Greetings from Telos-USA
No doubt our Lemurian friends living in the 5th dimensional majesty of Telos inside of Mount Shasta are aware of the global turmoil we surface dwellers are facing this summer and perhaps are contemplating, “They know not what they do.”
The contrast of their world of perfection, immortality, peace, harmony, and abundance could not be greater, compared to our world filled with disease, lack, fear, economic uncertainty and global rage boiling up from long standing racism, misogyny, injustice, prejudice, religious intolerance and hatred. Yet, in all the chaos there is cause for hope.
If it’s true that it’s always darkest just before dawn, then the death of George Floyd may well have been the spark to ignite the irreversible beginning of the long- awaited dawn and the eventual end of man’s inhumanity to man. People of all ages, colors, nationalities, sexual variations, and religions, have taken to the streets demanding change from governments, municipalities, and police, armed with determination to hold responsible all those misusing power and suppressing the Truth that we all have a right to know.
The birthing of every Golden Age has been known to be painful and challenging for the first fifteen or so years. The 7th Golden Age born on 12/12/2012 is no exception. What has been deeply hidden comes to the surface to be seen by the world as evidenced by continually breaking news of sexual scandals, corrupt leaders, and corporate greed. For those of us living in democracies, our right to vote is now such a powerful tool in bringing about the changes we want to see in our countries and our world. Our Lemurian friends remind us that change begins with changes in our personal and collective consciousness; how important it is for us to be mindful of our thoughts and feelings. That is the only way for us to rise above the race-mind beliefs that have created and sustained such discord, lack, and suffering for so long.
To understand how we personally and collectively have created the global nightmare of humanity generation after generation, it’s interesting to review some of the teachings of our Lemurian friends which are found in the three Telos books brought forth by Aurelia Louise Jones beginning in 2004.
In Volume 3, Protocols of the Fifth Dimension, they say, “Basically, although all of your problems and difficulties are all manifesting in various ways, they all stem from the same core issues. The Divinity in each of you, that is not yet fully awakened, represents a cell of pure Love from the Heart of the Creator…We did not emerge from the womb with this mastery and awareness present in our consciousness, and neither did you. Even the new generations of children who are arriving each day in your transitioning dimension are not fully in their mastery, although they are more awake than you were when you came.”
They remind us that the Fifth Dimension is not a place, but a blend of vibrations reflected in the energies of love, trust, compassion, faith, grace, and gratitude. From this we can see that in order to dwell in the mastery enjoyed by the Lemurians we are wise to practice distancing ourselves from everything that could lower our vibration. That could include human habits such as judgement, blame, condemnation, criticism, and gossip; or it might include distancing ourselves from doomsayers or from the constant barrage of breaking news. For many this is a time of sadness over the loss of loved ones. While grieving is natural and necessary, we are wise to hold the highest vibrations we can of love, compassion, forgiveness, and determination to get us through our sorrow.
Our media presents the facts as they see it, though there are a few reporters out there who interject some hope with stories of positive effects. Our TV and movie personalities have also encouraged us to stick together and stay optimistic. Those of you who are in show business could create programs that encourage the growth of spiritual consciousness in your fellow man.
If there ever was a time to awaken, to turn within and reconnect with that Divinity they speak of, this is the time. This is the Source of our Sovereignty and Power – to face any storm that may be coming, and equally important, to make a difference in the world.
In their discussion of Grace, they share that “the Grace of your present time is that you may fully awaken to your mastery, and retain this consciousness for the remainder of your soul’s evolution, whether you choose to ascend and remain in this incarnation or choose to continue to experience cycles of incarnations here or elsewhere.
Article written by William Johnson, Telos-USA Board Member
with insertion by Jennifer Lutz, Telos-USA Board Member |