(It’s still snowing in Mount Shasta!)
Greetings friends,
Recently we have witnessed an increase of democracies around the world being threatened, both from within their own governments and from foreign enemies such as Russia which has devastated Ukraine. Israel is in midst of turmoil with protests against some leaders’ intent on compromising their constitution while we in the United States are faced with a dysfunctional Congress and corruption in our Supreme Court. These challenges are well known thanks to competing media outlets.
There is an existential threat most people are NOT aware of and that is the subject of this newsletter asking for your help and participation. Globally we have wonderfully helpful and positive things that make our lives so much easier than for our ancestors. Aircraft, ships, power plants, hydroelectric dams, trains, reservoirs to name just a few. As wonderful as these things are, in the hands of the wrong people they can be lethal as in aircraft flown into the Twin Towers in NYC. With increasing frequency, we are seeing how the sinister force works through those who gain power and influence in order to instill fear and doubt into our feeling bodies so the masses will not accept the reality of Angels and Ascended Beings in our midst.
Great Cosmic Beings, Ascended and Angelic Beings are aware of the individuals who have plans to use valuable assets against the people in order to destroy democracies, millions of people and so much infrastructure, all to support the dream of autocrats of the world seeking complete domination and control.
Our friends upstairs said in the 1930s, after Master Saint Germain had connected with his messenger, Guy Ballard, on the slopes of Mount Shasta, that there would be intervention “if necessary.” Well, that time is here and now, but by Cosmic Law it requires our participation. Saint Germain’s I AM students were taught the Power of Decree and that is what we are called to do now as there can be no intervention without the request from a certain portion of humanity.
The Masters and Ascended Beings have developed a master plan involving various phases to remove these destructive beings. We learned of this through Mother Akasha’s Radiant Rose Academy. Other spiritual groups and organizations that are aware of the use of the Sacred Fire are being informed so that we can all make the same decree for their intervention.
The first level of intervention is to free the emotional bodies of the mass of people from doubt and fear. This involves the use of the Cosmic Blue Ray and the Diamond Shining Love of the Violet Flame.
The call is as follows:
Beloved Mighty “Mighty IAM”, Great Cosmic Beings, Great Ascended Host:
I call upon you to Blaze the Cosmic Blue Ray and the Diamond Shining Love of the Violet Consuming Flame into the emotional bodies of the mass of the people of earth and consume all discord, doubt and fear that may be in their emotional bodies. I Thank You.
Amplification Decree
Great Ascended and Angelic Host and Beloved Silent Watchers! “I Am the Resurrection and the Life of these calls, and all constructive prayers, decrees, songs, visualizations and intentions of all Divine Dispensations and good-hearted people on the Earth, NOW Amplified 999 times 999 TRILLION by the Master Power Heart Flames and Sacred Fire of the Ascended and Angelic Host, Eternally Sustained.”
Second level of Intervention:
My Beloved Mighty ‘I AM’ Presence, Great Cosmic Beings, Great Ascended Host:
I call upon you to blaze Miracle Manifestations of the Sacred Fire Control and Authority over and around every constructive activity, that removes destructive individuals who are trying to use them against the people.
I Thank You.
Amplification Decree
Great Ascended and Angel Host and Beloved Silent Watchers! “I AM the Resurrection and the Life of these calls, and all constructive prayers, decrees, songs, visualizations and intentions of all Divine Dispensations and good-hearted people on the Earth, NOW Amplified 999 times 999 TRILLION by the Master Power Heart Flames and Sacred Fire of the Ascended and Angelic Host, Eternally Sustained!”
The goal is for our decrees to create the momentum they need by June 28th to remove all fear and doubt from our emotional bodies by the end of August as which time the second level of Intervention will be underway to remove from the Earth the sinister ones intent on planned destruction.
No doubt our Lemurian friends in Telos will be supporting our efforts. Thank you for making this call with us. Those of us familiar with the Telos books and the Seven Sacred Flames and the booklet Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames will notice the brevity of decree they want us to use. They deliberately wanted it to be clear, concise, and focused.
Written by William Johnson
Telos USA Board Member
May the Joy of Spring and the amazing energy shifts uplift us all,
The Telos-USA Team
Remember the Telos Weekly Conference Call with Marie Phillips and Sue Parry every Saturday.
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