessary, we are wise to hold the highest vibrations we can of love, compassion, forgiveness, and determination to get us through our sorrow.

Our media presents the facts as they see it, though there are a few reporters out there who interject some hope with stories of positive effects. Our TV and movie personalities have also encouraged us to stick together and stay optimistic. Those of you who are in show business could create programs that encourage the growth of spiritual consciousness in your fellow man.

If there ever was a time to awaken, to turn within and reconnect with that Divinity they speak of, this is the time. This is the Source of our Sovereignty and Power – to face any storm that may be coming, and equally important, to make a difference in the world.

In their discussion of Grace, they share that “the Grace of your present time is that you may fully awaken to your mastery, and retain this consciousness for the remainder of your soul’s evolution, whether you choose to ascend and remain in this incarnation or choose to continue to experience cycles of incarnations here or elsewhere.

Article written by William Johnson, Telos-USA Board Member
with insertion by Jennifer Lutz, Telos-USA Board Member

“It is now time to completely heal the past
and embrace a brand new paradigm of
Love, Limitlessness and unprecedented Grace
for your life and for the planet.”
~ AdamaTaken from The Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia Louise Jones

Telos Weekly Conference Call:  Facilitators:  Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.
The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-432-3100;   Code:  445613
Go to Telos-USA for further information.

Monthly Global Ascension Ceremony:  3rd Thursday of each month. For more information go to Telos-USA . You may also contact Marie Philips at or
Sue Parry at for instructions and more information.

Monthly Telos Worldwide Online Prayer and Meditation Circle:  1st Sunday of each month
1pm Eastern time. Facilitator: Nancy Fuoco
For more information contact Telos Worldwide Foundation
Zoom Link for presentation room:

July 19th Global Prayer Gathering with The Seven Sacred Flames in memory of Aurelia Louise Jones
Facebook event.

Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies.
Check out for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating an Ascension ceremony, please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

Please welcome a NEW ZOOM Telos Book Series Study Group facilitated by Shanna MacLean.
Wednesdays 3-4:30 pm Mountain time. Contact Shanna for more information:

To purchase The Telos BooksThe Seven Sacred FlamesCompanion booklets and The Seven Sacred Flames Meditation CD, Telos~Temple Journey Meditations, go to

Wishing Everyone Love, Peace and Grace during this transformational time on our Planet.

The Telos-USA Team

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Spring 2020 Newsletter

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Greetings from Telos-USA

While spring is unfolding in our world under the cloud of a deadly virus our friends in Telos continually enjoy perfect health and wellbeing. Reason being, they live in the higher vibration of the 5th Dimension where disease simply cannot exist. While our destiny is to one day join them in that dimension, right now, particularly during the current crisis, it behooves us to do what we can to create and maintain a personal atmosphere of the highest vibration possible.

Distancing. While we honor the protocol of distancing ourselves from others by six feet we would also do well to be alert to distancing ourselves from the mind-set of many people, that bring thoughts or fears of helplessness, doom and gloom. The high road to maintaining the highest vibration possible is to remain optimistic and focused on a bright future for ourselves and our world beyond the current storm.

Taking control. Imagine speeding down a busy highway and taking your hands off the wheel and just sitting back and see what happens. That would be a frightening place to be,  yet our Lemurian friends remind us that most of humanity is still asleep to the fact that we all, individually and collectively, are constantly creating our reality, be that peace and harmony or fear and discord. Keeping a grip on our thoughts and emotions are particularly essential now in helping us to remain safe.

Escape through alcohol. Recent reports indicate that sales of alcohol have increased since the virus outbreak and it would be reasonable to assume the same could be said for sales of marijuana. With the legalization of marijuana some people may believe it must be okay but they would be tragically wrong. A number of years ago Adama, High Priest of Telos, explained to us how destructive alcohol and grass are to our chakra systems, our auric field, and mental and feeling bodies, opening us up to dark forces that make headlines through vulnerable people who are acting out the hatred and racism in the world. A summary of Adama’s warnings can be found in the booklet entitled The Effects of Recreational Drugs on Spiritual Development by Aurelia Louise Jones, available through Mount Shasta Light Publishing.

Increase in domestic violence. In addition to the increase of alcohol sales, an increase in domestic violence has been reported. To better help us better understand aspects of spousal abuse, Adama offered some insights in the 3rd volume of the Telos series, “Protocols of the Fifth Dimension.” For example, committed couples willing to step out of the blame, may discover through introspection what they see acting out in the other may well be a mirror for that disowned quality in themselves, hence opening the way to healing where the issue between them fades away forever.

Visiting the Temple of the Violet Flame in Telos. As a reminder for those of us familiar with the Telos material, there is a standing invitation for us to visit the Temple of the Violet Flame during our sleep. As described in Telos Vol. 2, “Messages for the Enlightenment of a Humanity in Transformation,” before we go to sleep at night we can ask to be taken in our light bodies to the Temple for the cleansing and purification of our mental and emotional bodies. Beginning on page 75 is a discussion of the Violet Flame Temple and a guided meditation is offered to travel to the Temple. The guided meditation is also available in a 2-CD set at or on YouTube.

Ten Codes of Conduct. On page 173 of Telos Vol. 3, Protocols of the Fifth Dimension, are the “Codes of Conduct for a Disciple of the Holy Spirit.” offered by the Maha Chohan of our Universe. Reviewing it now is like reading the playbook on how to get through this crisis with as much Grace and ease as possible.

Written by William Johnson
Telos USA Board Member

“Evolve your consciousness to be able to live in a world of pure Love and Light.
Awaken the perceptions of your true divinity: make it a priority—
the most important goal of your life.”  Adama

Telos Weekly Conference Call: Facilitators: Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.
The Teleconference Number is1-712-432-3100;   Code:  445613 
Go to Telos-USA for further information. We support this helpful call to so many.

The Global Ascension Ceremony takes place the 3rd Thursday of each month. Go to Telos-USA for more information. You may also contact Marie Philips at or Sue Parry at for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!

Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies.
Check out our website for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

To purchase The Telos Books, The Seven Sacred Flames and companion booklets by Aurelia Louise Jones go to

Wishing Everyone Love, Peace and Grace during this exceptional time on our Planet.

The Telos-USA Team

Copyright © 2020 Telos-USA, All rights reserved.

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Fall Newsletter 2019

Greetings,      ​

As Autumn descends upon Mount Shasta, a kaleidoscope of fall color is unfolding against the backdrop of the pine forests covering her lower slopes.  Local residents are grateful to have made it through the summer fire season unscathed while it took its toll in other areas of California.  This Fall finds the local population of Black Bears scurrying around for food before the snow flies.

​As the residents of Telos continue to safely monitor the world outside their domain, inside the mountain, ​they continue to engage off-planet visitors in a cooperative effort to support our planet through its painful transition into the 5th Dimension. Meanwhile, we surface dwellers are slowly coming to terms with our role in creating the environmental crises that now threaten our own existence, as well as continuing to harm Mother Earth. Our Lemurian friends and galactic visitors, with such advanced technology, have said that they cannot share their knowledge until we can be trusted not to use such technology destructively as we are doing with nuclear power, fracking, oil and gas drilling, exploitation of our natural resources, not to mention our habitual wars.

Those of us familiar with the highly advanced civilization existing inside the mountain, and elsewhere, in the Inner Earth can take heart; that despite the appearances, the 7th Golden Age that began 7 years ago continues to expose global corruption in governments, corporations, and even religions that will slowly yield to the betterment of all of humanity, and the healing of the planet in accordance with the spiritual laws of creation articulated in the Telos material.

During these challenging times, it is for us to join our Telosian and off-planet friends in holding the vision of a new world of peace, harmony, and prosperity of all of mankind, and the healing of Mother Earth. With us or without us, the planet is evolving into the 5th Dimension. This is one of the reasons Telos-USA is offering an Initiatic Journey to be held in the Summer of 2020 in Mount Shasta. It is a way of bringing together like-minded people to explore and renew our Lemurian heritage, which can foster the changes we want to see in the world as well as our own spiritual growth.

Written by William Johnson
Telos-USA Board Member



~ Do not suffer over what is gone,
but celebrate instead what is re-emerging. ~
(Telos Book Series Card Deck)



Stay tuned for more information about 2020 InitiaticJourney Retreat in August.

Telos Weekly Conference Call:  Facilitators:  Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.
The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-775-8972;  Code:  445613
Go to Telos-USA for further information. We support this helpful call to so many.

The Global Ascension Ceremony  ~ the 3rd Thursday of each month. Go to Telos-USA for more information. You may also contact Marie Philips at for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!

Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies.
Check out our website for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

To purchase The Telos Books, The Seven Sacred Flames and companion booklets by Aurelia Louise Jones go to





Wishing you a colorful Fall!
The Telos USA Team


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Spring Newsletter 2019


2019 Spring Newsletter
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Greetings friends!
Spring has sprung … in the northern hemisphere, as Fall emerges in the southern hemisphere.

The Equinox this Spring found Mount Shasta completely covered in a cloak of dazzling white snow due to abundant precipitation, most of which comes down as snow at the higher altitudes but often as rain in the community of Mt. Shasta below. North bound travelers to Mt. Shasta via Interstate 5 are treated to breathtaking views of the mountain even from a hundred miles away.

This newsletter expands on previous ones available on our website. It continues to explore the relevance of the Lemurian teachings of our Telosian friends living inside the mountain to what we are experiencing in our own reality on the surface. We offer a contrast of the lifestyle, advancement, and achievements of the Lemurians compared to what we are currently experiencing. This contrast is not unlike the contrast experienced by those who have watched Michael Moore’s film, Where Do We Invade Next, except on a more dramatic scale.

Transparency. In Telos transparency is automatic, for in their 5th Dimensional reality lying is not possible. In their reality everyone is omniscient and therefore knows the truth or falsehood of whatever is said. In our reality we are still subject to lies, coverups, and denials from corporations, politicians and even elected officials we ought to be able to trust with serving the best interest of we the people and the planet. Increasing disclosures and revelations may well be the influence of the higher vibrations of Light reaching the planet since 2012, which marked the beginning of the 7th Golden Age. As the Light continues to intensify, we can expect more long held secrets to finally come to light. In the mean time we can only trust the wisdom of our hearts as a means of discerning what our intellect sees and hears in the outer world. Living from the heart remains the fundamental teaching from our friends in Telos.

Environment. We’ve spoken before on how the Powers and Nature, and the Forces of the Elements, unleash their power and fury to help Gaia purify Her garment from the destruction, pollution, abuse, disrespect, and greed wrought upon her body with our drilling, mining, fracking, and the poisoning of Her air and water. It is unrealistic to expect our “natural disasters” to diminish until we wake up to the messages Nature is trying to tell us. Our Lemurian friends in Telos observe the destructive greed playing out on the surface while they continue living in harmony with the Elemental Beings and all the Kingdoms of Nature, most of which remain unknown to most of humanity. While we drill, frack, dig, slaughter animals, chop down trees, pollute the atmosphere, and poison the earth, Telosians respect all life and continue to love and nurture animals long since driven to extinction on the surface like the magical Unicorns.

Immigration. We are all immigrants one way or another. While it may be hard to grasp that we are all immortal spiritual beings who came to this planet millions of years ago to experience physicality in a world of free will, it is easy and interesting to view media coverage of our members of Congress and see the diversity of races and nationalities which define our country. What remains as a blight in our history is that our lands were taken from the Native Peoples who lived here first, who honored Earth, honored the animals, who honored the Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings who dwelled freely upon the surface once upon a time. In this stage of our evolution it’s amazing that words like xenophobiaracism and misogyny still exist in our vocabulary. Most Americans do not know that Telos even exists, much less that the Lemurians living inside the mountain are engaged with folks living in the Inner Earth, in Atlantean underground communities, and a host of off-planet civilizations that present diversity beyond our comprehension or imagination.

LGBT.  What do the Lemurians of Telos think of gay people? That question was asked some years ago during an “Initiatic Journey” conducted by channel and author Aurelia Louise Jones in the summer of 2005. It was addressed to Adama, who is the High Priest of Telos. His response through Aurelia was immediate: “There is no judgement whatsoever!” He explained that such sexual orientation sometimes occurs between “crossover lifetimes” where one formerly in feminine embodiment might return in their next embodiment as male, and vice versa. When we come to understand that we’ve all been coming and going from this planet experiencing different genders, sexual orientation, races and nationalities, then discrimination may finally drift into history books. A sign of changing times is that after years of sexual discrimination and condemnation of homosexual people, an openly gay person is, for the first time in our nation’s history, running for the Office of President of the United States of America.

Healthcare.  While Universal Healthcare is enjoyed by many Europeans as a basic human right, it is not the reality of Americans. What’s the antithesis, what’s on the other side of health care is what the Lemurians of Telos achieved ages ago.  Not only do they enjoy perfect health all the time, but they have immortalized their bodies and no longer experience the change called death as we do. Our Telosian friends, who treat their bodies as sacred temples, have adopted a plant-based organic diet, which nourishes them. Foods are grown with great care, whether the seeds are planted in fertile soils or in hydroponic gardens.

Since aging does not exist in Telos, most people appear to be under 40 years of age even if they may be hundreds of years old. While that reality awaits future generations as planetary Ascension approaches, it’s amusing to contemplate that in our current embodiment we will be considered the ancestors to our own future incarnations. Those of us familiar with the Telos material know that in the meantime we at least have an open invitation to travel in our light bodies at night to visit the Lemurian Temples dedicated to the Seven Sacred Flames for personal healing.

Abortion. This is a controversial topic for women with unwanted pregnancies due to rape, unprotected sex, medical complications, or other circumstances. In Telos, the issue of abortion does not exist because they never lost mastery over their bodies and reproductive processes as we did long ago. Lost from our DNA was that mastery; hence unwanted pregnancies must be faced, hopefully in a more enlightened manner. Historically pregnancies have been terminated one way or another in many different cultures. While the controversy over abortion will likely continue along with continual spiritual evolution, one day it will be known that in truth we are all immortal beings, we have never died, and whenever a potential re-entry into embodiment was blocked by a prospective mother’s choice or circumstances, we merely wait for another opportunity to return through someone else.

Rarely considered are other instances such as when an incoming soul decides, even at the last minute, not to come in as perhaps circumstances may have changed (death of prospective father, etc.) that would no longer support the intentions of the proposed embodiment. One day there will be greater understanding of the dynamics of miscarriage, still birth, and even crib death, all of which can be more than devastating to unaware would-be parents.

Women In Government. Politics aside, the recent influx of more women entering the halls of Congress may well reflect historic and irreversible change brought about by the return of the Divine Feminine energy to Earth, long suppressed for thousands of years. The current number of world leaders in feminine embodiments may be a similar reflection. In Telos there is a complete balance of feminine and masculine energies in the governing body which is the High Council of Elders. Half of its member are women, the other half men. In the event of a tie vote on an issue, Adama who presides over the Council breaks the ties, not unlike our system. Hopefully the presence of more women in government can help balance out the more aggressive masculine behavior that has caused such animosity and stagnation.

Education. The Lemuians who monitor our progress on the surface are totally aware of our system of education which is so foreign to their own and even to the modern and more advanced European systems featured in the fore-mentioned film, Where Do We Invade Next. We have records and documentaries made of exceptional American teachers who rose above the constraints of our archaic system of education and inspired excellence, achievement, self-esteem, and confidence in their students. Shouldn’t that be the goal of education in America; one that gives every student equal opportunity to rise to their highest level of achievement, regardless of their race, sex, the income of their parents, or where they live? Recent revelations of corruption involving acceptances into American colleges and Universities fly in the face of free education existing in Europe. That so many more young Americans are resorting to free education in Europe is an indictment of our system of education and the anthesis of the education young Lemurian students receive in Telos.

The Space Program. While we have landed on the moon, have created some wonderful successes in space exploration, and have also experienced devastatingly tragic failures, it is hard for us who are familiar with Telos to get enthused about spending billions of dollars in space exploration when we know that spaceships routinely fly in and out of Mount Shasta from other planets and star systems, in addition to the resident fleet of starships belonging to Telos known as the Silver Fleet. We know that as soon as complete world peace is achieved, they will happily share their technology, but not until then. Until we can be trusted not to use that technology destructively, will that technology come forth with the blessings of Ascended Realms.

Looking forward. Those of us familiar with the Telos material know that the Lemurians living quietly, though yet unseen, inside Mount Shasta, are living what is to be our future one day. More immediately, we can find encouragement that long overdue changes in healthcare, education, immigration, childcare, drug addiction, and criminal justice reform are possible because Europeans have already done so. As we look toward the 2020 elections, we will do well by following the advice of our Lemurian teachers and vote with the wisdom and discernment of the Heart, our feeling side of life. We chose to be here at the dawning of this 7th Golden Age, to make a difference in these exciting and changing times. Part of doing that is exercising our right to vote.
There is much to contemplate in these constantly changing times.

Written by William Johnson – Telos USA Board Member


Telos Weekly Conference Call:  Facilitators:  Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.
The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-775-8972;   Code:  445613
Check the website for further information. We support this helpful call to so many.

Global Ascension Ceremony   April 18, 2019  every  3rd Thursday of the month. Please contact Marie Philips at for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!

Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies.
Check out our website for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

For purchase of The Telos Book Series , The Seven Sacred Flames  and other books by Aurelia Louise Jones go to

Happy Spring!

The Telos-USA Team



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Winter Solstice Newsletter 2018

 Photo by Jim Kurtz, Mount Shasta, CA


Welcome to Winter Solstice 2018. In a whirlwind of activity, our sun and moon danced their way through the seasons, months, and days this year. How fast the time has gone by! We’ve learned and grown; taken baby steps or giant leaps depending on our own personal and spiritual agenda. We’ve coped with every human emotion as our world turned. We are individually advancing on our own Ascension pathway. How have you done, and where are you at this point in your growth?

Winter Solstice is a time of reflection. It is a time to look back on your personal year and assess your progress, not to criticize yourself, but to see where you’ve expanded and where you want to improve. Remember that it is also a time of non-judgement; have you thanked yourself for all your accomplishments this year? High Priest Adama of Telos teaches us to be grateful for family, friends, self, and all those kingdoms that participate on our wonderful Mother Earth. We are all connected as One, working together to keep this planet running. Through the Telos books by Aurelia Louise Jones, our Telosian friends have taught that it is all about Love. Love and diligent continuity are the keys to our advancement. As we understand more about ourselves as humanity, our expanding compassion opens our hearts, adding more love to not only the Earth, but the whole universe. We connect as the great grid connects around the planet, raising the energy of Earth, and thus raising the consciousness of every living thing. The more we strive to succeed as conscientious beings, the more we help others.

What will be your goals in 2019? Will you continue your journey of Ascension to help the planet, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe? Indeed, it is a very noble mission. Do not worry about your failures, for they are only lessons.

Perhaps we need to practice more. Be positive, for you are perfect just the way you are. Embrace every bit of yourselves because there is no one exactly like you in this universe. Creator/Source, God, or whatever you call the Infinite Mind that created this universe, needed you, and that’s exactly why you are here! If you want a better world, be a better person in it! With your help, the new Golden Age will become a reality, and soon we will truly meet our friends and family from other galaxies and Inner Earth.


Written by Jennifer H. Lutz, Telos USA Boardmember


The answers that you seek reside within you.

The only spiritual practice to follow now is one that awakens you to this truth.

(Telos Book Series Card Deck)




Telos Weekly Conference Call:  Facilitators:  Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.

The Teleconference Number is:  1-712-775-8972;  Code:  445613

Go to Telos-USA for further information. We support this helpful call to so many.


The Global Ascension Ceremony is now taking place the 3rd Thursday of each month. Go to Telos-USA for more information. You may also contact Marie Philips at for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!


Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies.

Check out our website for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony please contact us and we will be happy to help you.


To purchase The Telos BooksThe Seven Sacred Flames and companion booklets by Aurelia Louise Jones go to


Wishing Everyone a Happy Holiday and an Abundant New Year!

The Telos-USA Team

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Fall Newsletter 2018

Greetings and Happy Fall!

With the arrival of Fall, the peaks of Mount Shasta above Telos are finally reaching up into clear skies after being shrouded for months by toxic smoke from wildfires that destroyed so many homes and forests. Visitors coming from around the world to reconnect with the mountain and the energies of Telos had to endure the smoke that obscurred the mountain most of the time.

While fires raged on the surface, our Lemurian brothers and sisters living in Telos continued to enjoy the beauty, peace and harmony of their refuge inside the mountain. They must wonder why it is taking us surface dwellers so long to realize how our unending human discord is fueling the violent response of the nature elements around the world causing such suffering and loss. Thanks to mass media we are able to see in real time the result of of continued abuse and disregard for the welfare of our planet and of our failure to overcome the racism, hatred, mysogeny, judgement, divisiveness, and selfishness still rampant in the world.

The solution to our human maladies and global turmoil can be found in the teachings of our Lemurian brothers and sisters whose message is, and always has been, to live from the heart  rather than the intellect of the mind conditioned only by experiences of the past. Living from the heart does not include fear, worry, distrust, or judgement, all of which rob us access to our own personal power and sovereignty.

Living from the heart is taking our attention off the problems or challenges we may face and knowing that within the peace and harmony of the heart is the power and wisdom which knows the perfect solution based on the potentials and possibilities of the future that can transform what has been. Living from the heart will always be the message from our Telosian friends.

Many of us living in Democracies have an opportunity to make a difference, to be part of creating the changes we want to see in the world. The trick is to see duality, good people/bad people, and divisiveness for what they are, tools of those who want humanity to remain pawns, disconnected from their power and continue to be slaves to the system of domination and control that must come to an end. How different the world will be when voters in the free world cast their ballots with a hand over their hearts and inwardly consider, “What is the most constructive decision I can make here that will benefit the planet and the generations to come?” and allow the answer to come from the wisdom of their hearts.


Article written by William Johnson, Telos-USA Board Member

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Summer Newsletter 2018










Greetings Everyone!

In the Spring we spoke of gardeners in the Northern Hemisphere planting seeds to bring forth food during the summer and early fall. We used that as a metaphor for the seeds we consciously or unconsciously plant in the garden of our consciousness, where the invisible seeds we plant are the thoughts, feelings and words we embody. Now that the Solstice has announced the beginning of Summer, let’s take this analogy a bit further. Those in the Northern Hemisphere have experienced the longest day of the year and will gradually see the days grow shorter. The opposite is true for those in the Southern Hemisphere. In Telos there obviously is no difference in the hours of light. Gardeners in the North now busy themselves with rooting out weeds that could take over and overwhelm the growing crops. Hopefully they are not using Roundup made by Monsanto to assist them, because the Glyphosate in that weed killer has poisoned vineyards and farmland the world over and consequently most of us have some in our bodies. France is currently working on getting it outlawed in their country. At least weeds are tangible, visible and can be removed without a lot of effort. Within the garden of our consciousness that is not the case as our outer world is mirroring back to us.

Our friends living in Telos know that nothing exists apart from consciousness and they live as we said before, “from the inside out” where the heart (Love) leads the way for the mind (Light). Long ago they learned the importance of balancing their feminine and masculine energies and have mastered the alchemy of polarity to manifest and sustain their magical world.

It’s tragically obvious that spiritual ignorance is the main challenge for humanity that continues to harm the planet and one another. The seeds and weeds of fear, doubt, racism, prejudice, judgement and all the other human weaknesses that foster lack, limitation, struggle, distrust, greed and continuous war will eventually disappear as the Seventh Golden Age progresses. But for now, Telos stands as a ray of hope and inspiration for many people who are awakening around the world and are learning the history of the lost worlds of Lemuria and Atlantis and how massive destruction evolved into advanced subterranean civilizations that are right now living our future.

The great gifts from Telos include their teachings about the 7 Sacred Flames and Rays of Creation and their open invitation to visit their temples to the Sacred Flames for personal healing. They have explained that the use of the Sacred Flames is the fastest and most effective way for us to keep the garden of our consciousness in order and producing all that we desire and require without the stress and fear experienced by the mass of humanity.

Adama, the High Priest of Telos, has said, “It would be beneficial for each one of you to focus each day on the energies of one of the seven major Rays that flood the planet from Creator Source on that day. All energies of the seven Rays flood the planet daily, but each day of the week, one of the Rays becomes predominant.” This process has assisted the people of Telos in working more effectively and living balanced lives. In this time of global stress and tension, use of the Sacred Flames on a regular basis can help us stay grounded in our spirituality and not at the effect of the world around us.

For those new to the Telos material, the Sacred Rays and Flames are introduced in all three of the Telos Books brought through by Aurelia Louise Jones, particularly in the third volume, “Protocols of the Fifth Dimension.” In –depth information on the subject can be found in her book, “The Seven Sacred Flames.”

For those who enjoy the benefit of guided meditations, a newer version of guided meditations to the Temples of Telos was released a few years ago.The newer version, TELOS~ Temple Journey Meditations is available through
Mount Shasta Light Publishing.


Written by William Johnson
Telos USA Board Member


Be ready and willing to learn anew

and have the courage to step into the unknown reality of Love and Magic….

Love is the only true power; start living your life in that vibrational frequency from the inside out. ~ Adama

(The Seven Sacred Flames Card Deck, The Fourth Ray, The Ascension Flame)




Saturday Telos Teleconference Call ~ Facilitated by Marie Philips (MI) and Sue Parry (UK)

Telos Global Ascension Call ~ Facilitated by Marie Philips (MI) and Sue Parry (UK)

***If you have a Study Group or Ascension Ceremony Gathering and would like to be added to our website listings in your state, please contact us. If you are interested in starting a group we will be happy to support you in getting started. Email us at

Happy Summer  to All!

The Telos-USA Team

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Spring Newsletter 2018

2018 Spring Newsletter
View this email in your browser

Greetings Friends of Telos.

Well, Spring has sprung in the northern Hemisphere, much to the delight of eager gardeners anxious to start digging up the dirt for spring planting. Some of us cannot resist playing a game with Jack Frost, but often lose end up heading back to the nursery for more tomato plants.

Those familiar with the Telos material know that horticulture in Telos is entirely different from our methods in that they grow their vegetables hydroponically, rather than in soil like we do. Another major difference is they don’t have winter, but rather live in a uniform atmosphere throughout the year.

Despite these differences in weather and growing methods, both methods involve feminine energies that bring forth the produce. Earth and water are feminine elements. Air and fire are masculine energies. While heat from the sun can dry developing seeds and air can distribute seeds of dandelions for example, neither are capable of producing plants and new seeds. Yet, both are necessary, working synergistically with the elements of earth and water.

This polarity of masculine and feminine energies is found throughout nature, in all kingdoms of life, except for the human race where it has long been corrupted. The greatest crime against humanity to man throughout their long evolution has been the deliberate denial and suppression of the Divine Feminine which is the very source of our creativity, genius, passion, will, determination, love, conscience, compassion, grace and infinite wisdom. Is it any wonder then, that those who have desired to manipulate, dominate, and control humanity out of greed would have kept from us the knowledge and power of our feminine energy?

The ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria were supposed to represent complementary energies of Light and Love, but both were destroyed through the misuse of technology. Today the lineages of survivors from the loss of both continents live in harmony with one another in their subterranean cities, Telos being the largest of the Lemurian populations. They learned their lesson the hard way and it would appear we are dragging our feet today with talks of nuclear war and divisive governments mired in political stagnation. What will change the equation? The continued quest for Truth and a direct connection with the God Self dwelling within us all that has long waited for our recognition. That is the connection that our Lemurian friends in Telos achieved long ago, allowing them to immortalize their bodies and reclaim their divinity.

Our Telosian friends continually remind us to live from the heart. In Volume 3 of the Telos books of Aurelia Louise Jones, “Protocols of the Fifth Dimension,” Ahnahmar of Telos tells us, “To return to full consciousness as divine beings, it is imperative that you now begin to turn the leaderships over to the heart and allow again the heart to rule rather than the mind.” As science has brought advances in artificial intelligence, there are those such as the late Stephen Hawking who warn of the dangers of AI which lack the conscience, discernment, wisdom, and essential harmlessness of the heart.

One of the side effects of living from the heart is that eventually the altered ego becomes tamed, then healed, so that the mind can once again function as originally intended by our Creator. Instead of our altered ego keeping us in a state of chaos, fear, judgment, blame, condemnation, guilt, shame, faulty perceptions, divisiveness, and the incessant yama-yama, the healthy ego that we non-physical spiritual beings need to function in a physical world can return to collecting and filing the data it receives from our senses. Then our minds can once again work in balanced harmony with our hearts and lead us through the resurrection and ascension achieved by our Telosian friends so long ago.

Living from the heart can be considered living from the inside out rather than the outside in, which only keeps us in constant stress and struggle as we react to events in the outer world. Living from the heart is doing what makes our hearts sing, or as the late Joseph Campbell said, “following our bliss.” That kind of passion unleashes the genius, the gifts and talents we all have but sadly the suppression of the Divine Feminine has kept them from being realized. When we regularly are experiencing peace, harmony, synchronicity, serendipitous events, more frequent experiences of joy, then we know we are living from the heart, as sovereign beings of Light and Love. As we watch the Academy Awards of Hollywood or listen to television shows like America’s Got Talent we are seeing living examples of people who are following their bliss.

We could consider the sowing of seeds in our spring gardens as a metaphor of our lives. Sooner or later we all come to the place where we know we are creator beings of consciousness and not our bodies. As such we all create our own realities by virtue of the seeds of thoughts, feelings, and words we plant in the garden of our consciousness. In a climate of political turmoil, continuing acts of violence, and environmental disasters the challenge for us is to be able to respond to the events of the world from the love, wisdom, compassion, discernment and forgiveness dwelling within our hearts and avoid the trap of the altered ego that wants to react to disturbing events with fear, worry, judgment, blame, condemnation and desire for revenge or punishment. Living from the heart is our path to the sovereignty, freedom, immortality, and the technology enjoyed by our friends living in Telos. As we’ve said before, they are living the future that awaits us surface dwellers.

Written by William Johnson, Telos USA Board Member

“Be ready and willing to learn anew and have the courage to step into the unknown reality of Love and Magic. Love is the only true power; start living your life in that vibrational frequency from the inside out.”
Adama, Taken from The Seven Sacred Flames, The Ascension Flame

Dates and Events to Remember    Click here:

Saturday Telos Teleconference Call ~ Facilitated by Marie Philips (MI) and Sue Parry (UK)

Telos Global Ascension Call ~ Facilitated by Marie Philips (MI) and Sue Parry (UK)
***If you have a Study Group or Ascension Ceremony Gathering and would like to be added to our website listings for your state, please contact us. If you are interested in starting a group we will be happy to support you in getting started. Email us at

Happy Spring to All!

The Telos-USA Team

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