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In the midst of national and global turmoil and divisiveness, we may find some hope and encouragement in revisiting some of the transmissions Aurelia Louise Jones brought forth some fifteen years ago from Adama, the High Priest of Telos, and Cusco, who similarly as one of the ancients, presides over the Council of the Elders in the City of Light three miles beneath the surface community of Machu Picchu.

While Telos has no surface presence, the ruins visitors see on Machu Picchu are what was left of the Inca Civilization that was wiped out by Spanish invaders. Unlike Telosians who have always lived within Mount Shasta, those living in Machu Picchu during the time of Lemuria lived above ground until Atlantis and Lemuria were destroyed. Later they rescued many Inca and invited them inside the mountain where they preserved what was left of their culture.

As Cusco explained it, “The way we live can very much be compared to the way of Telos. Our creation process is by thought just as it is in Telos. Though every city has its own particulars, all ascended cultures live on the same universal principles, and the way of life is not so different from one city to the other.” All live in peace and harmony with each other and with nature. Those living in Machu Picchu are particularly dedicated to doing what they can to preserve the rain forests so critical to oxygen in our atmosphere.

During one of the transmissions (Telos Vol 3, Chapter 8) Aurelia asked what their homes were like. Cusco explained, “Most of us live in pyramidal-shaped homes made of crystal materials created with our minds. Many of our public buildings and teaching places are circular in shape…  In Telos, it is rather the opposite. They live in circular homes and most of the buildings and gathering places are pyramidal, and always conceived from elegant imagining.”

Throughout the Lemurian teachings we read that all creative activity begins with Consciousness operating in accordance with Universal Principles that the Christ explains in precise language in a book we’ve mentioned before, “Christ Returns, Speaks His Truth.” Regrettably, the masses of humanity are not aware that we alone are creating our realities.  That’s why in these challenging times we are urged to monitor our thoughts and the feelings of our heart so that we are consciously creating our personal realities no matter what is going on in the outer world. Otherwise, we are but contributing to more personal, national, and global crises.

As Galatril, an Atlantian, said in the “Message from Posid” (Telos Vol 3, Chapter 7): “There are no victims in your world today. All the situations, global and personal, that you encounter in your daily life have been called into manifestation because you have created them. The greatest challenge you now face is to balance your own desires to harmonize with the greater good of all. Each of you must understand completely the power of creation that you hold in each moment.”

Would that we could wave a magic wand and have the minds and hearts of all world leaders permeated by Truth of our Existence revealed by the Christ, and by the Lemurians and Atlanteans who learned the hard way how they created such disaster and the loss of two continents.

Written by William Johnson
Telos USA Board Member

The Power of Creation is in YOU…

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