Dreams and Thoughts Create your Future
Channelled by Dianne Robbins
Greetings! I am Adama from Telos, your lost city beneath the Earth, which many on the surface still have no inkling of.
We wish to spread the magnificence of our existence to all on the surface, so that all humanity will re-think their ideas and beliefs about existence on this planet. We feel that it’s time for all to hear about us, and for all to connect with us in their thoughts.
For our purpose of re-emerging at this time is to awaken all to the Glory of God, and to the glorified plan that our Creator has in store for us.
We are all brothers and sisters, wherever we live – whether in the oceans, on the land, or in the Inner Earth and Subterranean Cities. We all come from the same source, breathe the same air and dream the same dreams.
You can literally change your reality by the dreams you envision and the thoughts you think – for it is the dreams and thoughts that create your future. So dream on, our brothers and sisters, and in your dreams see only an Earth glorified in love and light, peopled by Light Beings of great beauty and purity of heart. It all starts with your thoughts and ends with your manifestations.
Yes, you do manifest the conditions of your lives. You manifest your reality daily, by the thoughts you go to sleep with the night before. So as you lie in bed dreaming of days to come, surround each thought with light so that only the magnificence of each idea blooms into the purity of light. Enrich your dreams, and make them as grand as you can, for in the Infinite Universe all is possible – and the more grand the idea, the more possible it can be. For God only wishes the grandest and most majestic of worlds. Anything less is not of God, but of man.
So dream your dream, and see yourself as the majestic Beings you are, fully in control of your thoughts and fully aware of the purity of your intentions before you send them out to our Universe. That way, all will be returned to you in the glory and bliss of your dreams being manifested into your reality.
This is how we, in the Subterranean Cities, created our home of Bliss. We are very aware and tuned into our thoughts, and hold them in check to be released only when they are pure light and love. This way, only love and light returns to us, in the form we created.
This is a Universal Law – one so basic that we wonder how it has eluded you for so long. It is now time to return to God, and to re-acquaint yourselves with the Eternal Laws of the Universe. For you know these laws. These laws are a part of all life. And as you move up the scale of consciousness you will become more and more aware of the existence of Universal Law and you will wonder how it was that you could have ever forgotten.
This is Adama, your brother, bringing you back to the LAW of ONE.
Adonai, my brothers and sisters of Light.
Copyright 2011