Ahhh, blessed winter; a time of inner reflection, peace, and Hope; Hope for a future brighter than our most ardent prayers!It has been a thought-provoking year; one for the record books. On a positive note, this changing time has shown us what we want to build on for a better future. It has been righting wrongs and exposing old concepts that we need to improve upon.Imagine, in your wildest dreams, of visiting a planet where everyone works together to keep their planet clean, hunger-free, disease-free, and full of love for their fellow man. Imagine a place where you are always welcome and accepted for who you are! This is the true gift of giving: hearts full of friendship and sharing, a land full of prosperity. Everyone is dedicated to the wholeness of the Great Mother and all her children. Adama, the High Council of 12, and our dear friends in Telos will tell us that we can change the world! It is up to us- our thought patterns and our devoted activities- that will create a new world full of love, compassion, and harmony. Through the raising of our consciousness and actions of unity, we will unite our home with tranquility. What a gift to present to ourselves, our planet, solar system, and galaxy! We will become a united front; an Earth worthy of teaching and raising global awareness.This is what we wish for you; this is what we HOPE for every living thing on OUR MOTHER. This is what we give to you. Through the upliftment of all of us, we can accomplish miracles. We have the ancient teachings of Lemuria, as presented to us in the Telos Books by Aurelia Louise Jones. Our brothers and sisters of Telos, and the other great kingdoms of Inner Earth, as well as our wonderful space family who watch over us, offer their guidance, wisdom and love while cheering us on; encouraging us to step into our true rolls of caretakers on Earth, compassionately working side by side. KEEP SHINING YOUR LIGHT!
And a blessed Solstice to all!
Written by Jennifer Lutz, Telos-USA Board Member

“If you want to assist this planet,
the most important thing
is to let go of your fears,
surrender with Love to what is,
and let go of all judgments.“~Master El Morya
Telos Series Card Deck