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April – 2016

Dear Friends,
This may be the last monthly channeling from Denise Laberge.
We are so grateful to Denise for all her channelings these past years and for her beautiful heart. 

April Message from Adama

Channeled by Denise Laberge
Telos Worldwide Foundation
Montreal, Canada

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I am Adama, a life alchemist

In this period of awakening of nature and its vital forces, I invite you to take a fresh look at your life or rather, at what you believe to be your life.

The ice crystals in an ice block can more easily experience separation than the drops of water in the ocean. The slower vibrational frequency in the ice feeds the illusion of separation. The density in which you move has forced you to look at life and feel life from a very limited point of view. You are living this unique period in a planet’s life where the references, which had served as the foundation for the establishment of the rules of the game you wanted to experiment, are disintegrating gradually.

The energy of fluidity affects all strata of life now on earth. This fluidity affects all the emotions, the thoughts, the matter in every element of this dimension. This leads to changes that cause turmoil. Here is an example: if you were carrying since your birth a vibrational charge of rebellion against authority, which could not be expressed because of your family values and upbringing, then the occurring changes would push you to express this rebellion. You cannot refrain or ignore this any more. The fluidity penetrates the energy barriers which held the expression of that emotion and you have no other choice but to express it. This energy flow, which currently surrounds earth, is transforming all that prevents the principle of unity from manifesting. It pushes you towards unity and the unification of all the elements of life.

Your perception of yourself is very important; it shapes your life at all levels: mental, emotional and even physical. This perception acts as a manager and it rules your influence on your own life and your place in the world. This perception envelops you completely and it interacts with all creation. Knowing that the energies of fluidity surrounds the earth at the moment and that these energies are active, I invite you to welcome them and integrate them into your world. Imagine and feel this free flowing light going through you, and its frequency transforming you every second.

It is time for each of you to be reborn to your true nature. The fluidity, currently enveloping you, affects everyone. It shakes you from the inside starting at your heart chakra. Your heart releases in you these frequencies of transformation. That explains why you question your relation to yourself, as well as your place in the universe. You try to find the reason of your existence, you feel bad about yourself because it seems that what you have lived until now does not fulfill you anymore. You are searching. You feel the discomfort of not living the purpose of your presence here on this earth in this dimension because you have never lived your own life, the one which defines you and is in harmony with your heart.

The news is that all is good. The fluidity is working in you. It is breaking down the walls, the energetic frequencies that prevent you from living your life. Invite the Resurrection Flame and the Love Flame into your life, into your daily activities to facilitate the integration of this fluidity which will free you despite yourself.

You belong to life. The more you feel that connection with it, the more your mission, your purpose can be heard in your heart. Open yourself to life, trust it and let it guide you. Do not waste time to fret in fear and anxiety. Develop your trust and feel that you now belong to the life One. This life One that takes great care of you.

I envelop you with all the love of the fluidity.

I am Adama, who is one with life.

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March – 2016

March Message from Adama

Channeled by Denise Laberge
Telos Worldwide Foundation
Montreal, Canada

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I am Adama

Today, I am accompanied by Aurelia and Ahnahmar.

My dear children, do you feel the call of Freedom?

I invite you to listen to the sweet song of Freedom that is now sweeping on the surface of the Earth. This song left the Earth when Lemuria disappeared. A period of withdrawal was necessary to allow the emergence of great values in consciousness.

Indeed, being on your own, you had to learn to turn your eyes and your attention toward your essence, your own feelings.

The lack of freedom and the manipulation made you travel through unsuspected avenues of non-love in density. These emotions, this suffering caused you to seek, to question yourself, to get yourself out of the numbness of unconsciousness.

This Freedom, my children, is an energy, a consciousness that has unfolded over the entire Earth and completely covers it now. I invite you to open your heart to this energy and let it transform you. Freedom allows you to perceive in a very different way the reality surrounding you. I give you an example: imagine a bird in a large cage; it moves in this confined area all its life and the cage delimits its living space and its travels. Its view of life is limited to what he could and would want to experiment from this cage. The bird sees an unattainable world, an unreachable dream through the bars.

The energy of Freedom surrounding Earth currently is in the process of dissolving the bars of the 3D cage which has, until today, limited all aspects of your life. Without you being aware of it, Freedom is altering your perceptions and your inner feelings. Some days, you get up in the morning and you feel that there is something different in the energy around you. There is something different in the way you feel about yourself and in the way you feel about everything that is around you. You feel different but you cannot put words on this sensation. There is something different yet nothing has changed around you. So, what has changed? It is you who has changed from within. Freedom is in the process of dissolving the limitations and the energy preventing you to feel from the inside. You are changing. You are transforming each day my beloved ones.

I invite you to consciously meditate with this energy of Freedom that is participating in the awakening of humanity. True Freedom is returning to Earth and it is a blessing that comes to soothe the heart of the children of the Source. Invite it; visualize it acting inside your heart, transforming you and opening doors to the true Life, the one that wants you happy and free. While feeling that energy within you, imagine yourself discovering new horizons; imagine yourself seeing and feeing life differently. Feel the emotion alive in you. It will open wide the doors of a new reality that has always been present, but that you could never perceive. Create this adventure for yourself. You will never regret it.

I am Adama, always at your service

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