As Autumn descends upon Mount Shasta, a kaleidoscope of fall color is unfolding against the backdrop of the pine forests covering her lower slopes. Local residents are grateful to have made it through the summer fire season unscathed while it took its toll in other areas of California. This Fall finds the local population of Black Bears scurrying around for food before the snow flies.
As the residents of Telos continue to safely monitor the world outside their domain, inside the mountain, they continue to engage off-planet visitors in a cooperative effort to support our planet through its painful transition into the 5th Dimension. Meanwhile, we surface dwellers are slowly coming to terms with our role in creating the environmental crises that now threaten our own existence, as well as continuing to harm Mother Earth. Our Lemurian friends and galactic visitors, with such advanced technology, have said that they cannot share their knowledge until we can be trusted not to use such technology destructively as we are doing with nuclear power, fracking, oil and gas drilling, exploitation of our natural resources, not to mention our habitual wars.
Those of us familiar with the highly advanced civilization existing inside the mountain, and elsewhere, in the Inner Earth can take heart; that despite the appearances, the 7th Golden Age that began 7 years ago continues to expose global corruption in governments, corporations, and even religions that will slowly yield to the betterment of all of humanity, and the healing of the planet in accordance with the spiritual laws of creation articulated in the Telos material.
During these challenging times, it is for us to join our Telosian and off-planet friends in holding the vision of a new world of peace, harmony, and prosperity of all of mankind, and the healing of Mother Earth. With us or without us, the planet is evolving into the 5th Dimension. This is one of the reasons Telos-USA is offering an Initiatic Journey to be held in the Summer of 2020 in Mount Shasta. It is a way of bringing together like-minded people to explore and renew our Lemurian heritage, which can foster the changes we want to see in the world as well as our own spiritual growth.
Written by William Johnson
Telos-USA Board Member
~ Do not suffer over what is gone,
but celebrate instead what is re-emerging. ~
(Telos Book Series Card Deck)
Stay tuned for more information about 2020 InitiaticJourney Retreat in August.
Telos Weekly Conference Call: Facilitators: Marie Phillips and Sue Parry. New topics weekly.
The Teleconference Number is: 1-712-775-8972; Code: 445613
Go to Telos-USA for further information. We support this helpful call to so many.
The Global Ascension Ceremony ~ the 3rd Thursday of each month. Go to Telos-USA for more information. You may also contact Marie Philips at for instructions and more information. A lovely experience!
Study Groups and Ascension Ceremonies.
Check out our website for groups and ceremonies that may be in your area. If you are interested in forming a group or creating a ceremony please contact us and we will be happy to help you.
To purchase The Telos Books, The Seven Sacred Flames and companion booklets by Aurelia Louise Jones go to
Wishing you a colorful Fall!
The Telos USA Team