Ray Dawn currently resides in Mount Shasta, CA. After extensive studies in psychology, self-awareness and world religions, intending to degree in Religious Studies at Western Kentucky University she started a journey of self discovery with many bends and forks along the path, leading to a Bachelor of Fine Art’s degree, in Seattle, in 2003. In Sedona in 2009, Ray Dawn became a Master Practitioner in Integrative Energy Therapy. She states: “My process now has evolved from all of my experiences and inner initiations. In working with the Master’s, Angelic beings, Spirit guides, ET friends and family and relatives that have passed over, I have realized that we all have an amazing support system to help us unfold all possibilities for wholeness. Part of the challenge during this time of transformation is to ride the wave of the multidimensional acceleration, while learning to manage and direct our own awakening consciousness with clear intent- while remaining grounded and empowered here in form.”
Denise Laberge states:
As many of us, all my life I was searching for answers to my questions. I followed the teachings of Omraam Mickael Aivanhov (Bulgarian master installed in France) for twenty years. More than 15 years ago, I started to receive messages from the Masters of the Light. At the beginning I was doing this only for myself, taking my messages during my meditations.
In 2005, Aurelia Louise Jones came to Montreal to give a conference, she wrote the Telos books and the seven sacred flames. In Sept of that year, I went to Mount Shasta and participated to an initiatic journey. I had these marvellous visions about what was going on during the night at Telos so I started to share my visions with the 13 people of the group. In December 31, 2005 Sananda asked me to organize channellings with the group of 13 on each full moon. I could not refuse such a request! Since then I channels the Masters for the Telos worldwide foundation of Montreal. In Sept 2010, I quit my job and dedicated my life to Telos.
email: dl@deniselaberge.com
Montreal, Canada (Laval)
Dianne Robbins is a telepathic receiver and transmitter for the Inner-Earth terrestrials, Cetaceans, Crystal Kingdom, Tree People and Nature Kingdoms. She channels Adama in the Subterranean City of Telos, Mikos in the Hollow Earth, the Ascended Masters, the Ashtar Command of the Confederation of Planets, Nature Spirits and Trees. Dianne has dedicated her life to receiving and publishing her telepathic transmissions with the desire to raise humanity’s awareness and consciousness to the existence of those that inhabit the Oceans, Subterranean Realms, Hollow Earth and Surface Nature Kingdoms. Her books include: A Call Goes Out from the Cetacean Nation, Messages from the Hollow Earth, Telos, and Tree Talk. Dianne lives in Mount Shasta, CA.

Valerie Donner is a spiritual counselor, intuitive, energy healer, teacher and channel. She has been meditating twice daily for nearly 40 years. She works with the Masters, the Archangels, Pleiadians and Lemurians. She lived in Mount Shasta, where her father was born, for three years. This is when she met Aurelia Louise Jones and where they became friends. Louise and Valerie sat together in Sand Flat on the mountain and channeled for each other. When Louise brought in Adama Valerie’s heart remembered Lemuria and was brought to tears. From that time she has opened more and more to the Lemuiran connection. She also began channeling Rosealea, an elder from Telos, when she was living in Mt. Shasta. The Lemurians are beautiful beings and Valerie feels blessed to work with them and those who are awakened to Lemuria from all around the world.She may be reached at: 925-287-8976E-mail: valeriedonner@sbcglobal.net
Mail:P.O. Box 5705, Walnut Creek, CA 94596