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Greetings from Telos-USA

While spring is unfolding in our world under the cloud of a deadly virus our friends in Telos continually enjoy perfect health and wellbeing. Reason being, they live in the higher vibration of the 5th Dimension where disease simply cannot exist. While our destiny is to one day join them in that dimension, right now, particularly during the current crisis, it behooves us to do what we can to create and maintain a personal atmosphere of the highest vibration possible.

Distancing. While we honor the protocol of distancing ourselves from others by six feet we would also do well to be alert to distancing ourselves from the mind-set of many people, that bring thoughts or fears of helplessness, doom and gloom. The high road to maintaining the highest vibration possible is to remain optimistic and focused on a bright future for ourselves and our world beyond the current storm.

Taking control. Imagine speeding down a busy highway and taking your hands off the wheel and just sitting back and see what happens. That would be a frightening place to be,  yet our Lemurian friends remind us that most of humanity is still asleep to the fact that we all, individually and collectively, are constantly creating our reality, be that peace and harmony or fear and discord. Keeping a grip on our thoughts and emotions are particularly essential now in helping us to remain safe.

Escape through alcohol. Recent reports indicate that sales of alcohol have increased since the virus outbreak and it would be reasonable to assume the same could be said for sales of marijuana. With the legalization of marijuana some people may believe it must be okay but they would be tragically wrong. A number of years ago Adama, High Priest of Telos, explained to us how destructive alcohol and grass are to our chakra systems, our auric field, and mental and feeling bodies, opening us up to dark forces that make headlines through vulnerable people who are acting out the hatred and racism in the world. A summary of Adama’s warnings can be found in the booklet entitled The Effects of Recreational Drugs on Spiritual Development by Aurelia Louise Jones, available through Mount Shasta Light Publishing.

Increase in domestic violence. In addition to the increase of alcohol sales, an increase in domestic violence has been reported. To better help us better understand aspects of spousal abuse, Adama offered some insights in the 3rd volume of the Telos series, “Protocols of the Fifth Dimension.” For example, committed couples willing to step out of the blame, may discover through introspection what they see acting out in the other may well be a mirror for that disowned quality in themselves, hence opening the way to healing where the issue between them fades away forever.

Visiting the Temple of the Violet Flame in Telos. As a reminder for those of us familiar with the Telos material, there is a standing invitation for us to visit the Temple of the Violet Flame during our sleep. As described in Telos Vol. 2, “Messages for the Enlightenment of a Humanity in Transformation,” before we go to sleep at night we can ask to be taken in our light bodies to the Temple for the cleansing and purification of our mental and emotional bodies. Beginning on page 75 is a discussion of the Violet Flame Temple and a guided meditation is offered to travel to the Temple. The guided meditation is also available in a 2-CD set at or on YouTube.

Ten Codes of Conduct. On page 173 of Telos Vol. 3, Protocols of the Fifth Dimension, are the “Codes of Conduct for a Disciple of the Holy Spirit.” offered by the Maha Chohan of our Universe. Reviewing it now is like reading the playbook on how to get through this crisis with as much Grace and ease as possible.

Written by William Johnson
Telos USA Board Member

“Evolve your consciousness to be able to live in a world of pure Love and Light.
Awaken the perceptions of your true divinity: make it a priority—
the most important goal of your life.”  Adama

Telos Weekly Conference Call: Facilitators: Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.
The Teleconference Number is1-712-432-3100;   Code:  445613 
Go to Telos-USA for further information. We support this helpful call to so many.

The Global Ascension Ceremony takes place the 3rd Thursday of each month. Go to Telos-USA for more information. You may also contact Marie Philips at or Sue Parry at for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!

Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies.
Check out our website for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

To purchase The Telos Books, The Seven Sacred Flames and companion booklets by Aurelia Louise Jones go to

Wishing Everyone Love, Peace and Grace during this exceptional time on our Planet.

The Telos-USA Team

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