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May 2013

Important Message from Patricia Cota-Robles


by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

May 1, 2013

May is a very powerful time of year for all of us evolving on this Planet, and we are being given some amazing opportunities during May of 2013 to add to the Light of the World. Our I AM Presence, the God Self within each of us, is intervening in our lives in new and profound ways. This is due to the incredible shifts in energy, vibration, and consciousness that have been taking place within every person’s Earthly Bodies since the beginning of this year.

Since the Birth of the New Earth, which took place in the Realms of Cause on December 22, 2012, our I AM Presence has been raising the frequency of our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies exponentially. This is greatly accelerating our physical transformation from carbon-based planetary Beings into Crystalline-based Solar Light Beings. Now our I AM Presence is more accessible to our outer consciousness than ever before. This is allowing us to more tangibly work with the new 5th-Dimentional energies that are bathing the Earth.

I would like to share some information that is being given to Humanity by the Company of Heaven regarding the opportunities that are being presented to us at this time. The Divine Intent of this information is to help all of us take full advantage of the powerful energies that will bathe the Earth during the Mystical Month of May in 2013.

May has always been considered a mystical month because of very powerful activities of Light that take place during this time. These events are orchestrated by Saint Germain and Mother Mary. I will begin with Saint Germain’s activity of Light.

Saint Germain’s Ascension Day

The 1st of May is known as Saint Germain’s Ascension Day. This year, Saint Germain and his Legions of the Violet Flame will bless the Earth with an unprecedented influx of the New 5-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame. This is a frequency of the Violet Flame that reflects our Father-Mother God’s Infinite Perfection. This year we will experience this Sacred Fire in frequencies beyond anything we have ever been able to receive.

The Ascended Master Saint Germain has been instrumental in bringing the knowledge of the Violet Flame to the conscious minds of Humanity. In the Heavenly Realms, he is known as the Son of Freedom, and he has volunteered to sustain the Violet Flame on Earth for the benefit of all Life evolving here. In his exalted service in the Heart of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God—The Cosmic I AM­­—All That Is—Saint Germain is the Keeper of the Violet Flame. In this octave of Divine Service, he sustains this Gift from our Father-Mother God for all of the Sons and Daughters of God throughout the Universe.

During this critical time on Planet Earth, Saint Germain is working with the support of the entire Company of Heaven. Every Adept, Avatar, Buddha, Saint, and Christed Being that has ever walked the Earth is helping Saint Germain in his endeavor to assist Humanity and all Life evolving here to integrate the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth.

Due to the incredible changes that have successfully taken place within Humanity’s Earthly Bodies this year, we are now capable of assimilating higher frequencies of the Violet Flame than ever before. Beginning May 1st, Saint Germain, in unison with the Legions of Light throughout Infinity who are associated with the Violet Flame, will magnetize from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God the most intensified 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame that Humanity and Mother Earth are capable of withstanding.

The Beings of Light associated with this Sacred Fire will breathe this unfathomable Violet Flame into the Divine Matrix of our Father Mother God. The Divine Intelligence within this Sacred Fire has been waiting for the opportunity to assist Humanity in transmuting our human miscreations back into Light since the initial impulse of our fall from Grace aeons ago.

Saint Germain and the Legions of Light associated with the Violet Flame have volunteered to sustain these intensified 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame for the rest of the year. Their goal is to help Humanity to transmute the maximum negativity from our human miscreations, in as short a time as possible. This accelerated purification will greatly assist in paving the way for the pattern of perfection for the New Earth to be magnetized into our daily lives.

In order for this wondrous facet of the Divine Plan to be God Victoriously accomplished, however, Saint Germain and the Legions of the Violet Flame must have our help. In alignment with Universal Law, the call for assistance must come from the realm where the assistance is needed. In order for these powerful frequencies of the Violet Flame to manifest in the physical plane of Earth, they must be drawn through the Heart Flames of people abiding in the physical plane. Even though Saint Germain and his Legions of the Violet Flame are committed to being the Open Door for these incredibly powerful frequencies of the Violet Flame, unless this Sacred Fire is drawn into the physical plane through the Heart Flames of embodied Lightworkers, we will not have access to its transmuting power on Earth.

This means, once again, that we are being called to a higher service. We are being asked by our Father-Mother God, Saint Germain, and the entire Company of Heaven if we are willing to put forth the necessary effort to be the Open Door through which this magnificent Violet Flame will enter the physical plane of Earth. This is not a monumental task. It is simply a matter of invoking these new frequencies of the Violet Flame through our I AM Presence and decreeing them into action through our Heart Flames.

At the bottom of this e-mail I have included a powerful Invocation that was given to Humanity by the Company of Heaven to help us receive the maximum benefit that Cosmic Law will allow from this amazing 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame.

If this opportunity to transmute Humanity’s miscreations, which are causing all of the pain and suffering on Earth, resonates in your heart-of-hearts please join with Lightworkers around the world and invoke this Violet Flame as often as you can on behalf of Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this Planet.

Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart

Another very important and helpful thing that takes place during the Mystical Month of May is that Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart in the Realms of Light is open to all Humanity. During May every year, our I AM Presence has the opportunity to take us to this Temple in our finer bodies while we are sleeping at night.

This may be a new concept for you, but there is no such thing as our soul being unconscious. When we lay our body down to rejuvenate it through sleep, our I AM Presence escorts us into the Realms of Light in our finer body. Once we are there, we have the opportunity to learn new things and to benefit from the Gifts of Light that are being administered to Humanity by the Company of Heaven. If when you go to sleep at night you ask your I AM Presence to help you remember when you wake up the experiences you had in the Inner Realms of Light, you will gradually become aware on a conscious level of what you are learning during your nightly travels.

This year, Mother Mary, in unison with the Feminine Aspect of our Mother God and all of the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout Infinity, is providing Humanity with a powerful Gift that will help us to transcend the distorted and painful patterns of the old Earth. This Gift from On High will allow us to more effectively integrate and secure into the physical plane the patterns of Oneness and Reverence for Life associated with the 5th-Dimensional New Earth. Mother Mary said this Divine Intervention will help us to manifest our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love in tangible and profound ways.

During the entire Mystical Month of May in 2013, when we are escorted into Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart, she will invest us with the most powerful and healing frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love that we are capable of receiving. Mother Mary said that this unprecedented Gift of Transfiguring Divine Love will heal Humanity’s wounded hearts in ways that will enable each of us to release and forgive the pain and suffering we created either deliberately or inadvertently throughout our myriad lifetimes.

Mother Mary’s activity of Light, which will be working in harmony with Saint Germain’s Gift of the intensified frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame, will help us to transmute and transcend Humanity’s past transgressions of the Laws of Love and Oneness in miraculous ways.

A New Moon Solar Eclipse Will Bless the Earth on May 10, 2013

The added influx of Light we will experience from this powerful Celestial alignment will greatly enhance all of the activities of Light taking place during the month of May. This will be an important time for each of us to redouble our efforts and to add to the Light of the World with increased invocations of the Violet Flame.

The Good Will Festival of Humanity Will Be Celebrated May 25, 2013

During the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

The Third Full Moon Festival of Spring is celebrated during the Full Moon that occurs in the Sun Cycle of Gemini. This Festival is known as The Goodwill Festival of Humanity. During this Full Moon, the Divine Love of Christ and the Divine Wisdom of Buddha, which have been building in momentum since the two previous Full Moon Festivals, are intensified and greatly expanded through the Mental and Emotional Strata of Earth. This influx of Light enhances Humanity’s ability to unify our hearts and minds with the Divine Heart and Mind of our Father-Mother God. As this influx of Light adds to the Gifts of Saint Germain and Mother Mary the Light of God will increase on Earth exponentially.

5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame Invocation

The Violet Flame of A Thousand Suns

This invocation is stated in the 1st person, so that you will experience this activity of Light personally and tangibly. But KNOW that you are serving as a surrogate on behalf of every man, woman, and child on Earth. As you invoke this Gift of the Violet Flame for yourself, you are simultaneously invoking this Sacred Fire on behalf of ALL Humanity. Through each person’s I AM Presence, the Violet Flame will respond in perfect alignment with each person’s Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.

And We Begin…

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity.

I AM the Open Door for the New 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame which are more powerful than any human miscreation.

I AM inbreathing this Crystalline Solar Violet Flame into my Heart Flame, and I AM breathing this Sacred Fire out through my Heart Flame to bless all Life on Earth.

As I breathe the Violet Flame into the physical plane of Earth through my Heart Flame, Saint Germain and the Legions of Light associated with the Violet Flame expand and expand this Gift from my Father-Mother God until it is pulsating with the power and might of a thousand Suns.

I now decree that this exquisite Violet Flame instantaneously transmutes the human miscreations affecting every person, place, condition, or thing on Earth, whether these painful experiences were created consciously or unconsciously, in the past or present, through obvious choice or through karmic liability.

I decree that the Violet Flame transmutes every electron of precious Life energy that is in any way blocking or preventing the manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.

Now, through the Heart Flames of ALL Humanity, Saint Germain and the Legions of Light who are associated with the Violet Flame begin to blaze, and blaze, and blaze the Violet Flame with the intensity and power of a thousand Suns through Humanity’s human miscreations as I decree:

Beloved Legions of Light associated with the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame…

a) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the thoughts, words, actions and feelings of every man, woman, and child evolving on Earth until every person individually acknowledges and accepts the Oneness of ALL Life, and every expression is a Loving benediction.

b) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all of the incoming babies, the children, their parents and guardians until ALL youth are raised up in energy, vibration, and consciousness to carry out the directives of their I AM Presence.

c) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all youth centers and activities; all schools, colleges and universities; all leaders, teachers, instructors and professors in every line of endeavor until the Flame of God Illumination and Enlightenment is manifest and eternally sustained.

d) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all religious and spiritual teachings, until Divine Love, Truth, Tolerance, and Universal Sisterhood and Brotherhood is tangibly manifest, and a Renaissance of Divine Love is the Order of the New Day on Planet Earth.

e) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all doctors, nurses, healers, hospitals, insurance companies, pharmaceutical conglomerates, and every institution associated with healing of any kind until Divine Mercy, Genuine Caring, Compassion, and Healing are manifest realities for every person.

f) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all banking and financial institutions, all economic systems, all money, and all of the people associated with monetary interactions of any kind until every person on Earth is openly demonstrating true integrity, honesty, generosity, fairness, abundance, financial freedom, and the God supply of all good things.

g) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all places of incarceration and all employed there, through every correctional institution and every judge, jury and court of law until Divine Justice is manifest and eternally sustained.

h) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all space activities throughout the world until every nation unites in cooperative service, so that God’s Will may be manifest with our sisters and brothers throughout the Universe.

i) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies of Humanity until all disease and human miscreation, its cause and core, is dissolved and transmuted into purity, vibrant health, and physical perfection.

j) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the food and water industries and through all of the food and water used for human consumption until every particle of food and every molecule of water is filled with Light. Empower this Elemental substance to raise the vibratory action of Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies until physical perfection becomes a sustained manifest reality for every Human Being.

k) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns in, through, and around every remaining electron of precious Life energy associated with the Nature Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom, the Elemental Kingdom, and the Environment of Earth until ALL are purified and the perfection of the 5th-Dimensional New Earth is manifest.

I accept and know that this activity of the Violet Flame has been secured through every person’s Heart Flame by his or her I AM Presence. This Sacred Fire will increase daily and hourly with every breath I take until this Earth and ALL her Life are manifesting the perfection of the New Earth. And so it is.

5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame Poster

by Dominique Claire Germain
11” x 15 1/4”

In order to assist us in relating to, and experiencing, the awesome beauty and power of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame, Saint Germain has inspired a beautiful poster of this exquisite Gift from our Father-Mother God.

Saint Germain has given us a vision of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame pulsating with scintillating 5th-Dimensional frequencies. This vision was projected from the Realms of Illumined Truth and magnetized into the physical plane by a dear Lightworker named Dominique Claire Germain and a wonderful graphic artist she works with in France.

By focusing on this image when we invoke the Violet Flame and by having
the image in our homes and places of work, we will be reminded throughout
the day that we are the Open Door for this Gift from our Father-Mother God.

As the radiance of this Divine Image resonates through our environment, we will experience a shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness that will help us to quickly transmute our human miscreations. This will clear the way for the manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth and our Renaissance of Divine Love.

Dominique has copyrighted the poster so that it will not be altered or changed in any way. If you would like to have a copy of this magnificent Violet Flame poster to bless your home or office, it is available on our website.

(If this link does not work, please copy and paste it into your browser)

Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

FAX: 520-751-2981
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.

©2013 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.


Channeling from  Jennie Philapponnat of Telos Finland

Beloved Friends in Light,

This message recently received from Master St. Germain is given to you in a form of
deep meditation, going into the very core of your being while reading it. Feeling and
activating the vibrational level of the message, which brings you to a state of
absolute purity.

I wish you a most beautiful journey into Life,



May Message from the Ascended Master Saint Germain


Beloved friends of the Heart,
May I greet you in the wave of purity and love and welcome you into my embrace,
my embrace of pure love of the highest quality that the human can receive.

May I ask you to surrender into this very specific, beautiful touch of gentleness and
feel…. and feel deeper…. the touch we call ”The touch of purity in light”.

Feel this energy touching each and every of your cells, touching your soul and all
that you ever was and you ever will be. This is the state of being that is the
awareness beyond the unknown.

This is the state of consciousness where you are completely free, completely
awakened, completely see-through.

So I ask you beloved friends of Heart, in this state of consciousness: What do you
feel, what do you see?

Go deeper.

To touch your inner man and your inner woman…. and feel the sense of being
complete, complete within. This state my friends is called ”living as one” and it is of
the most gentle kind.

Feel the whispering in your cells, a whispering calling you back into this permanent
state of oneness where you are complete and completely free.

Now release your love, and let it become a state of Grace where your gratitude for
Life manifests within you, outside you and everywhere.

In this state of being, a person lives when she has let go of all resistance. She walks
into God, at every step, and she is complete. There is nothing to search for, there is
nothing to be, it is all here, within you, at this moment of time.

Now my friends, take a look at your cells, look at how they are shining as brilliant
suns in a beautiful universe. And at your every breath, become conscious, of who
you are.

I am in you, shining your Mastery, showing you the state of Grace that you are
about to step into, and you surrender at this very last step.
Be grateful for this gift, for it is unique.
And come back to the space within, where your conscious awareness of being Alive

I am St. Germain embracing you in the touch of purity, that is called Life.


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March 2013

Adama Channeling through Denise Laberge

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January 2013

Adama Channeling from Valerie Donner January 15, 2013


Greetings, I am Adama. I greet you from the heart of Telos and the heart of Lemuria.

Many of us are here today to express our gratitude to you for the work that you have done to help make the ascension possible. Without you this could not have been accomplished.

You are a treasure to us and to the Earth. You have made many bold steps in this incarnation. You have learned a lot and have grown spiritually in a magnificent way. Your rewards will be many.

Think of yourselves as a blossoming rose. Each petal of the rose represents a metal of courage as you lived your lives on the Earth. The rose represents love and you have plenty of that. Do you know that we have lovely gardens here in Telos? We plant flowers to celebrate our successes as well as yours. These plants are tended with loving care. They capture the Light and love of creation and are a constant reminder of the beauty of our lives in Telos. We hold that Light and love for you on the surface the Earth.

Because we are fifth dimensional beings and greater, we can truly say that with the 12/12/12 energies and the 12/21/12 energies we have made a leap in our consciousness too. Can you feel the expanded Light that is coming from us to you? We can give you more as you transcend the third dimension.  We see your luminescence as you can perhaps feel and see ours. What is most important is that you begin to notice this within yourselves. Recognize each other as the Light Beings that you are and keep expanding in the Light.

The higher your vibrations become the closer we are to being able to be with you. We have long waited this time of reunion. For the majority of humanity the fear level is still too high for us to make a wide announcement of our presence. For those reading these words we know it is otherwise. We continue to wait for the wider opening in consciousness for us to be in your presence.

Our work with the Masters like Christ, St.Germain and Maitreya continues constantly. We are monitoring your progress and planning for future predicaments that may arise. We are your back up team and we are at your service.

There is a Master Plan that we know is divine. It encompasses all aspects of life on the Earth. Regardless of what happens if you have faith and trust in the plan you will always succeed.

You can expect more earth changes in this year of 2013. The Earth is unstable. Everything is being done to keep her propped up. The coastal areas are wide open for shifts. The Earth changes are in everyone’s back yards. The Earth continues to need her cleansing. She wants to protect her children and much is being done with the nature spirits, elementals, space family and others to do what can be done. This is about consciousness raising not the destruction of the Earth.

You can continue to expect volatility around the planet. Pay attention to your hearts. Watch the animals’ behaviors. Pray for divine balance for as above so below. This will affect everyone in every dimension including us in the Earth.

There will be some earthquakes of great magnitude, fires, drought, volcanoes and large water events. It always helps to be prepared in every way possible. Bless those in the affected areas for they will need your love and support.

The Earth is a magnimous soul. Her love is beyond description. Her patience with humans is amazing.

In this year you will discover more of your gifts and will be called to use them. Everyone is being pressed to be their authentic self. You will find the principle of resonance actively working so that those of like vibration will be drawn together in love and service. Community will take precedence. Because you are in the now moment and time is no longer a linear construct, your manifesting abilities will surprise you so watch your thoughts. Keep them positive and whole.

The love and Light present on the Earth is a gift from our Creator and is a result of the work that has been done by the Lightworkers. You are beginning to feel and live in the higher dimensions. It will be a gradual shift into the Christ conscious that we have been holding for these many years.

Please call upon your Lemurian family for love, inspiration, and healing. Let us send you the Lemurian reminders of how far you have progressed and the healing heart energies. They will carry you a long way.

The path of ascension is not always a smoothe one. There are leaps and bumps. Sometimes it is challenging to release attachments of what life has been like in the third dimension in favor of the unknown. Please be assured that our Creator knows your needs, loves you unceasingly, and will make your lives better than you could ever have imagined.

We have the utmost faith in you for your ability to transform your lives and the Earth. Your progress is exponential. We stand in unity for the upliftment of all.

We send our most gracious love to you. I am Adama.

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December 2012

Lady Nada, Adama and Saint Germain, This Doorway to Love is Ready!

December 2012 ~Channeled by Ray Dawn, Mt. Shasta


Hello to you Dear Ones, it is Lady Nada here to explore with you your feelings of home and of Love. Love eternal and love everlasting..

We are here to be with you in this state of love, of it filling your hearts and allowing each of you to return home to this state within you. The Ascended Masters and I are one and you are one with us.

Each of your hearts holds this resonance with love! Do not forget this. Each of you feels separated from this love eternal in your own way. As a child who has been hurt and needs consolation.. Allow this consolation now.. Let it melt the resistance to love, let go of the pain and fear of lack and limitation..

Each of you can open that door now and allow in this great light.. This light is the light beyond all matter.. As this time is approaching on your planet.. We are all coming home again.. To no time, to all time, to Oneness.. In this oneness there is no lack, no fear, just trust and this great love.. The journey that led you to be upon this earth at this time is to feel all of this happening within you and through you, to awaken to who you really are while in form, to come home again to love now and within all your bodies as one– as one heartbeat– and to reside within the sphere of the earth as well to come into oneness with the earth,  with your solar system, and within the universal sphere as well!

This great symphony that is occurring is occurring now, right now within each of you.. As all time is truly in oneness we ask each of you to let go into the knowledge within you, within your heart, to guide you home to safety and love within your deepest self, and in your deepest places to find the truth.. To find love.. We are home with you in those moments of your choosing..

Hello as well it is I Adama! Yes to be in this resonance of home is what we are be-ing with each of you.. Now is the time to remember, now is the time to open to each heartbeat beating as one heart upon this earth.. Allow all else to fall away as each of you remember eternity.. For in eternity you are love and in this love you decided to come here and be it…-so, BE-it!

Yes, now is the time to move forward and to BE-LOVE.. This 12-12-12 and into the Dec 21st-2012 and beyond, this time is a marker to your emergence as a new species… a species of love that has returned to who we are– all in this together– One family in love we are… This love is all encompassing, it is forgiving, it is sacred, and it knows all!!

You know all, each of you, each of you are a part of this hologram of awareness, encoded with all knowledge, allow this remembrance within you now.. Welcome home upon this earth to be here in the fullness that you are.. This 12-12-12 is also an awakening within this planetary system and within this planetary sphere of her own knowledge, her encodements are coming online and meeting up with the galactic systems again.. Allowing her to remember as well who she is, for there has been sleepiness upon this sphere for so long.. All with purpose dear ones, for as the plants are growing in darkness the shoots emerge into the sun and once again rising to the surface to open forth and awaken from the slumber, to rise up from the darkness and into the eternal light.. Be not afraid of this occurrence, but breathe easy that you are here with purpose in these times, called forth and remembering your ancient gifts to be here fully and to fall into Love-again and again upon this earth.. Open your hearts!

Now is the time to do so, now is the time to open forth, all is at the ready, be not afraid and rise into the light, we are here with each of you to help support your emergence into love and so it is…

Yes and it is I, Saint Germain to be here as well! I had to show up to be here as well, for all time has led us to this time upon the earth! All the times we have all been a part of this process and yet it comes down to the simplest things.. Be here Now; Open your Heart and fall into Love! Truly to let go into it is the task at hand and we need each of you to do so for you are the organism that is creating this change, as each of you comes online into love, you awaken your hearts to emerge into eternity.. As you do so you let go of all fear and awaken to the truth, all love is here for you right now!

As you feel and see this and know it and begin to truly trust, you will create the greatest change to this system and forevermore- love upon this earth.. Awaken your heart now and know that this time is all time… We are one in this occurrence, this doorway to love is ready—you are ready. Trust your heart, let go into it, clear and release the fear and be at peace.. Join us all in this love.. Be easy..

We greet each of you with love for you are It! Always and eternally the flame burns bright and strong within each of you, rise up! Say Yes to love!! And so it is..

We thank you from All of us as One!

Love, and so it is…

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November 2012

Fall into Love ~

Channeled by Ray Dawn, Mt. Shasta

Adama Nov 2012


Hello to All of you.  It is I, Adama, here to speak to you, to speak to you of
the ways of the heart.

Each of you is here upon the Earth, and each of you is here with purpose.
This purpose is coming more into your frame of reference as a one-pointed
way of being. To be one pointed, we mean for you to carry a point of
oneness. Each of you has your own one-pointedness and through that is an
awareness of your own course and purpose of the life you are living.

To bring forth the purpose of this life you are choosing, we would ask each
of you to come with us on a journey of the heart. A journey into your own
heart space and to relax into the knowledge that you are safe and at home in
this resonance, as it is of love.

You are this love. This love is you at your core and all upon the Earth at this
time can choose this love as their point of view or point of reference as well!

We here in Lemuria are in this state of love in more moments of our choice.
We choose love and this love is a frequency, a vibration. Yes, you can
choose this as well upon the Earth, in your everyday life!

We are here to help each of you come into your own natural resonance with
Love. Love is all creation; it is the substance and strata of all life, the glue
that binds all together!

It is not always seen upon your world so easily…

We ask each of you to allow your point of reference, your one-pointedness,
to be in love. Let go into it. Allow all else to fall away as the leaves are
falling off your trees at this time, surrendering to the process of life…

Be easy with yourself as you feel you may not have all the answers to what
lies ahead, but allow the flow of life, your flow, your reference point, to be
immersed in love. It is your choice and right to do so!

We greet each of you with a warm welcome to this place and space that
is within you.. Within your very own beingness there is magic, there
are miracles; there is joy and upliftment. Allow yourself to open to all
possibilities of love in any moment!

Yes, sometimes the moment can feel overwhelming, “where is my choice
when I am bombarded by all that is not love?” Yet, you can choose in that
moment to orient your point of view to a beneficial awareness, to a moment
of choice. Create the awareness, in that moment, of a thought of love.

Relax into it, become grateful for the breath you have, let go into silence of
that moment and release the need to know the outcome. Come home unto
yourself and relax; breathe and let go…

When you do this, we are right here with you, breathing with you, holding
space with you, choosing love with you, for we are all…

In love we are your fellow brethren. We greet you in the heart space and
know that each of you is here in purpose, with great awareness… Each of
you is here to choose love, growth and awareness now, for all is truly love.
There is no difference, all is in the knowledge of life, life is eternal, it is
everlasting, and yet it is changing like the seasons, like the tide…

Be at ease with this process, like the seasons, and choose your frame of
reference wisely… Choose life, choose love and choose your purpose in that!

We greet you and we thank you, here in our heart space. Will you join us

In Love,

Adama and your Lemurian family

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